12 May 2019

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Future frameworks for international collaboration on research and innovation: call for evidence

This consultation ran from April to May 2019. In March 2019, Professor Sir Adrian Smith was commissioned by BEIS to provide independent advice on the design of future UK funding...

10 Apr 2019

EPC Elections 2019

NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION TO THE BOARD OF THE ENGINEERING PROFESSORSā€™ COUNCIL Honorary Treasurer, Secretary and four elected Ordinary Board Members On the occasion of the AGM, the period of office...

9 Apr 2019

Bid to host EPC Congress in 2020 or 2021

Proposals are invited from higher education Engineering departments to host theĀ Engineering Professorsā€™ Council Annual CongressĀ in 2020 or 2021. ā€˜Hosting the 2018 Engineering Professorsā€™ Council Congress was a great way to...

4 Apr 2019

OFSTED consultation on the education inspection framework 2019

This consultation ran from January to April 2019. Ofsted sought to attain views on its proposals for changes to the education inspection framework from September 2019.

29 Apr 2019 - 30 Apr 2019

CPHC Conference 2019

The 2019 CPHC Conference is due to be held on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th April 2019 at Middlesex University,Ā  The event is due to start with parallel Workshops on...

28 Mar 2019

Brexit impact on engineering research will scar economy nationally and regionally, shows new EPC report

MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Johnny Rich, 078-1111 4292Date: 28th March 2019For immediate release As the political crisis over Brexit continues in Parliament, an exclusive new analysis by the Engineering Professorsā€™ Council...

16 Apr 2019

AAU Committee meeting and Universities Seminar

The AAU Committee meeting (follow link for agenda) will take place in the morning followed by the free annual Universities Seminar (follow link for details) in room C1 in Geroge...

25 Mar 2019

The Impact of Brexit on HE research funding: an EPC research briefing

Using exclusive analysis, the EPC has produced an important insight into the impact that Brexit will have on UK engineering research. The findings are far-reaching and disturbing. The briefing is...

25 Mar 2019

The impact of Brexit on engineering research funding

Ā  Using exclusive analysis, the EPC has produced an important insight into the impact that Brexit will have on UK engineering research. The findings are far-reaching and disturbing. A briefing...

25 Mar 2019


Higher education engineering is a major internationally recognised and competitive UK asset. Engineering relies on non-UK collaboration more than most academic disciplines in terms of both research projects and attracting...

14 Mar 2019

UKRI consultation on the Knowledge Exchange Framework

This consultation ran from January to March 2019. Research England had been tasked to develop a Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) to evaluate and benchmark the contribution UK higher education institutions...

2 May 2019 - 3 May 2019

EERN Spring Colloquium 2019

The 2019 UK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network Spring Colloquium will take place on 2nd - 3rd May 2019 at the Technological University Dublin. You can download more details...

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