Welcome to the EPC’s Engineering Ethics Toolkit. Here you will find our resource designed to help engineering educators embed ethics in teaching.

Engineering Ethics Toolkit - New assessment materials
Some much requested new materials![Read More]
21 Feb 2025Assessing ethics: Case study example: Water wars
How to use rubrics with a case study.[Read More]
10 Feb 2025Assessing ethics: Guidance & rubric
Guidance & rubric for assessing ethics learning.[Read More]
10 Feb 2025Engineering Ethics Toolkit: Reviewers sought
Join our reviewer community.[Read More]
17 Jan 2025The Ethics Toolkit goes on tour
It's conference season![Read More]
3 Dec 2024Engineering Ethics Toolkit in the news
Seen #EngineeringEthicsToolkit featured elsewhere? Let us know![Read More]
1 Nov 2024Blog: Building a Future of Inclusion - Deaf Awareness in Engineering
Inclusivity should be embedded into the heart of engineering education.[Read More]
11 Oct 2024Engineering Ethics: How to promote it within your institution
A few ideas to get you started.[Read More]
10 Sep 2024Share your story about teaching Ethics
Share your story with us.[Read More]
3 Sep 2024Blog: How Knovel can support information literacy
Navigating the digital landscape.[Read More]
7 Jun 2024Why information literacy is an ethical issue in engineering
Navigating the digital landscape.[Read More]
5 Jun 2024What are the top ethical issues in engineering today?
What are the top ethical issues in engineering today, and how can you incorporate these in your t...[Read More]
10 May 2024Blog: Embedding ethics in engineering education through wide use of deaf awareness: a gateway to a more inclusive practice
Wide use of deaf awareness: a gateway to a more inclusive practice.[Read More]
22 Apr 2024About the Engineering Ethics Toolkit
The EPC’s Engineering Ethics Toolkit is supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering. This...[Read More]
1 Feb 2024Engineering Ethics Toolkit - Tell us your experiences
Send us your blogs and testimonials![Read More]
21 Nov 2023Using a constructive alignment tool to plan ethics teaching
Constructively align your learning outcomes with activities & assessments.[Read More]
4 Oct 2023How to organise class sessions using Ethics case studies
Processes to help you integrate an Ethics case study in one of your engineering class sessions.[Read More]
29 Sep 2023Blog: Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable teaching ethics
We need to move past our discomfort in order to teach ethics in engineering.[Read More]
25 Sep 2023SEFI Conference 2023 - Engineering ethics workshop
Our workshop at the 2023 SEFI Conference.[Read More]
20 Sep 2023We want you! Become an Ethics Ambassador
Do you want to champion the teaching of ethics within engineering? [Read More]
28 Jul 2023Engineering Ethics Toolkit - Educators' pack
A pack of resources to help you present and promote the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.[Read More]
18 Jul 2023Report: Ethics in the engineering profession - Royal Academy of Engineering (2023)
Ethics in the engineering profession - Royal Academy of Engineering report.[Read More]
15 Jun 2023Media release: Engineering Professors’ Council launches new educational resource
An online resource that helps educators to build ethics directly into their engineering teaching. [Read More]
15 Jun 2023News: Introducing the Ethics Explorer
An interactive tool to help you navigate the landscape.[Read More]
13 Jun 2023Blog: Help! I’m teaching Engineering Ethics for the first time!
Dr. Jude Bramton of the University of Bristol discusses her first-hand experience of using the En...[Read More]
1 Jun 2023Blog: Letting students flex their ethical muscles
Dr Matthew Studley looks at using case studies from the Engineering Ethics Toolkit to engage stud...[Read More]
27 May 2023Engineering Ethics - Events
Events related to the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.[Read More]
30 Mar 2023Case study: Neuroethics of brain-computer interfaces
This case involves Aziza, a biomedical engineer working for Neuraltrix, a hypothetical company th...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Implementing the use of homegrown mass timber for residential housing
An early-career consultant engineer working in the area of sustainable construction. [Read More]
23 Mar 2023A recipe for creating a case study in engineering ethics
This article sets forth a “recipe” based on recent educational scholarship that can be used to cr...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Financially and politically motivated misinformation about STEM research
The case involves an engineering student whose personal choices may affect her future professiona...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Developing a decarbonisation roadmap
This case involves an engineer who is one of the stakeholders invited by the president of Nigeria...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Microplastics in cosmetics
This case study involves a young engineering student on an industrial placement year at a firm th...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Balancing safety, costs, and the environment in the inspection of wind turbine blades
The case is based on a genuine challenge raised by a multinational energy company that operates a...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Recycled materials and the circular economy
This case involves an engineer responsible for verifying the source of recycled construction mate...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Protecting data in an auto parts production facility
This case study involves an engineer hired to develop and install an Industrial Internet of Thing...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Balancing risk and benefits when working with offshore contractors
This case study puts students in the shoes of an engineer who is required to select a subcontract...[Read More]
23 Mar 2023Case study: Engineers and public protest
This case study involves an engineer who has to weigh personal values against professional codes ...[Read More]
22 Mar 2023Case study: Feasibility of installing heat pumps at scale to reach net zero
The environmental impacts of heat pumps & the social and economic impacts on the end user. [Read More]
22 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Industrial pollution from an ageing pipeline and its impact on local communities
Prompts to facilitate discussion activities.[Read More]
21 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Glass safety in a heritage building conversion
This enhancement is for an activity found in the Dilemma Part two, Point 1 section of the case st...[Read More]
21 Mar 2023Case study: Debating the adoption of nuclear energy
An early career engineer is tasked with leading the development of plans for the construction of ...[Read More]
21 Mar 2023Case study: Aid vs trade
This case study requires a newly appointed engineer to make a decision about whether or not to se...[Read More]
21 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Developing an internet constellation
Anatomy of an internet satellite.[Read More]
21 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Power-to-food technologies
An ethical evaluation of the technology and its impacts.[Read More]
21 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Water wars: managing competing water rights
Role-play the council meeting, with students playing different characters representing different ...[Read More]
21 Mar 2023Embedding equity, diversity and inclusion into a professional engineer’s lifestyle
The three values of EDI are timeless and should be embedded into the way that engineering profess...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Facial recognition for access and monitoring
There are several points in this case - Facial Recognition for Access and Monitoring - during whi...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Business growth models in engineering industries within an economic system
This enhancement is for an activity found in the case study Business growth models in engineering...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023What is ethics?
Ethics can especially be seen through engineering innovations that mean life or death.[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Why integrate ethics in engineering?
Technology not only shapes society, but it is shaped by society too. Therefore, engineering ethic...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Integrating a technical feasibility debate - a new approach to engaging students in ethics in engineering
We have developed a debate activity which appears to work very well, minimising the amount of ass...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Universal and inclusive co-design of the built environment and the transportation systems
Every citizen must have the same equality of opportunities in using spaces because the existence ...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023How to integrate ethics into a module or course
Ethics can and should be embedded into most modules in a natural way, giving as much or as little...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Choosing to install a smart meter
This enhancement is for an activity found in the Dilemma Part two, Point 1 section of the case: “...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Tackling tough topics in discussion
Discussing ethical issues can be a daunting prospect, whether one-to-one or with an entire classr...[Read More]
20 Mar 2023Case enhancement: Developing a school chatbot for student support services
This enhancement is for an activity found in point five of the Summary section of the case study ...[Read More]
15 Mar 2023Blog: Engineering inclusive outcomes is a question of ethics
Prof Dawn Bonfield explains how the decisions engineers make on a daily basis can have significan...[Read More]
24 Aug 2022Blog: Engineering Ethics Toolkit case studies in action at TEDI-London
Prof Mike Bramhall reflects on how and why he incorporated the EPC's engineering ethics case stud...[Read More]
18 Aug 2022Contributions sought for the Engineering Ethics Toolkit
Contributions sought for the Engineering Ethics Toolkit[Read More]
18 Jul 2022Existing ethics case study libraries
The Engineering Ethics toolkit points to existing case study libraries.[Read More]
23 Mar 2022Case Study: Developing an internet constellation
This case is about an experienced engineer leading a team at a tech start-up. [Read More]
21 Mar 2022Case study: Water wars: managing competing water rights
This case involves a situation where environmental damage may be occurring despite the mechanism ...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Solar panels in a desert oil field
This case requires an engineer with strong convictions about sustainable energy to make a decisio...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Smart homes for older people with disabilities
This case involves a software engineer who has discovered a potential data breach in a smart home...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Blog: Engineering Ethics Advisory Group
The Engineering Ethics Toolkit is produced by the Engineering Professors’ Council with support fr...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Power-to-food technologies
This case involves an engineer navigating multiple demands on a work project. The engineer must e...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Industrial pollution from an ageing pipeline and its impact on local communities
This case requires an engineer to balance multiple competing factors including: economic pressure...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Blog: Welcome to the Engineering Ethics Toolkit
An ambitious new initiative to ensure engineering education is a force for good.[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Glass safety in a heritage building conversion
This case concerns a construction engineer navigating multiple demands. [Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Facial recognition for access and monitoring
An engineer is hired to manage the development and installation of a facial recognition project.[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case Study: Developing a school chatbot for student support services
This case study involves the employees of a small software startup that is creating a customised ...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Choosing a career in climate change geoengineering
This case involves a dilemma that most engineering students will have to face at least once in th...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Business growth models in engineering industries within an economic system
This case involves the CEO of Hydrospector, a newly formed company that makes devices detecting w...[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Best practice in teaching engineering ethics through case studies
Recent scholarship on best practices in teaching engineering ethics through case studies.[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Pedagogical approaches to integrating ethics in engineering
It is essential to embed ethics into any project or learning outcome.[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Methods for assessing and evaluating ethics learning in engineering education
Educators may use these ethics learning aims and outcomes as guidance for developing assessments.[Read More]
21 Feb 2022Case study: Choosing to install a smart meter
This case is an example of ‘everyday ethics’. [Read More]
21 Feb 2022Guidance for ethical decision-making rooted in research and practice
What if a decision is required quickly? How do we ensure that we are likely to make the best one?[Read More]
21 Feb 2022