Data Blog: Become an expert in UCAS engineering data in ten steps
Spoiler: there is no data in this data blog! Instead, we bring you a mixed media UCAS engineering data masterclass to share what we’ve learned about the tools available this...
Spotlight on ethics: Implementing the use of homegrown mass timber for residential housing
How important is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Construction?
Letter to the Secretary of State about Level 7 Apprenticeships
In recent months, the government has been indicating that it intends to make "widespread" cuts to the funding of Level 7 apprenticeships from the Apprenticeship Levy (which is shortly to...
Spotlight on sustainability: Using a factory fitness model to improve sustainability
How can sustainability be improved in manufacturing?
Latest news from the world of engineering
12th March 2025: Level 7 Apprenticeships – Babies and Bathwater HEPI has published a blog written by EPC Chief Executive Johnny Rich on Government plans to defund Level 7 apprenticeships...
Select committee "Under the microscope" inquiry
The Science, Innovation and Technology Committee – a cross-party group of MPs – wants to hear ideas for topics it should put “under the microscope”. The committee’s role is to...
Spotlight on sustainability: Integrating sustainability into robotics higher education courses
Creating a robot? How can the SDGs be considered throughout the process?
Engineering Ethics Toolkit - New assessment materials
Some much requested new materials!
Help! I’m teaching Engineering Ethics for the first time!
Dr. Jude Bramton of the University of Bristol discusses her first-hand experience of using the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.
Spotlight on sustainability: Peace Engineering Dashboard on water, air quality, health, and finance
How can engineers help the public understand sustainability concerns?
Congress 2025: Five sponsored Early Career Staff places now open
We are delighted to be able to offer 5 early career staff an EPC sponsored place at Congress 2025. Please complete the form below by Wednesday 30th April. Please see...
Complex Systems Toolkit - News & updates
Latest news on the Complex Systems Toolkit.
Spotlight on ethics: Power-to-food technologies
Could the shift of food production from soil to chemical industries concentrate power in the hands of a few?
Spotlight on sustainability: Integrating Engineering for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Engineering Education
Why integrate sustainability in engineering education - and how?
Spotlight on ethics: Pedagogical approaches to integrating ethics in engineering
Issues for educators to consider.
Spotlight on sustainability: Workflow for embedding the SDGs across engineering programmes and modules
A tool to help you plan the integration of sustainability.
The Hammermen David K. Harrison Student Award: get involved
Help your students celebrate their success through the coveted Hammermen Student Prize. There is a cash award of up to £500 and FIVE totally free places at the 2025 Engineering...
Spotlight on ethics: Choosing a career in climate change geoengineering
Which job offer should you accept? Why?
Cost of engineering degree puts universities in a bind
The Financial Times has published a letter from the EPC Chief Executive in response to its coverage last week of new UCAS data showing a “surge” in applications to UK engineering degrees among...
EPC responds to Office for Students consultation on its Strategy for 2025 to 2030
The Office for Students consulted on a new strategy for 2025 to 2030. The OfS published its last strategy in 2022 for the period 2022 to 2025. Some of the concerns...
Spotlight on sustainability: Using projects for integrating sustainability into engineering education
How to write project briefs to embed sustainability.
How to get more from your EPC membership
Every EPC member has their very own My EPC page, which can be customised for better benefits. Please take two minutes to go to My EPC and update your profile.
Spotlight on ethics: Guidance for ethical decision-making rooted in research and practice
What do engineers need to consider?
Data blog: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
The annual UCAS release last week prompted headlines celebrating a surge in 18-year-olds applying for UK engineering degrees. Indeed, the core numbers for the 2025 January Equal Consideration application deadline...
Spotlight on sustainability: Flood warning system project brief
How can engineers design systems that communicate risks related to sustainability?
Spotlight on ethics: Smart homes for older people with disabilities
There's a data breach. What do you do?
Spotlight on sustainability: Providing affordable housing that supports net zero
Are there sustainable solutions to the housing crisis?
EPC petitions Government ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review
EPC petitions Government to make up an annual shortfall of £897.5m for Engineering HE ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review Ahead of the Spending Review this summer, the EPC has...
EPC responds to Innovation, growth and the regions inquiry
The EPC Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Committee has responded to the Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee inquiry into “Innovation, growth and the regions”. The role of the UK’s...
Spotlight on ethics: Financially and politically motivated misinformation about STEM research
Who should be responsible for the messaging and processes for public health decisions?
Spotlight on sustainability: Assessing the feasibility of hydrogen fuel for net zero aviation
Can engineers achieve carbon neutral aviation?
Spotlight on ethics: Developing a school chatbot for student support services
Developing a school chatbot for student support services, addresses the ethical issues of bias, social responsibility, risk and privacy.
Engineering Ethics Toolkit: Reviewers sought
Join our reviewer community.
Office for Students Strategy for 2025 to 2030
The EPC response to this consultation can be viewed here. The Office for Students in consulting on a new strategy for 2025 to 2030. The OfS published its last strategy...
Did someone say New Year's resolution?
As 2025 begins with a flurry of activity and promise there are many priorities clamouring for our attention; at the EPC we reflect on the importance of doing what’s important,...
HM Treasury Spending Review representation
The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. HM Treasury is asking for written submissions from interest groups, individuals, Members of Parliament, or representative bodies relating to Phase...
REF 2029 Main and Sub-Panel recruitment and collaboration
The REF 2029 panels recruitment has now been launched. They are looking to appoint individuals to the following roles: Sub-panel chair and deputy chair – the closing date for sub-panel chair and...
Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee inquiry into “Innovation, growth and the regions”
The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee is launching an inquiry into “Innovation, growth and the regions” to assess the role...
All in for Engineering: background read
Neurodiversity describes the diverse and varying ways that our brains are ‘wired’, the natural variations in human neurology. Different brains have different strengths and view the world in different ways....
Engineering BTECs spared the axe
The Department for Education has published the decisions of its 'rapid review' of the previous government's intended defunding of a raft of Level 3 qualifications including most Engineering BTECs and...
Data blog: EPC Enrolments survey highlights overseas enrolments concerns
The results of the 2024 EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey are now available. Deep dive the results through our members-only Data explorer, view the slide deck, or read the summary blog...
The Ethics Toolkit goes on tour
It's conference season!
Policy post: Autumn/Winter 2024
Every term, the EPC Chief Executive, Johnny Rich, provides an update to EPC reps in each university and to the Heads & Deans Community about the big stories from the...
Department for Education (DfE) Curriculum and Assessment Review – call for evidence
The DfE sought views from stakeholders to share their perspective on potential improvements to the curriculum and assessment system. The call for evidence invites stakeholders to submit proposals on improving...
Share your story about teaching Ethics
Share your story with us.
Department for Education (DfE) Curriculum and Assessment Review - call for evidence
The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The DfE are seeking views from stakeholders to share their perspective on potential improvements to the curriculum and assessment system. The...
Introducing the Complex Systems Toolkit
We've started work on a new toolkit and we need you.
Sustainability Toolkit in the spotlight
Where are you talking about the Sustainability Toolkit?
Spotlight on Ethics: The Ethics Explorer
An interactive tool to help you navigate the landscape.
Navigating complexity: Strategic foresight for Engineering education
A guest blog from Dr Gert Jan Scheurwater, Director of Strategy and Foresight at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands [caption id="attachment_133461" align="alignleft" width="250"] Dr Gert Jan Scheuerwater, TU Delft[/caption] For...
Spotlight on ethics: Methods for assessing and evaluating ethics learning in engineering education
How to assess ethics learning
Engineering enrolments survey 2024-25
We are excited to launch the EPC engineering enrolment survey 2024/5. The survey will be open throughout October and we encourage each engineering department to respond. If you have completed...
Spotlight on ethics: Developing an internet constellation
Who should make decisions about projects that affect nature on a global scale?
Spotlight on ethics: Solar panels in a desert oil field
Is it bribery? Should you take it?
Blog: Building a Future of Inclusion - Deaf Awareness in Engineering
Inclusivity should be embedded into the heart of engineering education.
Spotlight on ethics: Embedding equity, diversity and inclusion into a professional engineer’s lifestyle
"There is a great need to advocate for fellow engineers providing places to belong and empowering them to thrive in their chosen profession and career pathways. This includes people who...
Engineering Ethics: How to promote it within your institution
A few ideas to get you started.
Spotlight on ethics: Business growth models in engineering industries within an economic system
We have provided an expansion in the form of a Case enhancement: defending a profit-driven business versus a non-profit-driven business.
Bid to host EPC Congress in 2026
Each year, Congress is hosted by a different institution, which, for those three days, becomes the epicentre of the UK's academic engineering world. Proposals are invited from higher education Engineering...
Spotlight on ethics: What is ethics?
"There are three lenses that we can use when thinking about ethics within Engineering: Professional, Theoretical, and Practical." If you'd like to improve your own ethics learning, then our guidance...
Spotlight on ethics: Aid vs trade
You're a newly appointed engineer. You're being asked to sell equipment that you believe is entirely unsuitable to a developing country. What do you do?
Spotlight on ethics: Engineers and public protest
As an engineer, you have a duty to ”maximise the public good and minimise both actual and potential adverse effects for their own and succeeding generations”. Should you break the law...
Spotlight on ethics: Microplastics in cosmetics
You're an engineering student on an industrial placement year at a company that manufactures cosmetics. You notice that a batch of products might have been contaminated with microplastics. What do...
Spotlight on ethics: Choosing to install a smart meter
Our original case study Choosing to install a smart meter is an example of ‘everyday ethics’. Now we have provided an expansion in the form of a Case enhancement: a technical...
Spotlight on ethics: How to integrate ethics into a module or course
If you’d like to improve your own ethics learning, then our guidance article How to integrate ethics into a module or course is a great place to start.
Spotlight on ethics: Balancing risk and benefits when working with offshore contractors
Your contractor might be using forced labour in its workforce. What do you do?
All in for Engineering: co-designing a neuro-inclusive future
The EPC believes that an inclusive and positive university experience for neurodiverse engineering students is fair, healthy, and what the engineering profession – and society – needs. Universities and engineering...
Spotlight on ethics: Tackling tough topics in discussion
How to make discussing ethical issues less daunting.
Three ways to influence REF 2029
While the assessment itself is still some way in the future, there are three things you can do now to influence the 2029 exercise. 1. Apply to be REF Panel...
Spotlight on ethics: Debating the adoption of nuclear energy
This case study asks students to identify and define an open-ended problem in engineering
Spotlight on sustainability: Integrating sustainable development goals into computing projects
Can the SDGs be embedded in computing projects?
Spotlight on ethics: Why integrate ethics in engineering?
If you’d like to improve your own ethics learning, then our guidance article Why integrate ethics in engineering? is a great place to start.
Spotlight on sustainability: Collaboration resources
Eager to work with and learn from others working in sustainability in engineering education?
Sustainability Toolkit: Call for testimonials
Help us to understand its impact.
Spotlight on ethics: Feasibility of installing heat pumps at scale to reach net zero
You are an engineering consultant working for a commercial heat pump company. The company handles both the manufacture and installation of heat pumps. You have been called in by a...
Spotlight on sustainability: Do passive houses need passive people? Adapting to low carbon housing
Will people choose to live in low carbon housing?
Spotlight on sustainability: Evidencing sustainability competencies in assessment
How to assess student learning around sustainability competencies.
Spotlight on ethics: Universal and inclusive co-design of the built environment and the transportation systems
"Universal and inclusive co-design of the built environment and transportation systems must be seen as an ethical act in engineering."
Spotlight on sustainability: Navigating trade-offs for embodied carbon in construction
Is net zero construction possible?
Spotlight on ethics: Protecting data in an auto parts production facility
"What are the legal issues relating to machine condition monitoring? What ethical codes relate to data security and privacy? What responsibilities do engineers have in developing these technologies?" These are some...
Spotlight on ethics: Developing a decarbonisation roadmap
You are given the task of creating a comprehensive decarbonisation roadmap and presenting it at a stakeholder meeting. How do you go about this?
Spotlight on ethics: Integrating a technical feasibility debate – a new approach to engaging students in ethics in engineering
Encouraging students to engage with the ethical, moral and environmental aspects of engineering in any meaningful way can be a challenge.
Spotlight on ethics: Neuroethics of brain-computer interfaces
What are the physical, ethical, and social difficulties that could result from the use of devices that have the ability to directly access the brain and decipher some of its...
Spotlight on ethics: Balancing safety, costs, and the environment in the inspection of wind turbine blades
What health and safety, environmental, and legal policies affect offshore wind farms?
Spotlight on ethics: Facial recognition for access and monitoring
This case involves an engineer hired to manage the development and installation of a facial recognition project.
Spotlight on ethics: Glass safety in a heritage building conversion
Do engineers have a responsibility to warn the public if there is a chance of risk?
Spotlight on ethics: Industrial pollution from an ageing pipeline and its impact on local communities
Does an engineer have a responsibility to do anything about potential groundwater pollution?
What's in the Sustainability Toolkit?
The EPC’s Sustainability Toolkit (supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering and Siemens) contains resources designed to help engineering educators integrate sustainability-related content into teaching. Toolkit content is divided into:...
Engineers 2030: EPC and EWBUK community response
Engineers Without Borders UK and the Engineering Professors Council are in strong support of the National Engineering Policy Centre's Engineers 2030 project. Its ambition to act as a catalyst for...
What's in the Curriculum Development and Teaching Innovation Toolkit?
Check out our resources.
President’s Prize announced: Mary Curnock Cook CBE honoured by the engineering academic community
The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC), the representative body of UK engineering academics, has announced that its annual President’s Prize has been awarded to Mary Curnock Cook CBE, for her exemplary...
Hammermen David K. Harrison Award - Congratulations to winner Lucy Guitton
The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC), the representative body for engineering academics in UK universities, has announced the winner of the 2024 Hammermen David K. Harrison Student Prize. . Awarded in...
What's in the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Toolkit?
Published in 2016, the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Toolkit looks at the internal validation process and the Quality Assurance Agency’s benchmarks that you'll need to consider when launching new programmes...
Blog: How Knovel can support information literacy
Navigating the digital landscape.
Engineers and educators recognised in Birthday Honours
The EPC would like to congratulate all the EPC members and friends who have been recognised in 2024's King's Birthday Honours list, including: Prof Karen Halford FREng CBE, Vice Chancellor...
DfE Advanced British Standard consultation
The Department for Education (DfE) has proposed far reaching reform of A levels and T levels and a cull of other level 3 qualifications. A proposed Baccalaureate-style qualification framework for...
What can you find in our Placements Toolkits?
Resources for HEIs, employers & students.
What's in the EPC Degree Apprenticeships Toolkit?
Find just what you need!
Engineers 2030 consultation
The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Engineering Professors' Council, in collaboration with our Engineers Without Borders UK partners, invites you to contribute to the National...
Guest blog: AI and professional registration
Catherine Elliott, Education and Skills Manager, Engineering Council Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not new, recent technological advances mean that it is more readily accessible than ever before. The DfE...