
30 Nov 2022

EPC staff member honoured

The EPC's Policy & Research Manager, Stella Fowler, has been granted the title Honorary Research Fellow by UCL

29 Nov 2022

OfS consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education

The EPC has responded to the Office for Students consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education. As part of this consultation, OfS published...

24 Nov 2022

Our patrons and previous presidents

Dates of previous presidents, Congress venues and President's Prize winners: Date President* Congress venue President's Prize Winner 2001-03 Prof Bill Banks 2001 -Ā  Strathclyde 2002 - Durham 2003-05 Prof Fred...

21 Nov 2022

Data dive workshop: student enrolments

You may have noticed our beta Data explorer on EPC's new website. Student enrolments on the site is now fully formed and we were excited to recently bring members the...

14 Nov 2022

Creativity isnā€™t about novelty ā€“ itā€™s about difference

We often talk about Engineers as problem-solvers, but what if there is no problem, you just want to make things better. Dennis Sherwood, author of a new book on creativity...

14 Nov 2022

Siemens - Skills for Sustainability Student Survey

Siemens have partnered Petrus to launch an important student survey on sustainability skills and education. Please do share the below with your students, the results will of course be made...

12 Nov 2022

EPC response to QAA Consultation on the revised Engineering Subject Benchmark Statement

The EPC responded to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) draft Engineering subject benchmark statement consultation to highlight that the statement could do more to promote ethics and sustainability. The full...

26 Oct 2022

Increasing studentsā€™ participation in Engineering higher education

The Royal Academy of Engineering's Siobhan Silas explains how you can support a major initiative to get more students into engineering.

24 Oct 2022

EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey 2022

Don't forget to complete your EPC engineering enrolments survey by 31st October. The timetable, details and download template for the annual survey is now available and your enrolment survey contact...

17 Oct 2022

OfS consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Office for Students is proposing to take a new approach to the regulation of equality of opportunity in English...

12 Oct 2022

The engineering benchmark statement is invaluable, let's defend it well

The Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) Subject benchmark statements show the minimum expectations of the knowledge and skills a student needs in order to graduate, subject-by-subject. Engineering is now up for...

22 Sep 2022

QAA consultation on draft Engineering subject benchmark statement

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is inviting responses to the draft Engineering subject benchmark statement. The EPC will be submitting...

20 Sep 2022

Bid to host EPC Congress in 2024

Proposals are invited from higher education Engineering departments to host theĀ Engineering Professorsā€™ Council Annual Congress in 2024. The deadline for submissions is Monday, 31st October 2022. [su_quote cite="Catherine Hobbs, 2022...

29 Aug 2022

Launching EPC Online

We're very excited to welcome you to the EPC's new digital platform. It's the culmination of more than three years of listening to members, planning and hard work. The aim...

24 Aug 2022

Engineering inclusive outcomes is a question of ethics

In this blog, Prof Dawn Bonfield MBE explains how the decisions engineers make on a daily basis can have significant consequences for underrepresented and disadvantaged groups in society.

18 Aug 2022

Engineering Ethics Toolkit case studies in action at TEDI-London

In this blog, Prof Mike Bramhall reflects on how and why he incorporated the EPC's engineering ethics case studies into his teaching at TEDI-London.

18 Jul 2022

Contributions sought for the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

**Register of interest deadline now extended to the 12th September** The EPC's Engineering Ethics Toolkit advisory group seeks contributors to write guidance articles, create case enhancements and develop new case...

15 Jul 2022

President's Prize announced: Dr. Hayaatun Sillem honoured by the engineering academic community

Press release The Engineering Professorsā€™ Council (EPC), the representative body of UK engineering academics, has announced that its annual Presidentā€™s Prize has been awarded to Dr Hayaatun Sillem CBE, for...

8 Jul 2022

Tackling the engineering challenges of tomorrow

The priorities for research must shift to face up to the future. The EPSRC has released a landmark report to set a new agenda for funding and direction.Ā EPSRC's Dr Andy...

5 Jul 2022

Applications invited for new SRHE research funds

The Society for Research into Higher EducationĀ (SRHE) has recently launched the 2022 SRHE Research and Scoping Awards. Funding up to Ā£10k is available.

24 Jun 2022

EPC Congress 2022: Hammermen Student Prize ā€“ Finalist posters and Longlisted posters

The Hammermen Awards an annual prize, presented in association withĀ the Hammermen of Glasgow, to celebrate engineering studentsā€™ excellence. And this year you get to decide who wins. This yearā€™s award...

1 Jun 2022

Welcome to EPC Online

Welcome to the EPC's new digital home. This new website and integrated membership services platform will transform the way our members interact with the EPC, network with other Engineering academics...

30 May 2022

DfE consultation on Higher Education Policy Statement and Reform

The Department for Education (DfE) ran this consultation from 24th February 2022 to 6 May 2022. The consultation sought to get the views on proposals for higher education reform in...

29 May 2022

Jisc: Design of the UKā€™s future research assessment system

This consultation ran from February to May 2022 by the Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Research England, Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland who asked for...

28 May 2022

Reflections on REF

REF 2021 is finally over, and the results are out. Whether we were involved as individual researchers, collating submissions for our institutions or involved directly in the assessment panels and...

8 Apr 2022

Why communication is a critical tool for any engineer

People rarely choose engineering because of their communication skills, but that doesn't mean they're not a vital part of the tool box. Prof Lucy Rogers explains.

8 Apr 2022

Levelling up

The ā€œLevelling-upā€ white paper published in February sets out how the government is planning to tackle the issue of regional inequality in opportunityacross the UK, through a mixture of new...

20 Mar 2022

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Call for evidence: Delivering a UK Science & Technology Strategy

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee conducted an inquiry into the Governmentā€™s plans to deliver a UK science and technology strategy. The inquiry considered what such a strategy...

17 Mar 2022

EPC responses to OfS Consultations

The EPC has published its responses to twoĀ consultations from the Office for Students on proposed changes to Student Outcomes and TEF.

17 Mar 2022

House of Commons Education Select Committee Call for evidence: Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

The Education Committee held an inquiry on the effectiveness of the careers advice given to students. This consultation ran until March 2022. The inquiry is a review of how well...

12 Mar 2022

Office for Students consultation on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

This consultationĀ set out proposals for theĀ futureĀ Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). This isĀ a national scheme whichĀ incentivisesĀ universities and collegesĀ forĀ excellence in learning, teaching andĀ theĀ outcomesĀ they provideĀ for their students.

23 Feb 2022

Office for Students consultation on a new approach to regulating student outcomes (changes to B3 baseline)

The Office for Students OfS issued three related consultations in February 2022 with detailed proposals on their approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education.

23 Feb 2022

Constructing student outcome and experience indicators for use in OfS regulation

The OfS proposals for regulating student outcomes and the TEF involve using detailed data and analytical evidence to inform their regulatory judgements. The focus of this consultation is on the...

23 Feb 2022

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

The Office for Students OfS issued three related consultations in February 2022 with detailed proposals on their approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education. Read on to find...

23 Feb 2022

Regulating student outcomes (changes to B3 baseline)

The regulating student outcomes consultation outlines a new approach to setting ā€˜minimum requirementsā€™ for positive HE outcomes in England. The continuing narrative is the threat of ā€˜low performing providersā€™ to...

21 Feb 2022

Welcome to the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

An ambitious new initiative to ensure engineering education is a force for good.

20 Jan 2022

House of Commons Education Select Committee: Inquiry into the future of post-16 qualifications

The Education Committee held an inquiry examining how effectively post-16, level 3 education and qualifications (such as A Levels, T Levels, BTECs and apprenticeships) prepare young people for the world...

17 Dec 2021

The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) consultation on revision of external quality assurance review requirements

This consultation ran from October to December 2021. This is a consultation on changes to the requirements for external quality assurance review, which regulated institutions are required to undergo at...

15 Dec 2021

APPG Youth Employment call for evidence

The EPC responded to the call for evidence on 15th December 2021, the final report was published on 15th March 2022. On the 15th March 2022, the Allā€“Party Parliamentary Group...

11 Nov 2021

Office for Students Strategy for 2022-25

This consultation ran from November 2021 to January 2022. OfS sought to get views on their proposed strategy for 2022-25. The consultation proposes a plan of action that will guide...

30 Sep 2021

Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Degree Apprenticeships Consultation

This consultation ran from September 2021 to December 2021. The Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education looked to change its existing policies that affected the development, approval, and operation of...

20 Sep 2021

Inspiring tomorrowā€™s engineers

Itā€™s our ambition at EngineeringUK to inform and inspire young people and grow the number and diversity of tomorrowā€™s engineers to meet the needs of the UK now and in...

17 Sep 2021

OfS Consultation on quality and standards conditions

This consultation ran from July to September 2021. OfS undertook a preliminary consultation on a range of quality and standards issues during the winter of 2020-21. The consultation brought forward...

29 Jul 2021

ā€˜Engineering Engineering: A Provocationā€™ Webcast Summary

A new paperĀ which seeking to challenge assumptions and practice around Engineering higher education and the talent pipeline.

12 Jul 2021

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: The Crucible Project ā€“ Advancing the Industry-Academia Agenda

During the course of the 2020 Annual Congress,Ā Industry & Academia: Supercharging the Crucible,Ā members explored the interface between industry and academia and some of the challenges to developing the relationship between...

7 Jul 2021

Engineering Professorsā€™ Council welcomes Professor Mike Sutcliffe as new President

Professor Mike Sutcliffe is the new President of the Engineering Professorsā€™ Council, the representative organisation of UK engineering academics.

5 Jul 2021

Prof Helen Atkinson, former EPC President, awarded a Damehood

We are delighted and proud that Professor Helen Atkinson CBE, FREng, President of the Engineering Professorsā€™ Council 2011-13, has been made a Dame in the Queenā€™s Birthday Honours 2021.

29 Jun 2021

Chi Onwurah MP Webinar Summary

In case you missed it, here is a short summary of Chi Onwurah MPā€™s speech from the EPCā€™s Congress 2021 webinar series.

28 Jun 2021

Chris Skidmore MP Webinar Summary

In case you missed it, here is a short summary of Chris Skidmore MPā€™s speech from the EPCā€™s Congress 2021 webinar series.Ā To read the full text of the speech, pleaseĀ click...

9 Jun 2021

Compensation and Condonement: Feedback to proposed accreditation regulations

In May 2020, the Engineering Council updated its policy on compensation and condonement, which resulted in new rules being put in place for new cohorts on accredited programmes starting from...

8 Jun 2021

Funding research for a better world

The EPC was honoured to welcome former Universities Minister the Rt Hon Chris Skidmore to delivered a speech as part of our 2021/22 Annual Congress on the theme of ā€˜A...

27 May 2021

Engineering opportunity: letting down the drawbridge

A summary of the EPC's report on the contribution to social mobility made by studying Engineering.

24 May 2021

MEDIA RELEASE: Studying Engineering gives ā€˜turbo boostā€™ to social mobility, reveals new EPC research

A new study, published today by the Engineering Professorsā€™ Council (EPC), reveals that studying an Engineering degree gives a greater boost to social mobility when compared to other subjects.

21 May 2021

HE Commission Public Call for Evidence: University Research and Regional Levelling Up Inquiry

The Higher Education Commissionā€™s inquiry invited stakeholders to respond to its public call for evidence. This consultation ran from May to June 2021 To achieve its ambitions of levelling-up regional...

12 May 2021

DfE proposed changes: Post-qualifications admissions in Higher Education

This consultation ran from January 2012 to May 2021. The consultation sought to attain views on whether to change the current system of higher education admissions and move to a...

2 May 2021

OfS Consultation on Recurrent Funding for 2021-22

This consultation ran from March to May 2021. The government sent a statutory guidance letter to the Office for Students (OfS), which set out the funds available for financial year...

29 Apr 2021

Brexit impact on UKā€™s engineering education sector

We are pleased to announce the publication of the EPCā€™s joint study with UCLā€™s Centre for Engineering Education on the experiences and perceptions of European (EU) engineering students and academic...

29 Apr 2021

Whatā€™s going on with UK Research Funding?

The government has a stated goal of achieving 2.4% of the UKā€™s GDP to be spent annually on research and development (R&D) by 2027. This would be an increase of...

6 Apr 2021

What is Engineering? Subject coding: HECoS, JACS and engineering, an unofficial guide

If you follow the HE data environment, or even just the policy headlines, youā€™ll probably have noticed that a new subject coding system - the Higher Education Classification of Subjects...

26 Feb 2021

Policy summary, February 2021

It has been a busy start to the year for HE policy and politics, despite the roll-out of a third UK lockdown at the start of the year ā€“ significantly...

18 Feb 2021

Professional recognition post-Brexit

Is my professional title still valid in the EU? Will my combination of academic qualifications and professional experience still count post Brexit? What does the information on recognition of professional...

10 Feb 2021

Trusted Research: How safe is your research?

This was a discussion on the security precautions that academic institutions should take to prevent intellectual property being leaked to competitors or foreign governments. With the aim of preventing research...

2 Feb 2021

Emerging Stronger: Lasting impact from crisis innovation

What have we learned about learning under lockdown? How can we use the experience of trying to deliver high-quality engineering degree programmes to strengthen our teaching in future? This live...

15 Jan 2021

OfS Consultation on Regulating Quality and Standards in HE

This consultation ran from November 2020 to January 2021. The Office for Students consulted on its approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education. Since 2018, OfS' focus has...

14 Dec 2020

Guest blog: EPC Hammermen student prize

Congratulations to Rachel Beel, Glasgow Caledonian University, and to Dan Hicks, University of Brighton, joint winners of the 2020 EPC Hammermen Student Award.

23 Nov 2020

Are the OfS proposals on quality and standards good for the sector?

EPC Chief Executive Johnny Rich provides a critical commentary on the proposals outlined in the latest Office for Student consultation. These are his personal opinions and they do not necessarily...

23 Nov 2020

The OfS consultation on quality and standards in a nutshell

The Office for Students has just launched a consultation on one of the most important changes to its practice since its inception. What does it say? We've summarised the key...

20 Nov 2020

The Great Grading Scandal Engineering Challenge

This guest blog has been kindly provided by Dr Dennis Sherwood of Silver Bullet machine, an intelligent innovation consultancy, who was a speaker at the first of this year's Recruitment...

13 Nov 2020

EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2020 Series Posters

Click on the thumbnails below to view the posters. UK engineering students' maths entry qualifications: grades and non-progression   Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  Tim Bullough, University of Liverpool NMITE...

30 Oct 2020

Digital teaching and learning during the coronavirus pandemic: Call for evidence

This call for evidence ran from September to October 2020. This call for evidence sought a wide breadth of sector input and experience to understand the challenges faced, and lessons...

24 Sep 2020

Guest Blog: To trust or not to trust?

Imagine the situation, you have worked tirelessly to make a discovery which is important, potentially revolutionary, or worked long days and nights and sacrificed everything in order to bring that...

24 Sep 2020

Guest Blog: Engineering Council on Revised Standards

The fourth edition of Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) has been published, ahead of the 2020-2021 academic year. There will be a transition period, from publication until the start...

4 Sep 2020

EPC Congress 2020: Hammermen Student Prize - Longlisted posters, Finalist multimedia pitches and Finalist posters

The level of talent this year was outstanding! Please do take a look at the longlisted posters, finalist multimedia pitches and finalist posters all created by the students. We were...

13 Aug 2020

Emerging Stronger: Lasting Impact from Crisis Innovation ā€“ a new publication

At the start of 2020, no-one could have known what major changes lay just three months ahead for HE. Yet, here we are living through a pandemic, and in the...

10 Jul 2020

Engineering admissions: share your insights and help us make engineering's voice heard in the national admissions debate.

EPC response to the Office for Students (OfS) consultation on the higher education admissions system in England. In response to both the pending consultation and the uncertainty around this yearā€™s...

25 Jun 2020

Does accreditation help or hinder innovation?

In advance of the EPC's forthcoming live webcast, one of the panellists, Prof Sean Wellington, considers whether the requirements of accreditation help foster new approaches to engineering higher education.

10 Jun 2020

President's Prize announced: Professor John Perkins honoured by the engineering academic community.

The Engineering Professorsā€™ Council (EPC), the representative body of engineering academics in UK universities, has announced that its biennial Presidentā€™s Prize has been awarded to Prof John Perkins CBE FREng...

25 May 2020

Media release: University engineers across the UK commit expertise and equipment to join coronavirus struggle

Media Release Tales are emerging of the many ways that universities across the UK have stepped up to beat coronavirus and Engineering departments in particular have been at the forefront,...

20 May 2020

Engineering departments and the Covid-19 response

University engineers donate expertise and equipment in coronavirus struggle

6 May 2020

How will the probable collapse in international student numbers as a result of coronavirus affect UK Engineering departments? Weā€™ve crunched the numbers.

Weā€™ve all seen the higher education and national media coverage on the uncertainty around this yearā€™s university admissions following the cancellation of exams and the extended UK-wide lockdown. The worldwide...

5 May 2020

REF 2021 timetable

This consultation ran from April to May 2020. The purpose of this consultation was to gather initial views on the REF timetable. Responses were invited from any organisation, group or...

5 May 2020

EPC's continued response to Covid 19

Thank you to those members who responded to our latest Covid-19 initiative; a survey to gather details of the activities undertaken by engineering departments and academics in helping the national...

4 May 2020

OfS Consultation on the integrity and stability of the English higher education sector

This consultation ran from 4th May 2020 to 26th May 2020. This consultation addresses issues that have arisen, and have the potential to arise, because of specific circumstances relating to...

18 Feb 2020

GUEST BLOG: Engineers Without Borders UK

Engineers Without Borders UK kindly facilitated the recent EPC Board Retreat discussions on Ethics. Here they tell us about the twoĀ design challengesĀ they run at universities.

16 Dec 2019

New approaches to Engineering Higher Education

Best Practice in Engineering Education The EPC has been working with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), academics and industry for over two years to encourage and support changes...

13 Dec 2019

EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey 2019

Firstly, a huge thank you for your contributions to this year's EPC engineering enrolments survey. The survey gives us all an early temperature check of the health of HE undergraduate...

10 Nov 2019

Migration Advisory Committeeā€™s call for evidence on a salary threshold and points-based system

This consultation ran from September to November 2019. In June 2019, the government commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to carry out an in depth analysis ofĀ potential future salary thresholds...

31 Oct 2019

Compensation and Condonement: Response to proposed accreditation regulations

The Engineering Council proposed a policy on compensation and condonement, which will result in new rules being put in place for new cohorts on accredited programmes starting from September 2022....

10 Oct 2019

Guest blog: Time to Reflect on the Wellbeing of our Engineers

Studentsā€™ mental health is a deservedly hot topic in higher education. But is the conversation more difficult when it comes to engineering? Are the challenges greater?

9 Oct 2019

Brexit impact on UKā€™s engineering education sector: Exploring EU students and staff experiences

The Engineering Professorsā€™ Council and the UCL Centre for Engineering Education are running a research project, funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, that seeks to address and understand the...

8 Sep 2019

Improving Higher Technical Education: Department for Education

This consultation ran from July to September 2019. Higher technical education is post-18 education aligned to technical routes, such as accounting, engineering, management or laboratory science. The DfE sought to...

17 Aug 2019

Engineering Council Standards Review

The Engineering Council was in the process of undertaking its five-yearly review of its Standards, including those relevant to accreditation and approval. As part of this consultation, The Engineering Council...

13 Aug 2019

Guest blog: ā€˜If you were an engineer, what would you do?ā€™

If you are one of the 125,000+ passengers per day heading through Gatwick South this summer, you may just spot your universityā€™s Leaders Award prototype on the huge hoarding showcase.

6 Aug 2019

Research grants and contracts income

Research grants and contracts income tells us about the sources of research funding. In 2017ā€“18, 23.4% of UK research funding came from international sources. EU funding, which makes up more...

27 Jul 2019

Degree classification

An established regular in university league tables, good honours degrees have, more recently,Ā been in the spotlight as the media and sector grapple with the notion of ā€œgrade inflationā€ and the...

25 Jul 2019

New! DATA BLOG: Grade inflation?

Earlier this month, the OfS published a new release of degree classification data, concluding that the growing proportion of the first and upper second class degrees awarded cannot be fully...

5 Jun 2019

Blending arts and sciences: gimmick or necessity?

The two culture of arts and sciences are like oil and water, but, asks Prof Mehmet Karamanoglu, could they be mixed? Indeed, perhaps it's essential that we get them to...

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