Review of UK-SPEC completed

The new edition of UK-SPEC is now available the Engineering Council’s website and can be accessed via:

In keeping with the strong support for the previous edition, unnecessary changes have been avoided.  The revisions are mostly for the purposes of clarification or updating in areas which have come to the fore since the previous review such as ethics, safety and risk management.  Attention has also been paid to enhancing the distinctiveness between IEng and CEng.

Our attention is drawn to the enhanced focus on the  ‘commitment’ element of the requirement for registration and the addition of one new standard of competence for all titles: ‘Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner’ (Standard E5).  A matrix comparing the requirements for EngTech, IEng and CEng is included as an Annex to UK-SPEC, to assist candidates, their advisors and assessors.

The Engineering Council’s Board of Trustees has approved a transition period of two years to 1 February 2016, by when all professional reviews should be undertaken against these editions of the Standards.  The previous editions are accessible within ‘archived publications’ on our website.

Use of the online versions is encouraged but the Engineering Council will be producing printed copies in due course.


ICT Technician Standard: the revised version has also been published and is available at:

The Accreditation of HE Programmes revised edition is likely to be available in May.

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