EPC President Prof Mike Sutcliffe introduces an ambitious new initiative to ensure engineering education is a force for good: the EPC’s Engineering Ethics toolkit, produced in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Engineering can have significant impact on society and the environment, both positive and negative.  Harnessing the power of engineering to build a sustainable society that works for everyone require us to navigate complexity, uncertainty and challenging ethical issues.

Understanding ethical issues and behaving in an ethical manner underpins other behaviours such as inclusivity and sustainability, ensuring that individual practitioners, professions and organisations are globally responsible. To maximise positive impact these behaviours must become instinctive – golden threads running through everything that engineers think and do.

The EPC Board considered its own ethical responsibility – including representing our members’ views, supporting good practice and as an organisation – at its retreat in January 2020.  This led to the clear action for the EPC to promote engineering ethics more proactively and adopt clear ethical positions.  A key aspect of this is enabling the embedding of ethical best practice into the UK engineering higher education curriculum through creation of an ‘Engineering Ethics Toolkit’.

There is growing advocacy for bringing engineering ethics to the fore in engineering programmes – alongside technical skills – as we equip future engineers with the skills and mindset they need to succeed.  At the policy level, this is evident in three general areas:

  1. The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence and Commitment (UK-SPEC; 4th edition) and accreditation bodies identifying ethics as one of the core learning outcomes and competencies in accreditation documents;
  2. The inclusion of more descriptive competencies that expand on the understanding and practical application engineering ethics; and 
  3. The Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes in engineering (AHEP, 4th edition) standards reflecting the importance of societal impact in engineering.

Today we are pleased to launch the first milestone in the development of the EPC’s Engineering Ethics toolkit – a range of case studies and supporting articles to help engineering educators integrate ethics content into their teaching.

This will allow engineering students to be able to identify ethical issues, exercise ethical thinking and use ethical judgement within their projects and coursework.  

Producing this first phase of the toolkit has been a fabulous team effort – the high priority placed on creating this exemplified by remaining on track and producing a high-quality resource despite the challenges faced from Covid-19.  Everyone has done an amazing job. 

This would not have been possible without the generosity and support of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Engineering Council with whom they are partnering.  As chair, Raffaella Ocone (Herriot Watt) is doing a wonderful job of guiding us – getting us off to a flying start with her previous trailblazing work on embedding ethics into the curriculum. And Sarah Jayne Hitt (formerly NMiTE) is doing an absolutely fabulous job of keeping us focussed, on track and producing high-quality resources informed by best practice.    

This achievement is a wonderful example of how, as engineers, we work most effectively when we work together to design effective solutions – a team I enjoy working with and am proud to be a part of.

We hope you find these resources for embedding ethics into the curriculum useful.  Do let us know how you get on and keep an eye out as we continue to expand these resources into a more comprehensive toolkit for engineering educators.


This blog is also available here.

Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed herein are solely that of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of the Engineering Professors’ Council or the Toolkit sponsors and supporters.

Welcome to the case studies pages of the EPC’s Engineering Ethics toolkit, produced in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering. Click here for the toolkit homepage.

Case studies are one tool that can be used to address the context and impact of engineering ethics, and have been proven to be an effective teaching and learning method.

These case studies cover a variety of engineering disciplines, professional situations, and personal dilemmas and focuses on several areas of moral pedagogy. They were developed for use in higher education, but may also be of use in other settings.

To accommodate many educational levels, the case studies are divided between Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced cases. They are written in parts so that educators have the flexibility to use them as is best suited to their teaching content and environment, and all cases permit and encourage the integration of technical content. Along with learning and teaching notes, the cases contain suggested questions and activities as well as supplementary materials.

They are aligned to the Engineering Council and Royal Academy of Engineering’s Joint Statement of Ethical Principles and the expectations of the 4th Edition of the Engineering Council’s Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes and are therefore appropriate for UK teaching and learning contexts. They are, however, easily adapted for use in other countries.

Guidance articles are also available to help situate the case studies in an educational context and to signpost to additional research and resources on engineering ethics.

In developing the cases and articles in this resource, the authors and advisory group took into account recent scholarship on best practices in teaching engineering ethics through case studies. They also reviewed existing case study libraries in order to add to the growing body of material available on engineering ethics. 

Case studies

Case study Topic Disciplines Issues Level
Aid vs trade Suitable technology for developing countries

Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering

Public good

Balancing risk and benefits when working with offshore contractors Dealing with contracts or subcontracts with potential slave or forced labour

Engineering business

Social responsibility
Human rights 

Balancing safety, costs, and the environment in the inspection of wind turbine blades  Maintenance of an offshore wind farm



Debating the adoption of nuclear energy Participatory approaches for engaging with a local community about the development of risky technologies

Nuclear engineering
Chemical engineering

Corporate social responsibility
Respect for the environment

Developing a decarbonisation roadmap  A country-wide energy transition plan


Social responsibility

Engineers and public protest Balancing personal values and professional conduct in the climate emergency

Civil engineering
Energy and environmental engineering

Respect for the environment
Social responsibility
Public good
Respect for the law
Future generations
Societal impact

Feasibility of installing heat pumps at scale to reach net zero Home heating in the energy transition

Civil engineering
Chemical engineering
Mechanical engineering

Social responsibility

Financially and politically motivated misinformation about STEM research Critical digital literacy

Computer science
Information systems
Biomedical engineering

Cultural context 
Social responsibility

Implementing the use of homegrown mass timber for residential housing Sustainable materials  in construction

Civil engineering

Respect for the environment
Future generations
Societal impact
Corporate social responsibility

Microplastics in cosmetics Responsibility for micro- and nano-plastics in the environment and human bodies

Environmental engineering
Chemical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Materials engineering

Respect for the environment 
Corporate social responsibility

Neuroethics of brain-computer interfaces Data security of smart technologies

Biomedical engineering


Protecting data in an auto parts production facility Data security of industrial robots

Internet of things


Recycled materials and the circular economy Materials sourcing and circularity

Materials engineering
Environmental engineering

Respect for the environment

Business growth models in engineering industries within an economic system  Ethical entrepreneurship in engineering industries Mechanical engineering
Electrical and electronic engineering
Chemical engineering
Corporate social responsibility
Facial recognition for access and monitoring Development and use of a facial recognition system Data
Computer science
Choosing a career in climate change geoengineering Soil carbon sequestration and solar geoengineering Chemical engineering
Environmental engineering
Respect of the environment
Social responsibility Risk.
Glass safety in a heritage building conversion Safety of construction materials Mechanical engineering
Communication, Whistleblowing
Developing an internet constellation   Low earth orbit satellites for internet provision Electronics Mechanical engineering Respect for environment
Public good
Future generations
Industrial pollution from an ageing pipeline and its impact on local communities Monitoring and resolving industrial pollution Chemical engineering
Civil engineering
Mechanical engineering
Public good
Power to food technologies Alternative food production Energy
Chemical engineering
Social responsibility
Developing a school chatbot for student support services Developing customised algorithms for student support Computing
Social responsibility
Water wars: managing competing water rights Data centres’ impact on sustainable water resources Civil engineering
Electronic engineering
Respect for environment
Future generations
Societal impact
Smart homes for older people with disabilities Data security of smart technologies Electronics
Choosing to install a smart meter Smart meters for responsible everyday energy use Electrical engineering Integrity
Social responsibility
Respect for the environment
Respect for the law
Solar panels in a desert oil field Trade-offs in the energy transition Chemical engineering
Electrical engineering
Respect for the environment
Public good

Most case studies are also available as PDF documents on the RAEng website.

To ensure that everyone can use and adapt these cases in a way that best fits their teaching or purpose, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.  Under this licence, you are free to share and adapt this material, under terms that you must give appropriate credit and attribution to the original material and indicate if any changes are made.

Get involved: These case studies were created as part of the EPC’s Engineering Ethics toolkit that is intended to evolve and grow over time. Further case studies are being developed and will be added in due course, along with additional teaching resources to support individual case studies. We are actively inviting experts to submit case studies for review and possible inclusion in this toolkit. For more information, see our Get involved page.

Welcome to the advice and guidance pages of EPC’s Engineering Ethics toolkit, produced in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering. Click here for the toolkit homepage.

These guidance articles are intended to provide a library of expertise in engineering ethics and how best to embed learning into teaching practice. They aim to help situate our case studies in an educational context and to signpost to additional research and resources on engineering ethics.

Guidance articles:

To ensure that everyone can use and adapt these articles in a way that best fits their teaching or purpose, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Under this license you are free to share and adapt this material, under terms that you must give appropriate credit and attribution to the original material and indicate if any changes are made.

Get involved: These guidance articles were created as part of the EPC’s Engineering Ethics toolkit that is intended to evolve and grow over time. Further content will be added or linked to in due course. We are actively inviting experts to submit resources for review and possible inclusion in this toolkit. For more information, see our Get involved page.

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Welcome to the EPC’s Engineering Ethics Toolkit. Here you will find our resource designed to help engineering educators embed ethics in teaching.

How to get the most out of the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

An interactive tool to help you navigate the landscape of engineering ethics education

A library of expertise in engineering ethics and how best to embed learning into teaching practice

Ethical engineering challenges for use in teaching scenarios

Teaching resources to help you employ the ethics case studies and lead the activities referenced within them

Personal experience, news and updates on the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

The Royal Academy of Engineering has supported the Engineering Ethics Toolkit since its inception

Collaborate with us and support this important project

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to making the Toolkit such a useful and vital resource

Contribute to the Engineering Ethics Toolkit and community


The Ethics Toolkit goes on tour

It's conference season![Read More]

24 Jul 2024
Blog: How Knovel can support information literacy

Navigating the digital landscape.[Read More]

7 Jun 2024
Why information literacy is an ethical issue in engineering  

Navigating the digital landscape.[Read More]

5 Jun 2024
What are the top ethical issues in engineering today?

What are the top ethical issues in engineering today, and how can you incorporate these in your t...[Read More]

10 May 2024
Engineering Ethics Toolkit in the news

Seen #EngineeringEthicsToolkit featured elsewhere? Let us know![Read More]

22 Apr 2024
Blog: Embedding ethics in engineering education through wide use of deaf awareness: a gateway to a more inclusive practice

Wide use of deaf awareness: a gateway to a more inclusive practice.[Read More]

22 Apr 2024
About the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

The EPC’s Engineering Ethics Toolkit is supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering. This...[Read More]

1 Feb 2024
Engineering Ethics Toolkit - Tell us your experiences

Send us your blogs and testimonials![Read More]

21 Nov 2023
Using a constructive alignment tool to plan ethics teaching

Constructively align your learning outcomes with activities & assessments.[Read More]

4 Oct 2023
How to organise class sessions using Ethics case studies

Processes to help you integrate an Ethics case study in one of your engineering class sessions.[Read More]

29 Sep 2023
Blog: Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable teaching ethics

We need to move past our discomfort in order to teach ethics in engineering.[Read More]

25 Sep 2023
SEFI Conference 2023 - Engineering ethics workshop

Our workshop at the 2023 SEFI Conference.[Read More]

20 Sep 2023
We want you! Become an Ethics Ambassador

Do you want to champion the teaching of ethics within engineering? [Read More]

28 Jul 2023
Engineering Ethics Toolkit - Educators' pack

A pack of resources to help you present and promote the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.[Read More]

18 Jul 2023
Report: Ethics in the engineering profession - Royal Academy of Engineering (2023)

Ethics in the engineering profession - Royal Academy of Engineering report.[Read More]

15 Jun 2023
Media release: Engineering Professors’ Council launches new educational resource 

An online resource that helps educators to build ethics directly into their engineering teaching.  [Read More]

15 Jun 2023
News: Introducing the Ethics Explorer

An interactive tool to help you navigate the landscape.[Read More]

13 Jun 2023
Blog: Help! I’m teaching Engineering Ethics for the first time!

Dr. Jude Bramton of the University of Bristol discusses her first-hand experience of using the En...[Read More]

1 Jun 2023
Blog: Letting students flex their ethical muscles

Dr Matthew Studley looks at using case studies from the Engineering Ethics Toolkit to engage stud...[Read More]

27 May 2023
Engineering Ethics - Events

Events related to the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.[Read More]

30 Mar 2023
Case study: Neuroethics of brain-computer interfaces

This case involves Aziza, a biomedical engineer working for Neuraltrix, a hypothetical company th...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Implementing the use of homegrown mass timber for residential housing

An early-career consultant engineer working in the area of sustainable construction. [Read More]

23 Mar 2023
A recipe for creating a case study in engineering ethics

This article sets forth a “recipe” based on recent educational scholarship that can be used to cr...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Financially and politically motivated misinformation about STEM research

The case involves an engineering student whose personal choices may affect her future professiona...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Developing a decarbonisation roadmap  

This case involves an engineer who is one of the stakeholders invited by the president of Nigeria...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Microplastics in cosmetics

This case study involves a young engineering student on an industrial placement year at a firm th...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Balancing safety, costs, and the environment in the inspection of wind turbine blades 

The case is based on a genuine challenge raised by a multinational energy company that operates a...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Recycled materials and the circular economy

This case involves an engineer responsible for verifying the source of recycled construction mate...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Protecting data in an auto parts production facility

This case study involves an engineer hired to develop and install an Industrial Internet of Thing...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Balancing risk and benefits when working with offshore contractors

This case study puts students in the shoes of an engineer who is required to select a subcontract...[Read More]

23 Mar 2023
Case study: Engineers and public protest

This case study involves an engineer who has to weigh personal values against professional codes ...[Read More]

22 Mar 2023
Case study: Feasibility of installing heat pumps at scale to reach net zero

The environmental impacts of heat pumps & the social and economic impacts on the end user. [Read More]

22 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Industrial pollution from an ageing pipeline and its impact on local communities

Prompts to facilitate discussion activities.[Read More]

21 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Glass safety in a heritage building conversion

This enhancement is for an activity found in the Dilemma Part two, Point 1 section of the case st...[Read More]

21 Mar 2023
Case study: Debating the adoption of nuclear energy

An early career engineer is tasked with leading the development of plans for the construction of ...[Read More]

21 Mar 2023
Case study: Aid vs trade

This case study requires a newly appointed engineer to make a decision about whether or not to se...[Read More]

21 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Developing an internet constellation

Anatomy of an internet satellite.[Read More]

21 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Power-to-food technologies

An ethical evaluation of the technology and its impacts.[Read More]

21 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Water wars: managing competing water rights

Role-play the council meeting, with students playing different characters representing different ...[Read More]

21 Mar 2023
Embedding equity, diversity and inclusion into a professional engineer’s lifestyle

The three values of EDI are timeless and should be embedded into the way that engineering profess...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Facial recognition for access and monitoring

There are several points in this case - Facial Recognition for Access and Monitoring - during whi...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Business growth models in engineering industries within an economic system

This enhancement is for an activity found in the case study Business growth models in engineering...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
What is ethics?

Ethics can especially be seen through engineering innovations that mean life or death.[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Why integrate ethics in engineering?

Technology not only shapes society, but it is shaped by society too. Therefore, engineering ethic...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Integrating a technical feasibility debate - a new approach to engaging students in ethics in engineering

We have developed a debate activity which appears to work very well, minimising the amount of ass...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Universal and inclusive co-design of the built environment and the transportation systems 

Every citizen must have the same equality of opportunities in using spaces because the existence ...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
How to integrate ethics into a module or course

Ethics can and should be embedded into most modules in a natural way, giving as much or as little...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Choosing to install a smart meter

This enhancement is for an activity found in the Dilemma Part two, Point 1 section of the case: “...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Tackling tough topics in discussion

Discussing ethical issues can be a daunting prospect, whether one-to-one or with an entire classr...[Read More]

20 Mar 2023
Case enhancement: Developing a school chatbot for student support services

This enhancement is for an activity found in point five of the Summary section of the case study ...[Read More]

15 Mar 2023
Blog: Engineering inclusive outcomes is a question of ethics

Prof Dawn Bonfield explains how the decisions engineers make on a daily basis can have significan...[Read More]

24 Aug 2022
Blog: Engineering Ethics Toolkit case studies in action at TEDI-London

Prof Mike Bramhall reflects on how and why he incorporated the EPC's engineering ethics case stud...[Read More]

18 Aug 2022
Contributions sought for the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

Contributions sought for the Engineering Ethics Toolkit[Read More]

18 Jul 2022
Existing ethics case study libraries

The Engineering Ethics toolkit points to existing case study libraries.[Read More]

23 Mar 2022
Case Study: Developing an internet constellation

This case is about an experienced engineer leading a team at a tech start-up. [Read More]

21 Mar 2022
Case study: Water wars: managing competing water rights

This case involves a situation where environmental damage may be occurring despite the mechanism ...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Solar panels in a desert oil field

This case requires an engineer with strong convictions about sustainable energy to make a decisio...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Smart homes for older people with disabilities

This case involves a software engineer who has discovered a potential data breach in a smart home...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Blog: Engineering Ethics Advisory Group

The Engineering Ethics Toolkit is produced by the Engineering Professors’ Council with support fr...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Power-to-food technologies

This case involves an engineer navigating multiple demands on a work project. The engineer must e...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Industrial pollution from an ageing pipeline and its impact on local communities

This case requires an engineer to balance multiple competing factors including: economic pressure...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Blog: Welcome to the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

An ambitious new initiative to ensure engineering education is a force for good.[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Glass safety in a heritage building conversion

This case concerns a construction engineer navigating multiple demands. [Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Facial recognition for access and monitoring

An engineer is hired to manage the development and installation of a facial recognition project.[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case Study: Developing a school chatbot for student support services

This case study involves the employees of a small software startup that is creating a customised ...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Choosing a career in climate change geoengineering

This case involves a dilemma that most engineering students will have to face at least once in th...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Business growth models in engineering industries within an economic system

This case involves the CEO of Hydrospector, a newly formed company that makes devices detecting w...[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Best practice in teaching engineering ethics through case studies

Recent scholarship on best practices in teaching engineering ethics through case studies.[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Pedagogical approaches to integrating ethics in engineering

It is essential to embed ethics into any project or learning outcome.[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Methods for assessing and evaluating ethics learning in engineering education

Educators may use these ethics learning aims and outcomes as guidance for developing assessments.[Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Case study: Choosing to install a smart meter

This case is an example of ‘everyday ethics’. [Read More]

21 Feb 2022
Guidance for ethical decision-making rooted in research and practice

What if a decision is required quickly? How do we ensure that we are likely to make the best one?[Read More]

21 Feb 2022

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