Past consultations
Compensation and Condonement: Response to proposed accreditation regulations
The Engineering Council proposed a policy on compensation and condonement, which will result in new rules being put in place for new cohorts on accredited programmes starting from September 2022....
Improving Higher Technical Education: Department for Education
This consultation ran from July to September 2019. Higher technical education is post-18 education aligned to technical routes, such as accounting, engineering, management or laboratory science. The DfE sought to...
Engineering Council Standards Review
The Engineering Council was in the process of undertaking its five-yearly review of its Standards, including those relevant to accreditation and approval. As part of this consultation, The Engineering Council...
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Future frameworks for international collaboration on research and innovation: call for evidence
This consultation ran from April to May 2019. In March 2019, Professor Sir Adrian Smith was commissioned by BEIS to provide independent advice on the design of future UK funding...
OFSTED consultation on the education inspection framework 2019
This consultation ran from January to April 2019. Ofsted sought to attain views on its proposals for changes to the education inspection framework from September 2019.
UKRI consultation on the Knowledge Exchange Framework
This consultation ran from January to March 2019. Research England had been tasked to develop a Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) to evaluate and benchmark the contribution UK higher education institutions...
Independent review of TEF: call for views
This consultation ran from January to March 2019. Dame Shirley Pearce had been appointed to conduct an independent review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF). This consultation...
UKSCQA degree classification consultation
This consultation ran from November 2018 to February 2019. UKSCQA co-ordinates a UK-wide co-regulatory approach to quality and standards by bringing together the UK funding bodies and regulators for higher...
APPG on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM
The APPG on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in STEM launched its first inquiry in 2019, with the aim of investigating equity in STEM education. While there have been many reports...
REF 2021
The UK’s four higher education funding bodies have published the draft guidance and criteria on making submissions to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, for consultation.
Home Affairs Committee Post-Brexit migration policy inquiry
This call for evidence ran from June to July 2018. This third strand of the Home Affairs Committee's work on migration considers the options for the UK's post-Brexit immigration system...
Engineering Council Review of UKSPEC
The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) and Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) are reviewed on a five-year cycle by the Engineering Council as part of an overall...
Women into Engineering
UK engineering has a gender problem. The challenge of achieving gender parity in engineering appears to be particularly difficult for the UK. Figures from 2016 show that 12% of those...
The Department of Education call for evidence to support a Review of Post-18 Education and Funding
This consultation ran from March to May 2018. The government conducted a major review of post-18 education and funding to ensure a joined-up system that worked for everyone.
The Department for Education consultation on the subject-level Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF)
This consultation ran from March to May 2018. The Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) assessed ‘provider-level’ undergraduate provision. The Department of Education intended to extend this to a...