Education, Employability and Skills Committee (EES)

One of the EPC’s standing committees reporting to the EPC Board, the Education, Employability & Skills Committee leads the EPC’s work on all higher educational matters surrounding the content, outcomes and resourcing of engineering programmes at all levels of study (undergraduate (first degree and other), postgraduate, (taught and research) and in both the national and international context.

About the Committee

Expand to read the aims of the EES Committee and its ways of working.

  • To provide a resource bank and a network of support on which our members, partners and affiliates can draw
  • To conduct horizon scanning and collect, analyse and disseminate information (and carry out studies and pieces of research) within the scope of the Group’s remit in ways that:
    • Support and develop our members
    • Promote the cause of engineering in higher education amongst our wider network of professional bodies, the Press, politicians, Government and funding bodies
    • Influence policies to improve the development and delivery of HE engineering programmes
  • To support initiatives which promote innovation in the development and delivery of HE engineering programmes
Ways of working
  • The Committee generally meets 3 times per year, on a perpetual calendar usually around late October, mid January and late June, to steer and receive updates on the activities of smaller task groups and review and agree the periodic report for the EPC Committee to the Board.
  • Most meetings are held virtually.
  • Its meetings will be documented and made available via a dedicated webpage on the EPC website.
  • This Committee will set out a programme of pro-active activities for the year, including a draft dissemination programme but will also need to be available to react to matters arising in the policy arena.
  • The Committee will provide a termly report to the EPC Committee on matters that have arisen in the policy arena and an update on progress with the agreed pro-active programme of activity.
  • The task groups will meet more frequently, either physically or virtually, and will focus on delivery of reports and analyses that can be used to underpin the dissemination programme.


A list of those currently serving on the EES Committee. Unless otherwise stated Committee meetings are open to all EPC members to attend as an observer. If you are interested in joining the Committee, please contact the Chair or the EPC executive team.

Member Email
Clive Neal-Sturgess
Kamel Hawwash
Johnny Rich
Chike Oduoza
Henri Huijberts
Paul Greening
John Mitchell
Mike Sutcliffe
Sravanthi Sashikumar
Kay Bond
Rinkal Desai
Georgina Harris
Abel Nyamapfene (Vice Chair)
Bev Gibbs (Chair)
Manish Malik
John Mitchell
Faith Nightingale
Natalie Wint

By request, some members may be corresponding members, not normally attending meetings but in receipt of minutes and papers, and involved in (email) discussions and consultations.

Working groups

From time to time, the Committee will establish a working group, usually as a 'task and finish' group to lead a particular project.

Currently, the EES Committee has two working groups reporting through it to the EPC Board.

These are:

  • The Engineering Ethics Advisory Group, chaired by Prof Raffaella Ocone 
  • The New Approaches to Engineering HE Steering Group, chaired by Prof John Mitchell

There have been other working groups in recent years as follows, but these have now completed their work:

Committee meetings 2022

Dates, meeting details, papers and minutes of all EES Committee meetings in 2022.


14th June 2022 – click here.

7th February 2022 – click here.

Previous meetings and papers

Dates, meeting details, papers and minutes of all EES Committee meetings held in previous years. This content is accessible by EES Committee members only.

For dates, meeting details, papers and minutes of all previous EES Committee meetings, click here.

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