Emerging Stronger: Lasting impact from crisis innovation
What have we learned about learning under lockdown? How can we use the experience of trying to deliver high-quality engineering degree programmes to strengthen our teaching in future? This live...
OfS Consultation on Regulating Quality and Standards in HE
This consultation ran from November 2020 to January 2021. The Office for Students consulted on its approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education. Since 2018, OfS' focus has...
Guest blog: EPC Hammermen student prize
Congratulations to Rachel Beel, Glasgow Caledonian University, and to Dan Hicks, University of Brighton, joint winners of the 2020 EPC Hammermen Student Award.
Are the OfS proposals on quality and standards good for the sector?
EPC Chief Executive Johnny Rich provides a critical commentary on the proposals outlined in the latest Office for Student consultation. These are his personal opinions and they do not necessarily...
The OfS consultation on quality and standards in a nutshell
The Office for Students has just launched a consultation on one of the most important changes to its practice since its inception. What does it say? We've summarised the key...
The Great Grading Scandal Engineering Challenge
This guest blog has been kindly provided by Dr Dennis Sherwood of Silver Bullet machine, an intelligent innovation consultancy, who was a speaker at the first of this year's Recruitment...
EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2020 Series Posters
Click on the thumbnails below to view the posters. UK engineering students' maths entry qualifications: grades and non-progression Tim Bullough, University of Liverpool NMITE...
Digital teaching and learning during the coronavirus pandemic: Call for evidence
This call for evidence ran from September to October 2020. This call for evidence sought a wide breadth of sector input and experience to understand the challenges faced, and lessons...
ACED webinar 5th November 2020
Unfortunately it has proved not possible to hold a physical ACED Annual Conference this year due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictions. In its place, ACED has the pleasure...
Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): Fair access: where now?
The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. This week, The final webcast in...
Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): Student numbers: where now?
The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. This week, the third webcast in...
Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): International students: where now?
The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. This week, the second webcast in...
Recruitment and Admissions Forum (2020 series): Entry qualifications: where now?
The Annual EPC Recruitment and Admissions Forum will be hosted online for 2020 as a series of linked events over four successive Wednesday afternoons. The opening webcast in this series:...