Welcome to the EPC’s Enterprise Collaboration Toolkit – formerly known as the Crucible Project. Here you will find the EPC’s landmark project supporting university and industry collaboration in engineering by showcasing and sharing the keys to success.

Welcome to the EPC’s Enterprise Collaboration Toolkit – formerly known as the Crucible Proj...[Read More] Newcastle University and brightening the future for the North East.[Read More] Theme: Research Authors: Dr Grazia Todeschini (King’s College London) and Kah Leong-Koo (National...[Read More] Theme: Knowledge exchange, Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Authors: Deanne ...[Read More] Theme: Knowledge exchange, Universities’ and businesses’ shared role in regional development, Col...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Authors: Dr Gareth Thomson (Aston Un...[Read More] Theme: Graduate employability and recruitment, Collaborating with industry for teaching and learn...[Read More] Driving innovation to decarbonise a city region.[Read More] Theme: Research, Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning, Knowledge exchange Author...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Authors: Prof Lucy Rogers (RAEng Vis...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Authors: Dr Goudarz Poursharif (Asto...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning, Universities’ and businesses’ share...[Read More] Theme: Graduate employability and recruitment, Collaborating with industry for teaching and learn...[Read More] Theme: Research, Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning, Graduate employability an...[Read More] Theme: Research, Knowledge exchange Authors: Dr Matteo Ceriotti (University of Glasgow), Niven Pa...[Read More] Theme: Knowledge exchange, Universities’ and businesses’ shared role in regional development, Res...[Read More] Theme: Knowledge exchange Authors: Dr Tom Allen (Manchester Metropolitan University), Prof Andy A...[Read More] Theme: Knowledge exchange, Universities’ and businesses’ shared role in regional development, Col...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning, Graduate employability and recruitm...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning, Graduate employability and recruitm...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Author: Dr Robert Mayer (Cranfield U...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Authors: Ian Hobson (Senior Lecturer...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Authors: Dr Sajjad Hussain (Universi...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning, Knowledge exchange, Research, Gradu...[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning Author: Dr Mike Murray (Department o...[Read More] Theme: Graduate employability and recruitment, Collaborating with industry for teaching and learn...[Read More] Theme: Graduate employability and recruitment, Research Author: Dr Salma .M.S. Al Arefi (Universi...[Read More] Theme: Graduate employability and recruitment Authors: Dr Lisa Simmons (Manchester Metropolitan U...[Read More] Educating engineers to contribute to a regional goal of net zero.[Read More] Maximising benefits of regional development funding[Read More] Theme: Collaborating with industry for teaching and learning, Knowledge exchange Authors: Prof Ro...[Read More]About the Enterprise Collaboration Toolkit
Case Study: Newcastle University and brightening the future for the North East
Case study: Development of advanced computer models to study renewable energy integration in the UK
Case study: Industry and engineering academics - Collaboration starts with discovery
Case study: Partnership approaches in a new, engineering-focused HEI
Case study: Revising approaches for a joined up methodology
Case study: E21 - ‘Engineering the Future’ at the University of Exeter with a USP of Entrepreneurship and collaboration with Royal Society Entrepreneurs in Residence
Case study: Driving innovation to decarbonise a city region - Greater Manchester Energy Innovation Agency
Case study: Inclusive innovation - Harnessing industrial and academic research collaboration for solving industry problems
Case study: Video interviews of engineers in industry for use by staff and students in Engineering Business modules
Case study: Successful industry-academia collaboration in design, delivery, and assessment of WBL Engineering Degree Apprenticeship programmes at Aston University
Case study: Stimulating growth of an SME to support railway infrastructure
Case study: Development of an authentic writing activity with industry
Case study: Scholarship, synergy & transformational change: Using research to inform strategy at a time of uncertainty
Case study: Planning multiple active space debris removal using machine learning and quantum-inspired computing
Case study: Sheffield Innovation Programme
Case study: Auxetic materials and tennis rackets
Case study: Using an innovation standard framework to drive knowledge exchange growth, value and impact
Case study: Notre Dame Cathedral roof design project - A UCL / ARUP collaboration
Case study: Emergency shelter digital design project - A UCL / Multiplex collaboration
Case study: Guest lectures - Stakeholder insights to enhance the student experience and foster industry-academia partnerships
Case study: Bridging the gap between academic and employing organisations in an ever-changing world
Case study: Metaverse in education - a partnership between University of Glasgow and EON Reality
Case study: Connected curriculum: Partnering academia and industry
Case study: An industry-student mentoring scheme 2010-2022
Case study: Re-engineering education: Pushing the boundaries of academic-industrial partnerships
Case study: Participation and belonging to engineering – an intersectionality lens
Case study: Development and implementation of a collaborative event to enhance graduate employability
Case study: Educating engineers to contribute to a regional goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2030
Case study: Maximising benefits of regional development funding to companies, academics and students
Case study: Timber Technology Engineering and Design (TED) – an Educational approach for future built environment delivery