20 Nov 2020

The Great Grading Scandal Engineering Challenge

This guest blog has been kindly provided by Dr Dennis Sherwood of Silver Bullet machine, an intelligent innovation consultancy, who was a speaker at the first of this year's Recruitment...

13 Nov 2020

EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2020 Series Posters

Click on the thumbnails below to view the posters. UK engineering students' maths entry qualifications: grades and non-progression                                                                                                    Tim Bullough, University of Liverpool NMITE...

30 Oct 2020

Digital teaching and learning during the coronavirus pandemic: Call for evidence

This call for evidence ran from September to October 2020. This call for evidence sought a wide breadth of sector input and experience to understand the challenges faced, and lessons...

5 Nov 2020

ACED webinar 5th November 2020

Unfortunately it has proved not possible to hold a physical ACED Annual Conference this year due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictions. In its place, ACED has the pleasure...

9 Dec 2020

Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): Fair access: where now?

The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. This week, The final webcast in...

2 Dec 2020

Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): Student numbers: where now?

The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. This week, the third webcast in...

25 Nov 2020

Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): International students: where now?

The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. This week, the second webcast in...

18 Nov 2020

Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): Entry qualifications: where now?

The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. The opening webcast in this series:...

24 Sep 2020

Guest Blog: To trust or not to trust?

Imagine the situation, you have worked tirelessly to make a discovery which is important, potentially revolutionary, or worked long days and nights and sacrificed everything in order to bring that...

24 Sep 2020

Guest Blog: Engineering Council on Revised Standards

The fourth edition of Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) has been published, ahead of the 2020-2021 academic year. There will be a transition period, from publication until the start...

4 Sep 2020

EPC Congress 2020: Hammermen Student Prize - Longlisted posters, Finalist multimedia pitches and Finalist posters

The level of talent this year was outstanding! Please do take a look at the longlisted posters, finalist multimedia pitches and finalist posters all created by the students. We were...

8 Sep 2020 - 18 Sep 2020

EPC Congress 2020: Industry & Academia – Supercharging the Crucible

Join us online for an amazing line-up of discussions and speakers on the 8th September-18th September 2020 for this year's Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress, 'Industry & Academia - Supercharging...

13 Aug 2020

Emerging Stronger: Lasting Impact from Crisis Innovation – a new publication

At the start of 2020, no-one could have known what major changes lay just three months ahead for HE. Yet, here we are living through a pandemic, and in the...

10 Jul 2020

Engineering admissions: share your insights and help us make engineering's voice heard in the national admissions debate.

EPC response to the Office for Students (OfS) consultation on the higher education admissions system in England. In response to both the pending consultation and the uncertainty around this year’s...

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