Topic: Employability and skills

article - News

The European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) invites feedback on position paper on engineering skills

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article - Reports

Programme analysis of HEFCE’s Postgraduate Support Scheme: Final report published

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article - Consultations

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry on the science budget

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article - Reports

Children as Engineers - inspiring a generation...

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article - Discussions

GCSE reform: Design and Technology

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article - Reports

Pathways to success in engineering degrees and careers

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event - EPC Event

Engineering Professors' Council Annual General Meeting

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article - News

BIS acknowledges work of EPC and RAEng in Perkins Review work

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article - News

Wakeham Review of STEM degree accreditation and graduate employability

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article - News

RAEng Visiting Professors' Scheme - now open - closing date 16 June, 2015

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