
2 May 2014

Engaging in Engineering awards 2014

As one of the initiatives to celebrate its 20th Anniversary in its current form, the Engineering Professors’ Council offered its members the opportunity to bid for funding for public engagement projects which: help share...

30 Apr 2014

House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee’s inquiry into Business-University collaboration

The House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee has announced a new inquiry into Business-University collaboration.

28 Apr 2014

Laura Pickard in The Engineer, 28 April 2014

EPC 20th Anniversary Award Winner Laura Pickard's winning essay was featured in The Engineer, 28 April, 2014. You can read the article here.

11 Apr 2014

House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee’s inquiry into international STEM students

The Engineering Professors’ Council welcomes the conclusions of the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into international STEM students. The Council presented strong evidence, both oral and written,...

10 Apr 2014

Highly commended

We were delighted by the response we received to the competition which was exceedingly challenging - in terms of volume - but enjoyable to judge.  In addition to our three...

2 Apr 2014

Should we be paying more attention to conversion rather than recruitment?

Interesting report published today by the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB): Career Portfolios and the Labour Market for Graduates and Postgraduates in the UK’.  It's the first in...

1 Apr 2014

House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee's inquiry into Business-University collaboration

The House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee has announced a new inquiry into Business-University collaboration. On 28 January 2014, the Committee held a one-off evidence session on Fraunhofer...

28 Feb 2014

House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology : Inquiry into impact of immigration policy on STEM students

The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, under the Chairmanship of Lord Krebs, is conducted a short inquiry into the effect on international science, technology, engineering and mathematics...

28 Feb 2014

Susan Kay in Nature, Feb 2014

Susan Kay, Executive Director, was interviewed for an article in Nature (Feb 2014) on the impact of changes to immigration policy on UK science and engineering.

22 Feb 2014

Engineering Professors' Council position statement on Maths and Further Maths A level reform

The Engineering Professors' Council-chaired Mathematics Working Group has just published its position statement on Maths and Further Maths A level reform. Do let us have your views... Mathematics and further...

10 Feb 2014

Review of UK-SPEC completed

The new edition of UK-SPEC is now available the Engineering Council’s website and can be accessed via: In keeping with the strong support for the previous edition, unnecessary changes...

30 Jan 2014

Do YOU think your university values engineering...?

Nearly two thirds of staff said they did in the survey carried out by the Times Higher Education and published on 30 January, 2014.  In fact, engineering and technology did...

11 Dec 2013

The Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow

The Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow are generously supporting our student competition: the Engineering Professors' Council and The Hammermen of Glasgow Student Awards. The Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow originally...

11 Dec 2013

Top tips for understanding engineering research...

Did anyone see the article “Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims” in Nature in November (by William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter and Mark Burgman)? It claimed  that “this list will...

11 Dec 2013

The role of teaching excellence and industry and societal impact work on academic selection and promotion

Do you have an opinion on this? Here's your chance to have your say. The Royal Academy of Engineering, supported by the EPC, is conducting a study which is looking...

6 Dec 2013

SET for Britain

The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, of which EPC is a member, has launched its call for submissions to "SET for BRITAIN" which will be held in the House of Commons...

6 Dec 2013

UK engineering giants collaborate to support economic growth

Leading technology businesses, engineering bodies, and the government are to collaborate on a campaign to support growth in UK engineering businesses and promote engineering careers. Engineering for Growth is a partner...

6 Dec 2013

Subject Benchmark Review 2013-15

The subject benchmark statement for engineering was last revised in November 2010, replacing the previous version published in June 2006.  In order to ensure the continuing currency of subject benchmark...

6 Dec 2013

Fellowships for Growth: Building UK Leadership in Engineering

Professor John Perkins’ review of engineering skills has now been published. He endorsed the widely accepted view that engineers add flexibility and resilience to our economy, enable people to take advantage of...

11 Nov 2013

Doubling capacity in UK HE engineering departments

Thanks to the very many of you who took time out to respond to the question posed to us by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) through our...

7 Nov 2013

Susan Kay in Times Higher Education

Susan Kay, Executive Director, was quoted in Jack Grove's article in The Times Higher Education, on the latest (2013/14) enrolment figures to UK engineering departments. Engineering recruitment back on track...

1 Nov 2013

Engineering Council: Accreditation of HE Programmes (AHEP) review - opportunity to contribute

During 2013, the Engineering Council is undertaking the periodic five year review of several key documents including The Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP). We consulted initially on this AHEP review...

16 Oct 2013

Witty Review published

The final report of The Witty Review of universities and economic growth has been published this week, following preliminary findings earlier in the year.  The independent review, headed by Sir...

11 Oct 2013

EPC welcomes capital funding for science and engineering

We welcome the announcement by David Willetts on 30 September that ÂŁ400 million will be invested in higher education science and engineering teaching facilities, including ÂŁ200 million by HEFCE in...

25 Sep 2013

Should "engineer" be a protected title?

...this seems to be a question that's come up a lot recently. During 2011 the Board of the Engineering Council established a working group to consider issues relating to the status...

25 Sep 2013

20th Anniversary Awards 2014

In 2014, the Engineering Professors' Council (EPC) will be celebrating 20 years since the joining together of the Engineering Professors’ Conference and the Committee for Engineering in Polytechnics in 1994....

6 Sep 2013

The AQA A level science HE Expert Panel

Just a quick update on the work of one of our new Committee members, Mike Bramhall, on behalf of the Engineering Professors' Council.... The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) has...

30 Aug 2013

Government review of the balance of competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union: call for evidence – research and development

The Foreign Secretary launched the Balance of Competences Review in Parliament on 12 July 2012. This follows the Coalition’s commitment to examine the balance of competences between the UK and...

18 Jul 2013

Feedback to members of our input to CaSE meeting with Science Minister

The Campaign for Science and Engineering, of which EPC is a subscribing member, met recently with David Willetts, having collated input from its members.  Here is their summary of the...

2 Jul 2013

BIS announces "investment in postgraduate study"

ÂŁ75 million investment in removing barriers to postgraduate study Students from disadvantaged backgrounds will be supported in postgraduate study with up to ÂŁ125 million of extra funding, Universities and Science...

2 Jul 2013

Universities UK International Conference: report from EPC Chair of EES working group

Our "roving reporter" Professor Clive Neal-Sturgess reports from the International Conference held at UUK last week. Well, the headline was that Europe is "back on the agenda" with the UK  so heavily...

30 May 2013

Funded young researchers refused entry to UK, professional body warns

Jack Grove, Times Higher Education, reports on EPC's concerns about the impact of the visa regulations on research capacity "Funded young researchers refused entry to UK, professional body warns" (30...

20 May 2013

New Committee members 2013/14

We are delighted to welcome three new faces to the EPC Committee for 2013/14.   Professors Mike Bramhall and Colin Turner join us as elected members and Professor Peter Excell...

17 May 2013

Letter on student number controls for 2014-15

HEFCE has received a letter from the Minister for Universities and Science, requesting that it considers increasing the flexibility of recruitment in 2014-15 for institutions that show strong recruitment patterns....

23 Apr 2013

Gove launches technology focused Tech-bacc as vocational equivalent to A levels

Michael Gove has announced the technical baccalaureate qualification “providing an alternative to the A level study route for post-16 education”. It will be introduced for courses beginning in September 2014,...

20 Apr 2013

Report on Government spending on science...

While we all welcome the additional funding announced for science and engineering when other Government departments are seeing cuts, CaSE have published an interim analysis of Government spending on science since...

19 Apr 2013

David Willetts' speech to HEFCE Conference

David Willetts: Higher Education Funding Council for England 2013 HEFCE 18 April 2013 Speech Originally given at Imperial College London. You don’t need me to tell you that this year...

12 Apr 2013

New report published: The Dual Funding Structure for Research in the UK: Research Council and Funding Council Allocation Methods and the Pathways to Impact of UK Academics


27 Mar 2013

Why we MUST change the new Design and Technology programme of study...

The Government's proposed draft Design and Technology programme of study would be a huge backward step for a subject that develops vital skills that young people need for the future....

18 Mar 2013

David Willetts, Minister for Universities and Science, announces ÂŁ47 million worth of funding for engineering projects

Announced at the Global Grand Challenges Summit (GGCS), organised by the Royal Academy of Engineering and its American and Chinese counterparts, in London on 12/13 March,  five Frontier Engineering projects...

12 Mar 2013

BIS Report on Progression of Apprentices to Higher Education February 2013

BIS Research paper number 107 In New Challenges, New Chances (BIS, Dec 2011) the Government clearly laid out its intention to provide a “ladder of opportunity” through apprenticeships to “clear...

7 Mar 2013

Engineering Council guidance for KIS statements

The Engineering Council, with the support of the EPC, has been undertaking work to help universities make the most of the advantages afforded by promoting the accredited status of their...

1 Mar 2013

HEFCE support for very high cost subjects

Since 2007 HEFCE has provided funding to help secure the provision of four very high-cost STEM subjects: chemistry, physics, chemical engineering and mineral, metallurgy and materials engineering.  In the new funding method from...

1 Mar 2013

Immigration policy

More on the immigration policy debate The OBHE's January newsletter highlights its new report: The Global Race for STEM skills.   It reminds us that the sector often appears to lobby for change...

25 Feb 2013

"Cameron visit (to India) did not tackle key higher education issues"

From University World News: Issue 260 published 20 February, 2013 The visit of British Prime Minister David Cameron to India this week has left Indian students disappointed that he did...

28 Jan 2013

Election of SEFI President

We are delighted to announce that EPC Committee member, Professor Kamel Hawwash (University of Birmingham) has been elected Vice President and President Elect of the European Society of Engineering Education (SEFI). SEFI...

28 Jan 2013

REF 2014

UK higher education institutions (HEIs) plan to submit the work of a slightly increased number of their staff for assessment in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), compared with the...

28 Jan 2013

HEFCE Grant Letter 2013/14

The Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Minister for Universities and Science have has now confirmed funding allocations and the Government’s priorities for higher education...

15 Jan 2013

IMechE scholarships and studentships

Institution of Mechanical Engineers Each year, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) supports the educational and development needs of students and graduates with scholarships and awards totalling £400,000.  This includes...

15 Jan 2013

Engineering UK: the state of engineering 2013

Engineering UK Engineering UK's annual flagship report Engineering UK: the state of engineering 2013 was launched on 3rd December. It projects that engineering companies will have 2.74 million job openings from 2010...

15 Jan 2013

End of term reports

End of term reports... UCAS has published its end of cycle report for 2012, the year which its Chief Executive Mary Curnock Cook called "one of the most complex and challenging years...

14 Jan 2013

Ideas for student projects

Check out Bespoken from the Blackwood Foundation for details of how to get involved in its Design Challenge.  Brunel, Coventry and Loughborough Universities are already involved and it's a good source of...

9 Jan 2013

HESA to make REF-eligible staff statistics available...

Times Higher Education 9 January, 2013 The proportion of staff submitted by each unit of assessment to the 2014 research excellence framework will become clear for the first time after...

9 Jan 2013

Chancellor's Autumn Statement

While we welcome the additional funding announced for science and engineering in the Chancellor's Autumn Statement, CaSE have published an interim analysis of Government spending on science since the 2010 Spending...

9 Jan 2013

Improving the employment chances of our graduates

With Engineering UK's forecast that we need to nearly double the number of engineering graduates to meet demand from employers in the near term (more of which below), do take...

3 Jan 2013

Fred Maillardet - Times Higher Education

EPC former President and committee member Professor Fred Maillardet responds to reports of the "abolition" of examinations in HE - not so for engineering. Made to Measure. Times Higher Education 3rd...

17 Dec 2012

Welcome boost for science and engineering... but some concerns

Chancellor George Osborne has announced a ÂŁ600M injection into the UK's scientific research infrastructure in his Autumn Statement. The money is directed at eight strands of research outlined by the...

27 Nov 2012

Funding opportunities

For HEIs/academic staff 30 November, 2012 Higher education’s contribution to economic growth: Invitation to submit expressions of interest for funding through the Catalyst Fund.  Deadline 24 January 2013.  See

18 Nov 2012

Dik Morling in The Sunday Times

An EPC 2012/13 early enrolments poll and quote from Professor Dik Morling, Chair of EPC's Admissions Working Group was included in an article in The Sunday Times of 18 November,...

15 Nov 2012

"Spanner in the industrial works as engineering degrees lose traction" - Times Higher Education

EPC 2012/13 early enrolments poll indicating faltering demand from overseas students and the financial implications for engineering departments was reported by Jack Grove in the article "Spanner in the industrial...

15 Nov 2012

Impact acceleration accounts

15 November, 2012 Business Secretary Vince Cable today announced a ÂŁ60m investment in UK universities to help our most pioneering scientists and engineers create successful businesses from their research, improve...

15 Nov 2012

House of Lords Science and Technology Committee: Higher Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects Report mentioned in The Telegraph

In December 2011, The House of Lords Science and Technology Sub-Committee, under the chairmanship of Lord Willis of Knaresborough, opened an inquiry into higher education in STEM subjects (science, technology,...

14 Nov 2012

A level reform

The Engineering Professors' Council response was one of the almost 1,000 submissions to this consultation which ran for 3 months over the summer of this year. The outcome was announced...

8 Nov 2012

The Future of Postgraduate Education

Westminster Higher Education Forum 17 October 2012: The Future for Postgraduate Education There is clearly widespread concern about the lack of progress on funding for postgraduate education.   On 17th October,...

2 Nov 2012

Osborne support for new vocational qualifications

Published: 12:10am, 2nd November 2012 Updated: 11:07am, 2nd November 2012 New vocational qualifications in engineering will help Britain thrive in the global economy, Chancellor George Osborne has said. The Royal...

1 Nov 2012

House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee - oral evidence on engineering skills

On 24th October 2012, the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee heard oral evidence on the inquiry into engineering skills. "We compete in a high labour cost economy;...

22 Oct 2012

Improving social mobility...

The Milburn Report: University Challenge:  How Higher Education Can  Advance Social Mobility was published earlier this month.  In it, the importance of foundation degrees in supporting those from disadvantaged social...

11 Oct 2012

...but a somewhat different situation in university recruitment of engineering professors in the US compared with the UK...

Purdue University plans to hire more than 100 new engineering professors and boost engineering enrolment by 10 percent over the next five years to help move the school to the...

11 Oct 2012

Messages about maths education and the contribution of engineering to the economy are the same over the pond...

One of the aerospace industry's most respected leaders said Wednesday that government and industry badly need to take steps to reform the U.S. education system to dramatically boost teaching of...

11 Oct 2012

US study shows that people who majored in engineering had the highest earnings of any bachelor’s degree field

The field of bachelor’s degree makes a considerable difference in a college graduate’s annual earnings, according to 2011 American Community Survey (ACS) data released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

10 Oct 2012

Built in Britain: has Britain finally rediscovered its great tradition of epic engineering?

Victorian Britain was famous for its magnificent feats of engineering, but over a century later our once groundbreaking systems are aged and creaking. In this two part series, Evan Davis...

2 Oct 2012

Royal Academy of Engineering publishes report...

...on the importance of engineering skills to the economy.  Read it here: Jobs and growth: the importance of engineering skills to the UK.

24 Sep 2012

Online engineering courses?

The American Society for Engineering Education reports that Columbia University is to offer engineering courses through Coursera.

13 Aug 2012

Mathematics for Engineering: Entry to Engineering Advisory Panel

Entry to Engineering Advisory Panel Mathematics is a subject of enormous importance to the education of engineers in all disciplines. This importance is illustrated by the fact the Engineering Professors'...

6 Aug 2012

Output standards

In response to concerns expressed by Government, employers and the Engineering Council over the lack of a common format for the articulation of the output standards of engineering graduates, the...

3 Aug 2012

Open access issues...

Two complementary reports were published in June addressing the issue of Open Access from different perspectives.  Firstly the Finch Report “Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications”...

24 Jul 2012

House of Lords Report: Higher Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects: published 24 July 2012

“The Government in their Plan for Growth attach great importance to education and hi-tech industry in order to create jobs and prosperity. The jobs of the future will increasingly require...

25 May 2012

Preparing for the Comprehensive Spending Review

Event: CaSE Roundtable Discussion: Spending Review 2013 Date: 25th May, 2012 Speakers: Dr Graeme Reid, Head of Research Funding, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills   Professor Alan Hughes, Director...

10 May 2012

HE STEM Programme: Designing the Future - Engineering Education Colloquia series (End of project case study)

A key objective of The Designing the Future project was to improve Engineering capability in the UK. The project sought to achieve this by presenting a concise and practical agenda...

6 Mar 2012

Holly Else - "Learning to live with the reforms"

Holly Else has recently interviewed our President Professor Helen Atkinson, and her resulting published article entitled "Learning to live with the reforms" can be found here.  

5 Oct 2011

REF consultation

18 Aug 2011

Paul Jump in Times Higher Education

Paul Jump has written an article in the 18th August 2011 issue of  Times Higher Education entitled ‘Engineering a solution to turbulence’.

24 Jun 2011

Helen Atkinson in the Public Service Review

An article entitled “Something’s not adding up” was written by EPC President, Professor Helen Atkinson and recently published in the Public Service Review: UK Science & Technology 03.

1 Jun 2011

Helen Atkinson in Ingenia magazine

EPC President, Professor Helen Atkinson, has had an article - "The Wolf Review On Vocational Education" - published in the June 2011 edition of Ingenia magazine.

19 May 2011

Consultation on: Green Paper - Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation funding

This public consultation was launched on the basis of a Green Paper entitled ‘From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation funding’. Over 2.000...

24 May 2006

Tony Unsworth’s letter to The Times

Read former President Tony Unsworth’s letter to The Times on the contribution of engineering degrees to widening career choices.

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