16 Oct 2013

Witty Review published

The final report of The Witty Review of universities and economic growth has been published this week, following preliminary findings earlier in the year. Ā The independent review, headed by Sir...

30 Apr 2014 - 1 May 2014

HEA STEM Technician of the Year Awards

University technical staff make a vital contribution to the success of their institution on many fronts, not least the teaching and learning experience. To recognise this, the Higher Education Academy...

11 Oct 2013

EPC welcomes capital funding for science and engineering

We welcome the announcement by David Willetts on 30 September that Ā£400 million will be invested in higher education science and engineering teaching facilities, including Ā£200 million by HEFCE in...

25 Sep 2013

Should "engineer" be a protected title?

...this seems to be a question that's come up a lot recently.Ā During 2011 the Board of the Engineering Council established a working group to consider issues relating to the status...

25 Sep 2013

20th Anniversary Awards 2014

In 2014, the Engineering Professors' Council (EPC) will be celebrating 20 years since the joining together of the Engineering Professorsā€™ Conference and the Committee for Engineering in Polytechnics in 1994....

24 Sep 2013

Committees: terms of office

The activities of the Engineering Professors' Council (EPC) will be supported by Committees covering the primary areas of interest of the membership, currently defined as: Recruitment and Admissions (including the...

6 Sep 2013

The AQA A level science HE Expert Panel

Just a quick update on the work of one of our new Committee members, Mike Bramhall, on behalf of the Engineering Professors' Council.... The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) has...

30 Aug 2013

Government review of the balance of competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union: call for evidence ā€“ research and development

The Foreign Secretary launched the Balance of Competences Review in Parliament on 12 July 2012. This follows the Coalitionā€™s commitment to examine the balance of competences between the UK and...

18 Jul 2013

Feedback to members of our input to CaSE meeting with Science Minister

The Campaign for Science and Engineering, of which EPC is a subscribing member, met recently with David Willetts, having collated input from its members. Ā Here is their summary of the...

8 Jul 2013

Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Committee (RIKT)

Please log in to access the Terms of reference and Committee papers for the Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer (RIKT) Committee.

2 Jul 2013

BIS announces "investment in postgraduate study"

Ā£75 million investment in removing barriers to postgraduate study Students from disadvantaged backgrounds will be supported in postgraduate study with up to Ā£125 million of extra funding, Universities and Science...

2 Jul 2013

Universities UK International Conference: report from EPC Chair of EES working group

Our "roving reporter" Professor Clive Neal-Sturgess reports from the International Conference held at UUK last week. Well, the headline was thatĀ Europe is "back on the agenda" with theĀ UK Ā so heavily...

25 Jun 2013

Education, Employability and Skills Committee (EES)

One of the EPC's standing committees reporting to the EPC Board, the Education, Employability & Skills Committee leads the EPC's work on all higher educational matters surrounding the content, outcomes...

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