Westminster Higher Education Forum: The future for Postgraduate Taught education
Coming as the HE sector prepares for the introduction of student loans for taught postgraduate students in 2016, and as those in receipt of HEFCE's interim bursaries begin their programmes,...
Children as Engineers: Paired Peer Mentors in Primary Schools
This report is the result of an EPC-funded Engaging in Engineering project. You can also look at the Fogg-Rogers 2016 Paired peer learning through engineering education outreach.
3rd Annual Engineering Education Research (EER) Network Symposium
The Manufacturing Industry Education Research Group (MIERG) at the Institute for Manufacturing is hosting the 3rd Annual Engineering Education Research (EER) Network Symposium in Cambridge. The EER Network used to be...
Fixing the foundations: creating a more prosperous nation
HM Treasury has published the report "Fixing the foundations: creating a more prosperous nation" or the Government's "productivity plan". In it, the Government says it will support the "fast spreading"...
"Metrics cannot replace peer review in the next REF..."
The findings of the Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Research Assessment and Management have been published, concluding that "no set of numbers is likely to be able...
Young Researcher Competition: Aviation in Europe – Innovating for Growth
Abstract Submission deadline is 3rd August 2015. For more details, click here.
Dowling Review of Business-University Collaboration
Dame Ann Dowling DBE FREng FRS has now published her Review of Business-University Research Collaboration, to which the Engineering Professors' Council was one of very many contributors from across industry...
Re-engineering engineering education
“Young people are like wet cement. Thinking in a systems way, thinking across disciplines and across political boundaries, is something that will be easier to teach if we start with...
BIS acknowledges work of EPC and RAEng in Perkins Review work
Asked by David Simpson (Upper Bann) Asked on: 10 June 2015 Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Engineering 1985 To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, what plans...
The Engineers Without Borders Challenge - a view from the judging panel - "I was impressed"
Like many academics, I have often struggled to know quite how to engage students so that they learn something of the essence of engineering, rather than simply turning the handle...
Wakeham Review of STEM degree accreditation and graduate employability
The announcement of the Government’s science and innovation strategy in December included a commission to establish a general review of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and a specific review...
European Aeronautics Science Network Workshop
The 5th EASN International Workshop aims, like its acclaimed annual predecessors, to offer a forum for discussion and exchange of information about state-of-the-art research and development activities, this year in...
HEA Engineering Enhancement Event
The Higher Education Academy is holding an Enhancement Event for academics in Higher Education in Cardiff on 2nd July. There are a number of streams to the day including a...
HEA Engineering Enhancement Event
The Higher Education Academy is holding an Enhancement Event for academics in Higher Education in Cardiff on 2nd July. There are a number of streams to the day including a...
5th CEAS Air & Space Conference Challenges in European aerospace
From 7-11 September 2015 the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) will organize its fifth Air and Space Conference. CEAS represents 12 European Aerospace Societies with in total about 35.000...