Past consultations

29 May 2022

Jisc: Design of the UKā€™s future research assessment system

This consultation ran from February to May 2022 by the Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Research England, Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland who asked for...

8 Apr 2022

Levelling up

The ā€œLevelling-upā€ white paper published in February sets out how the government is planning to tackle the issue of regional inequality in opportunityacross the UK, through a mixture of new...

20 Mar 2022

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Call for evidence: Delivering a UK Science & Technology Strategy

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee conducted an inquiry into the Governmentā€™s plans to deliver a UK science and technology strategy. The inquiry considered what such a strategy...

17 Mar 2022

EPC responses to OfS Consultations

The EPC has published its responses to twoĀ consultations from the Office for Students on proposed changes to Student Outcomes and TEF.

17 Mar 2022

House of Commons Education Select Committee Call for evidence: Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

The Education Committee held an inquiry on the effectiveness of the careers advice given to students. This consultation ran until March 2022. The inquiry is a review of how well...

12 Mar 2022

Office for Students consultation on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

This consultationĀ set out proposals for theĀ futureĀ Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). This isĀ a national scheme whichĀ incentivisesĀ universities and collegesĀ forĀ excellence in learning, teaching andĀ theĀ outcomesĀ they provideĀ for their students.

23 Feb 2022

Office for Students consultation on a new approach to regulating student outcomes (changes to B3 baseline)

The Office for Students OfS issued three related consultations in February 2022 with detailed proposals on their approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education.

23 Feb 2022

Constructing student outcome and experience indicators for use in OfS regulation

The OfS proposals for regulating student outcomes and the TEF involve using detailed data and analytical evidence to inform their regulatory judgements. The focus of this consultation is on the...

23 Feb 2022

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

The Office for Students OfS issued three related consultations in February 2022 with detailed proposals on their approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education. Read on to find...

23 Feb 2022

Regulating student outcomes (changes to B3 baseline)

The regulating student outcomes consultation outlines a new approach to setting ā€˜minimum requirementsā€™ for positive HE outcomes in England. The continuing narrative is the threat of ā€˜low performing providersā€™ to...

20 Jan 2022

House of Commons Education Select Committee: Inquiry into the future of post-16 qualifications

The Education Committee held an inquiry examining how effectively post-16, level 3 education and qualifications (such as A Levels, T Levels, BTECs and apprenticeships) prepare young people for the world...

17 Dec 2021

The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) consultation on revision of external quality assurance review requirements

This consultation ran from October to December 2021. This is a consultation on changes to the requirements for external quality assurance review, which regulated institutions are required to undergo at...

15 Dec 2021

APPG Youth Employment call for evidence

The EPC responded to the call for evidence on 15th December 2021, the final report was published on 15th March 2022. On the 15th March 2022, the Allā€“Party Parliamentary Group...

11 Nov 2021

Office for Students Strategy for 2022-25

This consultation ran from November 2021 to January 2022. OfS sought to get views on their proposed strategy for 2022-25. The consultation proposes a plan of action that will guide...

30 Sep 2021

Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Degree Apprenticeships Consultation

This consultation ran from September 2021 to December 2021. The Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education looked to change its existing policies that affected the development, approval, and operation of...

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