
31 May 2019

Augar arrives

EPC Chief Executive, Johnny Rich reports on the long-awaited Review of Post-18 Education Funding in England and the possible implications for engineering in HE. At over 200 pages and featuring...

29 May 2019

Guest blog: Compensation and condonement - incoming rules for accredited degrees

By Catherine Elliott, Engineering Council The Engineering Council has updated its policy on compensation and condonement[1], which has resulted in new rules being put in place. The key consideration in...

12 May 2019

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Future frameworks for international collaboration on research and innovation: call for evidence

This consultation ran from April to May 2019. In March 2019, Professor Sir Adrian Smith was commissioned by BEIS to provide independent advice on the design of future UK funding...

10 Apr 2019

EPC Elections 2019

NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION TO THE BOARD OF THE ENGINEERING PROFESSORSā€™ COUNCIL Honorary Treasurer, Secretary and four elected Ordinary Board Members On the occasion of the AGM, the period of office...

9 Apr 2019

Bid to host EPC Congress in 2020 or 2021

Proposals are invited from higher education Engineering departments to host theĀ Engineering Professorsā€™ Council Annual CongressĀ in 2020 or 2021. ā€˜Hosting the 2018 Engineering Professorsā€™ Council Congress was a great way to...

4 Apr 2019

OFSTED consultation on the education inspection framework 2019

This consultation ran from January to April 2019. Ofsted sought to attain views on its proposals for changes to the education inspection framework from September 2019.

28 Mar 2019

Brexit impact on engineering research will scar economy nationally and regionally, shows new EPC report

MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Johnny Rich, 078-1111 4292Date: 28th March 2019For immediate release As the political crisis over Brexit continues in Parliament, an exclusive new analysis by the Engineering Professorsā€™ Council...

25 Mar 2019

The impact of Brexit on engineering research funding

Ā  Using exclusive analysis, the EPC has produced an important insight into the impact that Brexit will have on UK engineering research. The findings are far-reaching and disturbing. A briefing...

14 Mar 2019

UKRI consultation on the Knowledge Exchange Framework

This consultation ran from January to March 2019. Research England had been tasked to develop a Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) to evaluate and benchmark the contribution UK higher education institutions...

4 Mar 2019

Teaching students to learn for themselves

Dr Sunny Bains, author of a new book on emerging technologies, examines how to support students to make use of the technical literature and to look beyond it. The best...

1 Mar 2019

Independent review of TEF: call for views

This consultation ran from January to March 2019. Dame Shirley Pearce had been appointed to conduct an independent review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF). This consultation...

11 Feb 2019

UKSCQA degree classification consultation

This consultation ran from November 2018 to February 2019. UKSCQA co-ordinates a UK-wide co-regulatory approach to quality and standards by bringing together the UK funding bodies and regulators for higher...

31 Jan 2019

Engineering higher education faces multiple threats, according to new landmark report

A worrying convergence of challenges, outlined in a high-profile report published today, is threatening the vital role of higher education in supporting the UKā€™s engineering sector, a critical part of...

25 Jan 2019

APPG on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM

The APPG on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in STEM launched its first inquiry in 2019, with the aim of investigating equity in STEM education. While there have been many reports...

20 Jan 2019

DATA BLOG: First glimpse HESA student data for 2017/18 highlights a decline in part-time, postgraduate, and male enrolments

First glimpse official 2017/8 HESA student data appears static in the Engineering and technology subject group ( A closer look at the absolute numbers shows a nominal one-year fall in...

10 Dec 2018

EPC engineering enrolments survey

EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey Results 2018/19 Firstly, a huge thank you for your contributions which the Recruitment and Admissions Forum confirmed are highly valued by our members. You told us...

26 Nov 2018

International Baccalaureate: the perfect preparation for engineers?

This blog has been written for the EPC by Henry Coverdale, Director of Post 16 Education atĀ King Edward's School in Birmingham. Henry was the author of one of the posters...

15 Nov 2018

Applications open for RAEng Engineering Leaders Scholarship

Are your students the next generation of engineering leaders? Undergraduates who are leaders, or act as role models in your institution or their community should be encouraged to apply to...

10 Oct 2018

REF 2021

The UKā€™s four higher education funding bodies have published the draft guidance and criteria on making submissions to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, for consultation.

8 Oct 2018

Primary Engineer

Primary Engineer, the organisation which inspires children, pupils and teachers to consider engineering through continued professional development, whole class project work, competitions and exhibitions has partnered with the Engineering Professorsā€™...

5 Oct 2018

DATA BLOG: Will this year's undergraduate engineering intake really be bad news?

An interim assessment of placed UCAS applicants for this autumn highlights that engineering follows a sector-wide slide in placed applicants overall but bucks a sector increase in applicants placed from...

28 Sep 2018

Engineering enrolments survey 2018-19

Download an .xlsx version of the EPC engineering enrolments survey Go to the online survey The EPC's annual engineering enrolment survey gives us all a first glance at engineering enrolments...

9 Sep 2018

Creating a new breed of ā€˜supergradsā€™

Creating a new breed of ā€˜supergradsā€™ When it comes to new approaches to education, what happens in engineering is the canary in the mine. Along with medicine no discipline more...

5 Sep 2018

Experience enhanced: improving engineering degree apprenticeships

Following its publication of the landmark report calling for changes to degree apprenticeships to deliver a new breed of ā€˜supergradsā€™ the EPC has now published all recommendations, including a full...

16 Aug 2018

REF 2021 full EPC member consultation

The UKā€™s HE funding bodies have set out detailed arrangements for REF 2021 and are seeking views from subject communities on the draft Panel criteria publication developed by the REF...

15 Aug 2018

Guest blog: Does a career in engineering pay?

By Kate Webster, the Engineering Council Engineering students at university are in the ideal place to learn and develop ā€“ encouraging them to become professionally registered puts them on a...

7 Aug 2018

The Hammermen Award, the Mongol Rally and Mental Health

In May at the EPC Annual Congress 2018 at Harper Adams University, we announced the winner of this year's Hammermen Student Award, generously sponsored by the Hammermen of Glasgow in...

31 Jul 2018

Home Affairs Committee Post-Brexit migration policy inquiry

This call for evidence ran from June to July 2018. This third strand of the Home Affairs Committee's work on migration considers the options for the UK's post-Brexit immigration system...

19 Jun 2018

Chief Executive invites EPC to influence Engineering Council review of UKSPEC

At this year's EPC Congress, Alasdair Coates's invited the EPC - as the representative body of engineering in higher education - to input to the current review that is being...

11 Jun 2018

Engineering Council Review of UKSPEC

The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) and Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) are reviewed on a five-year cycle by the Engineering Council as part of an overall...

29 May 2018

New Approaches to Engineering HE: The Six Facets

The EPC and IET are delighted to launch six case study examples for each of the six new approaches. We believe this proves that the required changes can be achieved...

19 May 2018

Women into Engineering

UK engineering has a gender problem. The challenge of achieving gender parity in engineering appears to be particularly difficult for the UK. Figures from 2016 show that 12% of those...

12 May 2018

The Department of Education call for evidence to support a Review of Post-18 Education and Funding

This consultation ran from March to May 2018. The government conducted a major review of post-18 education and funding to ensure a joined-up system that worked for everyone.

12 May 2018

The Department for Education consultation on the subject-level Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF)

This consultation ran from March to May 2018. The Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) assessed ā€˜provider-levelā€™ undergraduate provision. The Department of Education intended to extend this to a...

16 Apr 2018

New RAEng report: The Career Framework for University Teaching

In response to the government's Teaching Excellence Framework, the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) has developed the Career Framework for University Teaching. This report is designed to assist universities in...

10 Apr 2018

Opportunities to influence: Subject level TEF

The Department for Education sought views on the proposed design of the subject-level Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF). The TEF aims to recognise and reward excellence in teaching,...

5 Mar 2018

DATA BLOG: The state of engineering? Not too shabby

The supply of skilled engineers may not yet be being met by the education pipeline, but the evidence base required by the sector to make sound strategic decisions is met...

1 Mar 2018

Statement on strike action over USS Pensions

As the EPC represents both institutional members and individuals, we cannot directly take sides in supporting or opposing the current strike action. That said, we understand this is an issue...

27 Feb 2018

Department for Education consultation on Accelerated degrees: widening student choice in higher education

This consultation ran from December 2017 to February 2018. The Department for Education consulted on changes to the annual tuition fee cap, together with a range of measures to incentivise...

5 Feb 2018

DATA BLOG: UCAS Engineering applications down but applications from women up

UCASā€™ latest application data released today gives us a first glimpse into this Autumnā€™s enrolments into HE (15 January deadline). Applications to Engineering (totalling 144Ā½ thousand) are down by 1.7%...

29 Jan 2018

DATA BLOG: New year, new data? Can ageing stats really help todayā€™s strategies?

Last week, UCAS completed its suite of 2017 data when it published detailed stats for last autumnā€™s undergraduate admissions to the UKā€™s largest universities and colleges. But while the accepted...

26 Jan 2018

Migration Advisory Committee Science budget and Industrial Strategy inquiry call for evidence on International students: economic and social impacts

This call for evidence ran from October 2017 to January 2018. This call for evidence sets out how the MAC will approach responding to this commission and how stakeholders can...

24 Jan 2018

HEFCE Knowledge Exchange Framework Metrics Technical Advisory Group ā€“ initial call for evidence on KEF metrics

In 2018, the Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation commissioned the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to provide more information about higher education providersā€™ achievements...

27 Dec 2017

Securing student success: risk-based regulation for teaching excellence, social mobility and informed choice in higher education

This consultation ran from October to December 2017. The government sought to attain views on behalf of the new Office for Students (OfS) regarding the regulation of the higher education...

12 Dec 2017

Opportunities to influence: KEF metrics

In advance of a KEF consultation to be launched in the spring of 2018, HEFCE is seeking evidence to the KEF metrics technical advisory group on: suitable existing and potential...

8 Dec 2017

Opportunities to influence: T level consultation

The Department for Education is seeking views on the development of new T level programmes, and how they should be designed to deliver the Sainsbury Panelā€™s recommendations. The EPC proposes...

8 Nov 2017

Nomination for REF 2021 Engineering Panel

The Engineering Professors' Council is a nominating body for the Research Excellence Framework and, as such, we have been invited to nominate members of the engineering panel. If you would...

14 Oct 2017

Education Select Committee, Value for Money in HE

The Education Committee's inquiry into value for money in higher education examines the use of graduate outcomes data, social justice and progression of disadvantaged students in higher education, and the...

28 Sep 2017

Party Conferences 2017

From Johnny Rich, EPC Chief Executive... The Party Conference season is an opportunity to bend the ears of politicians, policymakers and thought leaders at a time when they're relaxed and...

20 Sep 2017

EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2017

This yearā€™s Engineering Professorsā€™ Council Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be held on 15th November atĀ Manchester Metropolitan University. We are delighted to announce not one, but two not-to-be-missed keynote speakers...

12 Sep 2017

Engineering in Society ā€“ new module for engineering citizenship

Undergraduate student engineers at UWE Bristol will get the chance to learn about engineering citizenship from September. A new module is being launched to highlight the importance of professional development,...

7 Jun 2017

Conference Report: New Approaches to Engineering in HE

On 22nd May 2017, in association with the IET, the EPC held a landmark conference at the Institution of Engineering and Technology in London to lay out aĀ bold new vision...

11 Apr 2017

BEIS, Building our Industrial Strategy Green Paper

This consultation ran from January to April 2017. BEIS aimed to build an industrial strategy that addressed long-term challenges to the UK economy. BEIS' aim was to improve living standards...

3 Apr 2017

HESA, NewDLHE: The future of graduate outcomes data

This consultation ran from March to April 2017. HESA consulted on its new model for collecting information about what higher education (HE) students do after graduating. HESA' proposed model aimed...

16 Mar 2017

HEFCE ā€“ Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework

In December 2016, the UK higher education funding bodies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland published a joint ā€˜Consultation on the second Research Excellence Frameworkā€™ (HEFCE 2016/36). This consultation...

4 Mar 2017

RAEng response to the Government Green Paper on Industrial Strategy - have your say

The Royal Academy of Engineering is gathering as much opinion and evidence from the engineering community to respond to the Industrial Strategy. There are severalĀ ways in which engineers can contribute...

6 Nov 2016

Education Committee ā€“ The impact of exiting the European Union on higher education inquiry

In 2016, The Education Committee launched an inquiry into the impact of Brexit on higher education. The inquiry followed the expansion of the Committee's remit to include higher education, further...

27 Sep 2016

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BIS) ā€“ Inquiry on industrial strategy

The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BIS) launched an inquiry into the Government's industrial strategy. The inquiry launch followed the inclusion of the term "industrial strategy" into the Department for...

31 Aug 2016

Brexit impact in Engineering Higher Education

Updated 28/03/19 As the political crisis over Brexit continues in Parliament, an exclusive analysis by the Engineering Professorsā€™ Council reveals that a cascade of effects ā€“ resulting simply from Brexitā€™s...

22 Aug 2016

EPC President speaking on Estuary TV

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Acknowledgement: The Culture Zone Engineering Professors' Council (EPC) President, Professor Stephanie Haywood of the University of Hull, appeared on Estuary TV last Friday in a segment...

22 Aug 2016

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee ā€“ Leaving the EU: Further call for evidence

This call for evidence ran from July to August 2016. The Committee sought to attain further contributions on the risks and opportunities of leaving the EU, to allow the Committee...

1 Aug 2016

Lord Sternā€™s Review of the Research Excellence Framework

President of the British Academy Lord Nicholas Stern was commissioned by the government to carry out the review of the Research Excellence Framework (REF).Ā The independent report "Building on Success and...

19 Jul 2016

Could your students inspire the engineers of the future?

Teaching physics is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind as a career for an engineering graduate. However, it is a rewarding, valuable and important occupation and engineers...

19 Jul 2016

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills ā€“ Accelerated courses and switching university or degree

This call for evidence ran from May 2016 to July 2016. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills aimed to gauge demand from students for more switching between universities and...

12 Jul 2016

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills ā€“ Teaching Excellence Framework. Technical consultation for year 2

This consultation ran from May to July 2016. This consultation sought to attain views on the detailed proposals for the operation of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) in year 2,...

28 Jun 2016

Professor Helen Atkinson among ā€˜Top 50 Women in Engineeringā€™

An inaugural list of the top 50 Women in Engineering, featuring former EPC President and University of Leicester Head of Engineering Professor Helen Atkinson, was published in the Daily Telegraph...

15 Jun 2016

ā€œChildren as Engineers ā€“ Paired Peer Mentors in Primary Schoolsā€

EPCā€™s Engaging in Engineering Public Engagement Grant Award 2014 At itsĀ 2014 Congress, the Engineering Professors' Council launched a public engagement funding call:Ā Engaging in Engineering. Ā One of the two winning projects...

3 Jun 2016

Challenges of introducing and designing new engineering programmes...

Grant Campbell and Daniel Belton at the University of Huddersfield have just published this useful paper about introducing a new programme in a high cost subject at a time of...

24 May 2016

GEDC Airbus Diversity Award 2016

The Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) Airbus Diversity AwardĀ is sponsored by Airbus andĀ aims to encourage and acknowledge work that inspiresĀ students of all profiles and backgrounds to study and succeed in...

17 May 2016

HE White Paper: Success as a Knowledge Economy published

The much-anticipated Wakeham and Shadbolt Reviews were published this week (16th May) alongside the Higher Education White Paper giving the sector much to chew over. To read the HE White...

17 May 2016

Wakeham Review of STEM Degree Provision and Graduate Employability published

The much-anticipated Wakeham and Shadbolt Reviews were published this week (16th May) alongside the Higher Education White Paper giving the sector much to chew over. Sir William Wakeham, this year's...

17 May 2016

The Shadbolt Review of Computer Sciences Degree Accreditation and Graduate Employability published

The much-anticipated Wakeham and Shadbolt Reviews were published this week (16th May) alongside the Higher Education White Paper giving the sector much to chew over. Sir Richard Shadbolt's report, The...

4 May 2016

EPC President speaking on BBC Look North

Engineering Professors' Council (EPC) President, Professor Stephanie Haywood of the University of Hull, appeared on BBC's Look North last week in a segment about Hull's upcoming Amy Johnson Festival.

18 Apr 2016

University College London partners with Primary Engineer to bring Special Leaders Award to London Schools

The Faculty of Engineering Sciences at University College London (UCL) is one of theĀ EPC member organisations that has been working with Primary Engineer to run the Special Leaders Award programme....

13 Apr 2016

IET's Engineering and Technology magazine: "Brexit: science, engineering and technology says no"

The IET's Engineering and Technology magazine reported on the EPC's and Campaign for Science and Engineering (Case) report, published in December, this week following attendance at EPC's AGM last week,...

7 Apr 2016

Engineering Professors' Council President's Prize 2016

Over 50 senior staff from university engineering departments across the UK gathered for the Engineering Professors' Council's Annual General Meeting yesterday (6th April, 2016) at Senate House, University of London...

18 Mar 2016

OfQual AS and A Level Electronics consultation on Conditions and Guidance

This consultation ran from February to March 2016. This consultation is about the rules and guidance we plan to put in place for new GCSEs, AS and A levels in...

1 Feb 2016

Engineering UK: State of Engineering 2016

Engineering UK has published its annual round-up of ā€œthe State of Engineeringā€. Its three overriding messages are: thatĀ engineering and skilled engineers make a significant contributionĀ to the UK economy and its...

28 Jan 2016

Our position on the TEF

Thanks to all those who took the time to let us have their thoughts on the proposals for the Teaching Excellence Framework - and particularly to those who took part...

15 Jan 2016

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills ā€“ Higher education: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice

This consultation ran from November 2015 to January 2016. This green paper sets out proposals to change the higher education landscape. The Department for Business. Innovation and Skills sought to...

11 Jan 2016

OfQual AS and A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics consultation on Conditions and Guidance

This consultation ran from December 2015 to January 2016. This consultation is about the rules and guidance we need to put in place for new AS and A levels in...

16 Dec 2015

AS and A level reform: regulations for maths and further maths

Earlier this month, OfQual launched one of a series of consultations on AS and A level reform - specifically on maths, further maths and design and technology. This consultation is...

14 Dec 2015

The role of EU membership in UK science and engineering research

The Engineering Professors' Council and CaSEĀ launched a joint report in December, 2015Ā on the ā€˜Role of EU membership in UK science and engineering researchā€™. Ā Download the press release. The full report...

25 Nov 2015

Comprehensive Spending Review

Quick summary of today's CSR The government will protect the Ā£4.7 billion science budget in real terms over the Parliament. Engineering mentions: Support will be provided to secure launch funding...

1 Nov 2015

House of Commons Science and Technology Committeeā€™s inquiry on the influence of EU membership on UK science

This call for evidence ran from September 2015 to November 2015. The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, under the Chairmanship of Lord Selborne, conducted an inquiry into...

30 Oct 2015

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: Inquiry into quality assessment in Higher Education

The Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Committee launched an inquiry into quality assessment in Higher Education (HE). The inquiry looked into proposed changes to quality assessment in universities and the...

29 Oct 2015

The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) - have your say

The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) As we write, weā€™re still waiting for the much-trailed Green Paper from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, which, alongside other issues which weā€™re...

29 Oct 2015

The public PhD viva

In his article in the Times Higher on 22nd October, UCLā€™s Professor of Chemical Engineering and Head of the Doctoral School, David Bogle, examines the concept of the public PhD...

29 Sep 2015

Engineering conversion course pilot scheme ā€“ Invitation to bid for funding

HEFCE is inviting applications for newĀ  funding to support the development of conversion courses in engineering (England only). This pilot scheme aims to help the higher education sector develop more...

28 Sep 2015

EPC former President Helen Atkinson meets Will.I.Am

September 15/16 2015 The Chinese Academy of Engineering recently hostedĀ a major international summit on Global Grand Challenges, a series inspired by theĀ  NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering ,Ā 14 ambitious goals...

25 Sep 2015

The European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) invites feedback on position paper on engineering skills

SEFI invites comments and feedback on this Position Paper and a longer discussion paper which will beĀ  available atĀ  www.sefi.beĀ  fromĀ  October.Ā  InputĀ  willĀ  beĀ  reviewedĀ  byĀ  theĀ  SEFIĀ  WorkingĀ ...

18 Sep 2015

HEFCE: Future Approaches to Quality Assessment

This consultation ran from June to August 2015. This consultation sought to attain views on the proposals of the three higher education (HE) funding bodies in England, Wales and Northern...

18 Sep 2015

Programme analysis of HEFCEā€™s Postgraduate Support Scheme: Final report published

HEFCE has now published its report on the Postgraduate Support Scheme pilot. EPC members will recall that Paul Wakeling of the University of York was commissioned to conduct an evaluation...

14 Sep 2015

Consultation on GCSE and A level Statistics

Dear all Consultations are also open on GCSE and A level Statistics. Ā Please find links to both below: Ofqual consultation DfE consultation

10 Sep 2015

Consultation on reform of GCSE, AS and A level Electronics qualifications

Dear all, It was announced this morning that DfE has confirmed that the development work for the reformed GCSE, AS and A level Electronics qualifications will continue through to the...

21 Aug 2015

House of Commons Science and Technology Committeeā€™s inquiry on the science budget

The Science and Technology Committee undertook an inquiry into the Science Budget, and to report ahead of the Spending Review. The committee began by taking oral evidence in July 2015...

31 Jul 2015

Children as Engineers - inspiring a generation...

ā€œI've really enjoyed this project because not only did I feel like I was teaching a class, I felt like I was teaching a generation.ā€ Student Engineer At its 2014...

30 Jul 2015

New GCSEs, AS and A levels for first teaching from 2017 - Engineering

These consultations ask for views on reformed subject content for a number of GCSE, AS and A level subjects which will be first taught in schools from 2017. and...

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