
26 Jan 2024

Compensation and condonement: how far should accreditation go?

Katy Turff, Deputy CEO of the Engineering Council, invites your views on how much flexibility should be built into accredited courses

26 Jan 2024

Maths for Engineering: Do T levels add up?

Read the findings of the EPC's research project into the suitability of the Maths content of T levels as a pathway into engineering

17 Jan 2024

Scoop! EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey Results 2023/24

The results of the of the 2023 EPC Engineering Enrolments survey are now available. Our results can be explored using our members-only Data explorer, through the slide-deck or by reading...

26 Dec 2023

EPC response to OfS consultation on inclusion of Higher Technical Qualifications in student outcome measures

The EPC responsed to the Office for Students (OfS) is consultation on the introduction of a separate “split indicator” for higher technical qualifications (HTQs) to enable the regulation of student...

11 Dec 2023

What can academics do about the physics teacher crisis, and is it their job to do it?

Engineering academics are in a strong position to influence undergraduate students into teaching, which – as academics know – can be a fulfilling and rewarding careers. The EPC is working...

26 Nov 2023

Research Excellence Framework 2028 consultation response

The EPC Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Committee responded to a targeted REF consultation following its earlier input into the key decisions on the high-level design of the next research...

16 Nov 2023

Guest blog / Call for participation: An EME-focused investigation into barriers facing female engineers

Guest blog: Prof. Roger Penlington BEng PGCertAP PhD FSGT FSEDA SFHEA, Department of Mechanical & Construction Engineering at Northumbria University. Seeking to contact female Engineering staff/students who first studied Engineering...

15 Nov 2023

Siemens blog: Tools for sustainability in engineering education (Report from the SEFI Conference 2023)

The European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)’s Annual Conference was held this year in Dublin under the theme “Sustainability in Engineering Education.” The UK’s Engineering Professors’ Council were present with...

9 Nov 2023

Access and Admissions Forum series 2023

Take a look at our latest not-to-be missed event series - not just for admissions tutors! With the biggest HE access change in decades afoot in the form of the...

9 Nov 2023

OfS call for evidence on positive outcomes for students studying on a modular basis

The Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) - enabling student loan support for individual modules - will be introduced for the 2025-26 academic year. In preparation for this change the OfS asked...

1 Nov 2023

Congress at 30: a new approach

Johnny Rich, EPC Chief Executive   2024 will mark the EPC's 30th birthday. Back when it started, activities focused around a single yearly get-together, the Annual Congress. The EPC has...

23 Oct 2023

Engineering Ethics Toolkit - Tell us your experiences

Send us your blogs and testimonials!

12 Oct 2023

Research Excellence Framework 2028

In June 2023, the four UK higher education funding bodies published key decisions on the high-level design of the next research assessment exercise. The EPC’s Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer...

10 Oct 2023

SEFI Conference 2023 - Engineering ethics workshop

Our workshop at the 2023 SEFI Conference in September.

4 Oct 2023

Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable teaching ethics

We need to move past our discomfort in order to teach ethics in engineering.

30 Sep 2023

Engineering enrolments survey 2023-4

We are excited to launch the EPC engineering enrolment survey 2023/4. The survey will be open throughout October and we encourage each engineering department to respond. If you have completed...

25 Sep 2023

OfS call for evidence on positive outcomes for students studying on a modular basis

The EPC position on this consultation can be found here. The Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) will be introduced for the 2025-26 academic year enabling student loan support for individual modules....

16 Sep 2023

Engineering Ethics Toolkit - Educators' pack

A pack of resources to help you present and promote the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.

6 Sep 2023

OfS invitation to feedback on the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register

The OfS’ invites feedback on the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register. This is an unstructured call with no official deadline The EPC has previously warned the OfS that the EORR...

1 Sep 2023

A focus on...Celebrations

See some of our celebration highlights from the last couple of years, including the EPC President's Prize and more

1 Sep 2023

Contributions sought for the Sustainability Toolkit

For this cycle, this call has now closed. If you have already registered an interest and we are expecting your submission, please do submit your contributions by 3rd November. If...

1 Sep 2023

A focus on...Resources

Within the EPC family, our members have continued to face enormous challenges and the EPC offers thoughtful leadership and representation to ensure we can best support our members in meeting...

1 Sep 2023

A focus on...Blogs

We keep you informed about the latest policy changes, news and events through regular email Bulletins, our website and guest blogs, as well as through access to the exclusive members'...

1 Sep 2023

A focus on...Networking

EPC Online is more than just a our website; it’s a complete overhaul in the way that we communicate with members, upon which many of the key elements on the...

1 Sep 2023

A focus on...Events

Our extensive events programme saw many hundreds of our members access a plethora of free online webcasts and jam-packed in-person events. Click on each of the tabs below to see...

1 Sep 2023

A focus on...Campaigns

Many of our initiatives combine all of our workstreams, informing and supporting our members while also providing a springboard for networking events and guiding our representations to decision makers on...

17 Aug 2023

OfS consultation on inclusion of Higher Technical Qualifications in student outcome measures

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Office for Students (OfS) is consulting on the introduction of a separate “split indicator” for higher technical qualifications (HTQs)...

23 Jul 2023

Spotlight on ethics: Recycled materials and the circular economy

What is circularity, and how does it relate to climate goals or environmental practice? 

21 Jul 2023

Siemens blog: Siemens Skills for Sustainability Network supporting the development of new Sustainability Toolkit

Earlier this month, we provided updates on our Sustainability Toolkit at The Siemens Skills for Sustainability Network Global Online Gathering. A blog post about the event has been published by...

6 Jul 2023

Hammermen David K. Harrison Award - Congratulations to winner Charlie Wilson

The EPC has announced the winner of the 2023 Hammermen Student Prize

3 Jul 2023

Research Excellence Framework 2028

In June 2023, the four UK higher education funding bodies published key decisions on the high-level design of the next research assessment exercise. The EPC's Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer...

3 Jul 2023

DfE call for evidence on Generative AI in education

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Department for Education (DfE) published a position on generative AI in education in March and have now issued a...

21 Jun 2023

Imagine an engineer...

For engineering to focus on meeting future challenges, we will continue to need the traditional engineering scientists, but we will also need to expand our legions of design engineers to...

20 Jun 2023

Innovation: New ideas and new people

On Monday 12th June 2023, the EPC was honoured that Prof Dame Athene Donald DBE, FRS HonFInstP delivered a public lecture as part of the Engineering Academics Network Annual Congress...

16 Jun 2023

Guidance issued by the Engineering Council: University strikes and marking boycott

Industrial action affecting recognised programmes: interruption to recognised programme delivery and/or assessment. Guidance for professional engineering institutions, education providers, and awarding organisations. The Engineering Council and Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs)...

15 Jun 2023

Media release: Engineering Professors’ Council launches new educational resource 

An online resource that helps educators to build ethics directly into their engineering teaching.  

14 Jun 2023

Enjoyed annual Congress this year? Bid now for the 2025 Congress to come to you.

Proposals are invited from higher education Engineering departments to host the Engineering Professors’ Council Annual Congress in 2025. The deadline for submissions is Monday, 31st October 2023.

5 Jun 2023

Help! I’m teaching Engineering Ethics for the first time!

Dr. Jude Bramton of the University of Bristol discusses her first-hand experience of using the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.

3 Jun 2023

EPC consultations policy

The EPC will follow one of four pathways to prepare consultation responses: Full consultation Representative consultation Executive consultation No collective response The EPC Executive will decide which pathway to use...

30 May 2023

How to get more from your EPC membership

Every EPC member has their very own My EPC page, which can be customised for better benefits. Please take two minutes to go to My EPC and update your profile.

24 May 2023

Add your experience to EPC's fun snap survey ahead of our New models showcase in June

With the­ event in the engineering academic calendar fewer than three weeks away, we are keen to gauge the network’s temperature around New models, this year’s EAN Congress theme. The...

17 May 2023

Four Hereford hotspots you’ll want to visit at EAN Congress in under four weeks' time

New kid on the block NMITE welcomes us to Hereford for Congress 2023: New models. We introduce four of Hereford’s best venues, on offer to all EAN members during Congress....

29 Apr 2023

UCAS: Future of undergraduate admissions (personal statements)

Earlier this year, UCAS shared plans to reform the personal statement to a series of questions. You can read UCAS’ Future of Undergraduate Admissions report here. It was clear from...

24 Apr 2023

Call for participation: Innovative and inclusive assessments

Assessment change in the current climate cannot be mentioned without mentioning the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). So, if you think you have something to share on JEDI assessment design changes...

19 Apr 2023

In development: Sustainability Toolkit

We are excited to inform you that we are starting work on a Sustainability Toolkit, to be launched around the beginning of 2024. We are grateful to receive support and...

17 Apr 2023

House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee Inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS)

The EPC has responded to the House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS), the regulator of the higher education sector in England. The...

5 Apr 2023

Sustainability Toolkit Steering Group Questionnaire

This questionnaire is for members of the Sustainability Toolkit Steering Group.

4 Apr 2023

Call for papers: UK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network Annual Symposium

The UK & Ireland EERN is pleased to announce that their Annual Symposium is back ‘live and in person’ following their virtual events of recent times. Building on the success...

27 Mar 2023

Engineering Ethics Toolkit - Letting students flex their ethical muscles

Dr Matthew Studley looks at using case studies from the Engineering Ethics Toolkit to engage students.

17 Mar 2023

Introducing the EAN Briefing

We are thrilled to announce EPC’s new, dynamic Engineering Academics Network Briefing, our members' Bulletin service within the EPC Online – our new website and integrated membership services platform. This is...

17 Mar 2023

House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee Inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS)

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee is launching an inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS), the regulator...

3 Mar 2023

Engineering UK Inquiry call for evidence – Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people

The EPC has responded to the Engineering UK Inquiry call for evidence – Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people. The aims of...

21 Feb 2023

The EPC Hammermen Student Awards: get involved

Help your students celebrate their success through the coveted EPC Hammermen Student Prize. There is a cash award of up to £500 and FIVE totally free places at the 2023...

20 Feb 2023

From engineering graduate to physics teacher: Georgina shares her story

In the face of the critical shortage of Physics teachers, some Engineering graduates are pursuing the chance to teach and inspire the next generation. Read Georgina Smith's journey of becoming a...

16 Feb 2023

RAEng Visiting Professors Scheme 2023: applications open

Each year the Royal Academy of Engineering provides funding to universities for visiting professors from the engineering sector to support the learning of the next generation of engineers. If you've...

9 Feb 2023

UCAS: Future of undergraduate admissions (personal statements)

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here.UCAS has recently shared plans to reform the personal statement to a series of questions. You can read UCAS’ Future of...

24 Jan 2023

EPC Data explorer showcased by Jisc

We're pleased to share that the EPC's new member-only Data explorer has been selected by Jisc to feature on their site. Jisc shares member stories to showcase innovative use of...

24 Jan 2023

Engineering UK Inquiry call for evidence - Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. A new inquiry - led by Lord Willetts (Conservative) and Lord Knight (Labour) in partnership with EngineeringUK - has been launched to...

17 Jan 2023

Stemming the shortage

The shortage in STEM teachers – particularly in Physics – has reached a crisis and it threatens to undermine Engineering departments, the engineering sector and the nation's prosperity. Crystal Nwagboso and Johnny...

14 Jan 2023

Spotlight on ethics: Water wars: managing competing water rights

What responsibilities do engineers have to fellow employees, the community, and the environment?

15 Dec 2022

The experience of disabled doctoral students: survey

Survey participation request: The experience of disabled doctoral students The experience of disabled doctoral students (including neurodiverse students and students with chronic illness) is under-researched. Disabled Students UK is co-producing...

14 Dec 2022

EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey Results 2022/23

The results of the 2022 EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey are now available. Deep dive the results through our members-only Data explorer, view the slide-deck, or read the summary blog. To start,...

12 Dec 2022

Opportunity: Help shape BTEC qualifications

You are invited to join the advisory panels supporting the future development of BTECs in Engineering and other disciplines.

12 Dec 2022

Tributes to Prof David Harrison, Honorary Secretary of the EPC

It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death yesterday of Prof David Harrison, the Honorary Secretary of the Engineering Professors' Council.

30 Nov 2022

EPC staff member honoured

The EPC's Policy & Research Manager, Stella Fowler, has been granted the title Honorary Research Fellow by UCL

29 Nov 2022

OfS consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education

The EPC has responded to the Office for Students consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education. As part of this consultation, OfS published...

24 Nov 2022

Our patrons and previous presidents

Dates of previous presidents, Congress venues and President's Prize winners: Date President* Congress venue President's Prize Winner 2001-03 Prof Bill Banks 2001 -  Strathclyde 2002 - Durham 2003-05 Prof Fred...

21 Nov 2022

Data dive workshop: student enrolments

You may have noticed our beta Data explorer on EPC's new website. Student enrolments on the site is now fully formed and we were excited to recently bring members the...

14 Nov 2022

Creativity isn’t about novelty – it’s about difference

We often talk about Engineers as problem-solvers, but what if there is no problem, you just want to make things better. Dennis Sherwood, author of a new book on creativity...

14 Nov 2022

Siemens - Skills for Sustainability Student Survey

Siemens have partnered Petrus to launch an important student survey on sustainability skills and education. Please do share the below with your students, the results will of course be made...

12 Nov 2022

EPC response to QAA Consultation on the revised Engineering Subject Benchmark Statement

The EPC responded to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) draft Engineering subject benchmark statement consultation to highlight that the statement could do more to promote ethics and sustainability. The full...

26 Oct 2022

Increasing students’ participation in Engineering higher education

The Royal Academy of Engineering's Siobhan Silas explains how you can support a major initiative to get more students into engineering.

24 Oct 2022

EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey 2022

Don't forget to complete your EPC engineering enrolments survey by 31st October. The timetable, details and download template for the annual survey is now available and your enrolment survey contact...

17 Oct 2022

OfS consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Office for Students is proposing to take a new approach to the regulation of equality of opportunity in English...

12 Oct 2022

The engineering benchmark statement is invaluable, let's defend it well

The Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) Subject benchmark statements show the minimum expectations of the knowledge and skills a student needs in order to graduate, subject-by-subject. Engineering is now up for...

22 Sep 2022

QAA consultation on draft Engineering subject benchmark statement

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is inviting responses to the draft Engineering subject benchmark statement. The EPC will be submitting...

20 Sep 2022

Bid to host EPC Congress in 2024

Proposals are invited from higher education Engineering departments to host the Engineering Professors’ Council Annual Congress in 2024. The deadline for submissions is Monday, 31st October 2022. [su_quote cite="Catherine Hobbs, 2022...

29 Aug 2022

Launching EPC Online

We're very excited to welcome you to the EPC's new digital platform. It's the culmination of more than three years of listening to members, planning and hard work. The aim...

24 Aug 2022

Engineering inclusive outcomes is a question of ethics

In this blog, Prof Dawn Bonfield MBE explains how the decisions engineers make on a daily basis can have significant consequences for underrepresented and disadvantaged groups in society.

18 Aug 2022

Engineering Ethics Toolkit case studies in action at TEDI-London

In this blog, Prof Mike Bramhall reflects on how and why he incorporated the EPC's engineering ethics case studies into his teaching at TEDI-London.

18 Jul 2022

Contributions sought for the Engineering Ethics Toolkit

**Register of interest deadline now extended to the 12th September** The EPC's Engineering Ethics Toolkit advisory group seeks contributors to write guidance articles, create case enhancements and develop new case...

15 Jul 2022

President's Prize announced: Dr. Hayaatun Sillem honoured by the engineering academic community

Press release The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC), the representative body of UK engineering academics, has announced that its annual President’s Prize has been awarded to Dr Hayaatun Sillem CBE, for...

8 Jul 2022

Tackling the engineering challenges of tomorrow

The priorities for research must shift to face up to the future. The EPSRC has released a landmark report to set a new agenda for funding and direction. EPSRC's Dr Andy...

5 Jul 2022

Applications invited for new SRHE research funds

The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) has recently launched the 2022 SRHE Research and Scoping Awards. Funding up to £10k is available.

24 Jun 2022

EPC Congress 2022: Hammermen Student Prize – Finalist posters and Longlisted posters

The Hammermen Awards an annual prize, presented in association with the Hammermen of Glasgow, to celebrate engineering students’ excellence. And this year you get to decide who wins. This year’s award...

1 Jun 2022

Welcome to EPC Online

Welcome to the EPC's new digital home. This new website and integrated membership services platform will transform the way our members interact with the EPC, network with other Engineering academics...

30 May 2022

DfE consultation on Higher Education Policy Statement and Reform

The Department for Education (DfE) ran this consultation from 24th February 2022 to 6 May 2022. The consultation sought to get the views on proposals for higher education reform in...

29 May 2022

Jisc: Design of the UK’s future research assessment system

This consultation ran from February to May 2022 by the Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Research England, Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland who asked for...

28 May 2022

Reflections on REF

REF 2021 is finally over, and the results are out. Whether we were involved as individual researchers, collating submissions for our institutions or involved directly in the assessment panels and...

8 Apr 2022

Why communication is a critical tool for any engineer

People rarely choose engineering because of their communication skills, but that doesn't mean they're not a vital part of the tool box. Prof Lucy Rogers explains.

8 Apr 2022

Levelling up

The “Levelling-up” white paper published in February sets out how the government is planning to tackle the issue of regional inequality in opportunityacross the UK, through a mixture of new...

20 Mar 2022

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Call for evidence: Delivering a UK Science & Technology Strategy

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee conducted an inquiry into the Government’s plans to deliver a UK science and technology strategy. The inquiry considered what such a strategy...

17 Mar 2022

EPC responses to OfS Consultations

The EPC has published its responses to two consultations from the Office for Students on proposed changes to Student Outcomes and TEF.

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