OfS Consultation on Recurrent Funding for 2021-22
This consultation ran from March to May 2021. The government sent a statutory guidance letter to the Office for Students (OfS), which set out the funds available for financial year...
Brexit impact on UK’s engineering education sector
We are pleased to announce the publication of the EPC’s joint study with UCL’s Centre for Engineering Education on the experiences and perceptions of European (EU) engineering students and academic...
What’s going on with UK Research Funding?
The government has a stated goal of achieving 2.4% of the UK’s GDP to be spent annually on research and development (R&D) by 2027. This would be an increase of...
Lion Air Flight JT610/Boeing B737-8 Max: A Loss of Control In flight Accident Case Study
This is a lecture organised by the Coventry Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) which will be delivered by Dr Mike Bromfield who is a Flight Safety Researcher and...
What is Engineering? Subject coding: HECoS, JACS and engineering, an unofficial guide
If you follow the HE data environment, or even just the policy headlines, you’ll probably have noticed that a new subject coding system - the Higher Education Classification of Subjects...
Data Blog: Become an expert in UCAS engineering data in ten steps
Spoiler: there is no data in this data blog! Instead, we bring you a mixed media UCAS engineering data masterclass to share what we’ve learned about the tools available this...
Policy summary, February 2021
It has been a busy start to the year for HE policy and politics, despite the roll-out of a third UK lockdown at the start of the year – significantly...
Professional recognition post-Brexit
Is my professional title still valid in the EU? Will my combination of academic qualifications and professional experience still count post Brexit? What does the information on recognition of professional...
Trusted Research: How safe is your research?
This was a discussion on the security precautions that academic institutions should take to prevent intellectual property being leaked to competitors or foreign governments. With the aim of preventing research...
Emerging Stronger: Lasting impact from crisis innovation
What have we learned about learning under lockdown? How can we use the experience of trying to deliver high-quality engineering degree programmes to strengthen our teaching in future? This live...
OfS Consultation on Regulating Quality and Standards in HE
This consultation ran from November 2020 to January 2021. The Office for Students consulted on its approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education. Since 2018, OfS' focus has...
Guest blog: EPC Hammermen student prize
Congratulations to Rachel Beel, Glasgow Caledonian University, and to Dan Hicks, University of Brighton, joint winners of the 2020 EPC Hammermen Student Award.
Are the OfS proposals on quality and standards good for the sector?
EPC Chief Executive Johnny Rich provides a critical commentary on the proposals outlined in the latest Office for Student consultation. These are his personal opinions and they do not necessarily...
The OfS consultation on quality and standards in a nutshell
The Office for Students has just launched a consultation on one of the most important changes to its practice since its inception. What does it say? We've summarised the key...