EPC staff member honoured

Stella FowlerWe are very proud to announce that Stella Fowler, the EPC’s own Research and Policy Manager, has been granted the title of Honorary Research Fellow by University College London.

Among many other things, Stella is the brain behind most of the data analysis that the EPC provides for members (through the Data Explorer) and which adds weight to our reports, campaigns and consultation responses. She has also recently launched a series of ‘Data Dive’ webinar workshops to help members dig deeper into the rich seam of statistics that the EPC sources and analyses on their behalf each year.

Over the past year Stella has been working closely with UCL on a major research project for the Royal Academy of Engineering to understand the ‘state of the nation’ in terms of Engineering education. The honour from UCL recognises her invaluable contribution to this important work, which will be published in 2023.

We’re sure that all EPC members will want to join in congratulating Stella on this achievement.

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