Past consultations

10 Apr 2018

Opportunities to influence: Subject level TEF

The Department for Education sought views on the proposed design of the subject-level Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF). The TEF aims to recognise and reward excellence in teaching,...

27 Feb 2018

Department for Education consultation on Accelerated degrees: widening student choice in higher education

This consultation ran from December 2017 to February 2018. The Department for Education consulted on changes to the annual tuition fee cap, together with a range of measures to incentivise...

26 Jan 2018

Migration Advisory Committee Science budget and Industrial Strategy inquiry call for evidence on International students: economic and social impacts

This call for evidence ran from October 2017 to January 2018. This call for evidence sets out how the MAC will approach responding to this commission and how stakeholders can...

24 Jan 2018

HEFCE Knowledge Exchange Framework Metrics Technical Advisory Group – initial call for evidence on KEF metrics

In 2018, the Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation commissioned the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to provide more information about higher education providers’ achievements...

27 Dec 2017

Securing student success: risk-based regulation for teaching excellence, social mobility and informed choice in higher education

This consultation ran from October to December 2017. The government sought to attain views on behalf of the new Office for Students (OfS) regarding the regulation of the higher education...

12 Dec 2017

Opportunities to influence: KEF metrics

In advance of a KEF consultation to be launched in the spring of 2018, HEFCE is seeking evidence to the KEF metrics technical advisory group on: suitable existing and potential...

8 Dec 2017

Opportunities to influence: T level consultation

The Department for Education is seeking views on the development of new T level programmes, and how they should be designed to deliver the Sainsbury Panel’s recommendations. The EPC proposes...

14 Oct 2017

Education Select Committee, Value for Money in HE

The Education Committee's inquiry into value for money in higher education examines the use of graduate outcomes data, social justice and progression of disadvantaged students in higher education, and the...

11 Apr 2017

BEIS, Building our Industrial Strategy Green Paper

This consultation ran from January to April 2017. BEIS aimed to build an industrial strategy that addressed long-term challenges to the UK economy. BEIS' aim was to improve living standards...

3 Apr 2017

HESA, NewDLHE: The future of graduate outcomes data

This consultation ran from March to April 2017. HESA consulted on its new model for collecting information about what higher education (HE) students do after graduating. HESA' proposed model aimed...

16 Mar 2017

HEFCE – Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework

In December 2016, the UK higher education funding bodies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland published a joint ‘Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework’ (HEFCE 2016/36). This consultation...

6 Nov 2016

Education Committee – The impact of exiting the European Union on higher education inquiry

In 2016, The Education Committee launched an inquiry into the impact of Brexit on higher education. The inquiry followed the expansion of the Committee's remit to include higher education, further...

27 Sep 2016

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BIS) – Inquiry on industrial strategy

The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BIS) launched an inquiry into the Government's industrial strategy. The inquiry launch followed the inclusion of the term "industrial strategy" into the Department for...

22 Aug 2016

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee – Leaving the EU: Further call for evidence

This call for evidence ran from July to August 2016. The Committee sought to attain further contributions on the risks and opportunities of leaving the EU, to allow the Committee...

19 Jul 2016

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills – Accelerated courses and switching university or degree

This call for evidence ran from May 2016 to July 2016. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills aimed to gauge demand from students for more switching between universities and...

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