14 Dec 2019 - 15 Dec 2019

Annual International Multiphysics Conference

To be held at Al Ghurair University in Dubai from Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th December. The aerospace sessions will be sponsored by the AAU as in the past.

17 Aug 2019

Engineering Council Standards Review

The Engineering Council was in the process of undertaking its five-yearly review of its Standards, including those relevant to accreditation and approval. As part of this consultation, The Engineering Council...

13 Aug 2019

Guest blog: ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’

If you are one of the 125,000+ passengers per day heading through Gatwick South this summer, you may just spot your university’s Leaders Award prototype on the huge hoarding showcase.

9 Oct 2019

Aviation Centres of Excellence: Developing Tomorrow's workforce for a global community

The aviation industry is under transformation. New technologies are making flying faster, safer, less noisy and more sustainable. These innovations, however, require new skills. How can we equip the workers...

18 Nov 2019

New Approaches in Practice

As part of the EPC's New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education initiative, run jointly with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), we will be holding a conference on 18...

6 Aug 2019

Research grants and contracts income

Research grants and contracts income tells us about the sources of research funding. In 2017–18, 23.4% of UK research funding came from international sources. EU funding, which makes up more...

18 Oct 2019

AAU Odyssey

To be held at the University of Hertfordshire. Follow links for more details and map.

27 Jul 2019

Degree classification

An established regular in university league tables, good honours degrees have, more recently, been in the spotlight as the media and sector grapple with the notion of “grade inflation” and the...

25 Jul 2019

New! DATA BLOG: Grade inflation?

Earlier this month, the OfS published a new release of degree classification data, concluding that the growing proportion of the first and upper second class degrees awarded cannot be fully...

16 Dec 2019 - 17 Dec 2019

UK and Ireland 7th Engineering Education Research Network Annual Symposium

The UK & Ireland EERN are pleased to announce their 7th Annual Symposium will be hosted by WMG & the School of Engineering, University of Warwick in December this year....

19 Jul 2019

RA Committee meeting

The next Recruitment and Admissions Committee meeting will be in the Hopper Room at the IET, Savoy Place, London

5 Jun 2019

Blending arts and sciences: gimmick or necessity?

The two culture of arts and sciences are like oil and water, but, asks Prof Mehmet Karamanoglu, could they be mixed? Indeed, perhaps it's essential that we get them to...

31 May 2019

Augar arrives

EPC Chief Executive, Johnny Rich reports on the long-awaited Review of Post-18 Education Funding in England and the possible implications for engineering in HE. At over 200 pages and featuring...

29 May 2019

Guest blog: Compensation and condonement - incoming rules for accredited degrees

By Catherine Elliott, Engineering Council The Engineering Council has updated its policy on compensation and condonement[1], which has resulted in new rules being put in place. The key consideration in...

13 May 2019 - 15 May 2019

Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress 2019

The Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress 2019 took place from 13th May to 15th May at UCL Engineering Education. This year's congress theme was Engineering Change: surviving and shaping the...

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