Why join?

The Engineering Professors’ Council is the only body which represents the interests of the engineering disciplines right across higher education in the UK. We are the representative voice of engineering academics and we support our members to maximise their impact as educators, researchers and members of society.

Our Executive Board is made up of experienced PVCs, Deans, current or former heads of department, programme directors, research leaders and/or representatives of their professional bodies.

Benefits of membership

A national voice

Your voice on national committees and advisory groups.

Responding to change

A unified and informed response on policy consultations by Governments, funding councils, etc.


Proactive lobbying of policy-makers, PEIs and the media.

EPC Bulletin

Regular emails keeping you informed about the latest policy changes, news and events.

Members’ area

Receive up-to-date online access to content via our exclusive members’ area of the EPC website.

Briefing events

Discounted or free for members.

Engineering Academics Network

All academics based at EPC member institutions are automatically enrolled in the new network.

Making contacts

Regular events providing networking and mentoring opportunities.


Access to the EPC’s groups for different engineering disciplines, early careers staff, etc.

Data analysis

Members-only access to in-depth HE data analysis saving time and cost in reporting, planning and strategy.


Access to the EPC’s online bank of best practice resources and toolkits.


Our programme supports professionalism in teaching, research and leadership, discounted or free for members.

We are active on your behalf:

Our evidence and views are extensively referenced in the outcome of government consultations and our views are pro-actively sought.

We work with all the major engineering bodies, including the Engineering Council, Engineering UK, the Royal Academy of Engineering, professional institutions, etc. Additionally, we also work with the Campaign for Science and Engineering and the broader funding and regulatory bodies, to name but a few. This means we have the best chance of making our message heard in a way that is consistent and impactful—and you get more "bang for your buck". We are also seeking to extend our membership benefits by working with you personally. This way we can identify mentors or advisors for those of you taking on new leadership roles.

We carry out and commission independent research to provide an evidence-base for policy development.

We are invited regularly to nominate members to participate on curriculum review panels, provide evidence at consultations etc. Members of our Committee have gone on to lead professional bodies and other institutions.

On average, the annual membership subscription works out at less than £20 per full-time equivalent permanent member of academic staff per year. We can also save you time by providing access to evidence-based information and other tools to help you with some of the administrative aspects of your job.

Above all, we’re engineers, working for engineering and creating the engineers of tomorrow.


How to Join

Please click the relevant button for further information.

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Membership subscription rates for 2024/25

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