Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Committee (RIKT)

One of the EPC’s standing committees reporting to the EPC Board, the Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Committee leads the EPC’s work on anything relating to any of the areas suggested in the Committee’s name. In recent years, this has included leadership of the Crucible Project (the EPC’s initiative to support better collaboration between industry and academia), feeding into the development of REF and KEF, nominating individuals to REF panels and much else besides.


The RIKT Committee exists to oversee the EPC's work relating to engineering research, enterprise, innovation and knowledge transfer activities and policies at national, EU and international levels.


Click the arrow on the right to read the aims of RIKT.

  • To monitor issues arising within the scope of the Committee and to conduct horizon scanning. In particular to provide information and support to our members not met by other bodies in areas to be identified and prioritised by the Committee.
  • To carry out studies and disseminate information within the scope of the Committee in ways that:
    • Promote the cause of engineering in higher education amongst our wider network including professional bodies, the Press, politicians and funding bodies.
    • Influence research, innovation and knowledge transfer policy.
  • To support initiatives which promote innovation and knowledge exchange.
  • To provide advice within the scope to policy-makers, members and other stakeholders.

Ways of working

Click the arrow on the right to read about RIKT's ways of working.

  • The Committee will meet regularly, usually 3 times per year, on a perpetual calendar, to steer and receive updates on the activities of smaller task groups and to review and agree the periodic report for the EPC Executive Board.
  • Meetings will be documented and minutes made available on the EPC website.
  • The Committee will set out a programme of activities for the year, including a draft dissemination programme. We will also advise the EPC Executive Board and contribute to preparation of EPC responses to consultations by Government and others concerning research and enterprise activities, as and when these arise.
  • The Committee will provide a report to each EPC Executive Board meeting on matters that have arisen in the policy arena and an update on progress with regard to the agreed programme of activity.
  • Task groups will meet more frequently, either physically or virtually, and will focus on delivery of reports and analyses that can be used to underpin the dissemination programme.


A list of those currently serving on the RIKT Committee. Unless otherwise stated Committee meetings are open to all EPC members to attend as an observer. If you are interested in joining the Committee, please contact the Chair or the EPC executive team.

Member Email
Ion Sucala (Chair)
Andy Alderson (Vice Chair)
Sarah Spurgeon
David Brown
Tanya Vladimirova
Adrienne Houston
Graham Howe
David Hughes
Crina Oltean-Dumbrava
Nikita Hari
Philipp Thies
Sarah Peers
Juliana Early
Jill Stewart
Anne Nortcliffe
Greg Gibbons
Jin Wang
Idongesit Ekerete
Amina Hamoud


By request, some members may be corresponding members, not normally attending meetings but in receipt of minutes and papers, and involved in (email) discussions and consultations.

We will work with Government, Research Councils, companies, higher education institutions (HEIs) and within HEIs, Pro-Vice-Chancellors for research and enterprise, Deans, Directors of Research etc.

Committee meetings 2022/23

Dates, meeting details, papers and minutes of all RIKT Committee meetings in 2022/23.

5th June 2023 – click here.

22nd March 2023 – click here.

14th December 2022 – click here.

1st July 2022 – click here.

2nd February 2022 – click here.

12th January 2022 – click here.

Previous meetings and papers

Dates, meeting details, papers and minutes of all RIKT Committee meetings held in previous years. This content is accessible by RIKT Committee members only.

For dates, meeting details, papers and minutes of all previous RIKT Committee meetings, click here.

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