As the Government concludes its National Curriculum review, this Westminster Higher Education Forum seminar focuses on the content of the new curriculum for Design and Technology (D&T) for each Key Stage, due to be introduced into schools from September 2014 – as well as the implementation challenges for schools. It will bring together key policymakers with school and college leaders, teaching unions, universities, employers and other stakeholders. Delegates will assess the opportunities and challenges presented by D&T’s designation as a ‘foundation’ subject, with a much less prescriptive Programme of Study, as well as the level of teaching time required to deliver the new Programme and whether it meets the needs of employers, colleges and universities.

See for more details or to book.  EPC members receive a 15% discount. Please contact us for the code.

Bringing together key stakeholders – including academics and university leaders, the publishing industry, science-based businesses, research councils and other research-funding organisations – with policymakers, this Westminster Higher Education Forum seminar will enable delegates to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by a move to ‘gold’ open access policies for publicly-funded research, whereby authors pay a fee for publication. The wider impact of reforms to academic publishing will also be considered, including how the public’s engagement with research can be improved, through, for example, the provision of walk-in access to journals in public libraries UK-wide. Delegates will also analyse whether or not domestic reforms could spur a move towards worldwide open access and the resulting effect this could have on the UK’s competitive position in research and development.

See for more details or to book.  EPC members receive a 15% discount. Please contact us for the code.

International Student Recruitment: Understanding and
Complying with the Points Based Immigration System

Central London

Monday 12th November 2012

Event Details  Website  Register to Attend

Earlier this year, new measures designed to curb the widespread abuse of the student visa system came into effect. The reforms seek to make entrance criteria tougher, introduce new limits on work entitlements and close the post-study work route.

With the international student market providing such a significant contribution economically, academically and culturally to this country’s education sector, particularly universities, it is imperative that institutions are up to speed with the new system and are fully compliant with UK Border Agency procedures.
This specially updated one-day training seminar provides a timely opportunity for education providers, international student recruitment officers and advisers to understand the new immigration landscape and its impact on vetting, sponsoring and recruiting overseas students.

For further details, please refer to the event brochure. In the meantime, to ensure your university or college is represented, please book online in order to secure your delegate place(s).

Timed to follow both the House of Lords Science and Technology Sub-Committee Inquiry and subsequent Government response, delegates will look at the quality and content of STEM degree programmes; how schools, colleges, universities, industry and Government can work together to encourage greater uptake among home students of STEM subjects at university; and whether the quality and availability of careers advice and guidance for students is sufficient to prepare graduates for entry into the labour market for high-end sectors. They will also discuss how university-industry collaboration can be harnessed to deliver improvements in these areas, along with the UK’s comparative performance with other leading economies.

See for more details or to book.  EPC members receive a 15% discount. Please contact the EPC office for the discount code.

Bringing together key policymakers with stakeholders – including university leaders and careers advice staff, graduate recruiters and social mobility groups – this seminar will provide an opportunity to consider how universities and employers can work together to ensure that graduates have the abilities necessary to compete for employment in the knowledge-based economy. Delegates will assess the recommendations arising from Sir Tim Wilson’s Review of Business-University Collaboration, particularly the role of work placements, gap years and internships in enhancing employability and enterprise skills. The agenda also includes discussion on the introduction of Key Information Sets and Employability Statements, and the role of university careers advice in improving graduate employment outcomes.

See for more details or to book.  EPC members receive a 15% discount. Please contact the EPC office for the discount code.

As Government implements the recommendations of Sir Adrian Smith’s March 2010 review, this timely seminar focuses on the future of post-graduate education in the UK, at both Master’s and doctoral levels. At this early stage we expect sessions to consider current funding arrangements for students and how fair access to post-graduate education can be assured, particularly in light of the higher undergraduate fees from 2012-13. The impact of constrained public spending on the number of places universities are able to provide and how universities can encourage more private investment to fund post-graduate education will also be a focus of discussion.

See for more details or to book.  EPC members receive a 15% discount.  Please contact the EPC office for the discount code.

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