Guest Blog: To trust or not to trust?
Imagine the situation, you have worked tirelessly to make a discovery which is important, potentially revolutionary, or worked long days and nights and sacrificed everything in order to bring that...
Guest Blog: Engineering Council on Revised Standards
The fourth edition of Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) has been published, ahead of the 2020-2021 academic year. There will be a transition period, from publication until the start...
EPC Congress 2020: Hammermen Student Prize - Longlisted posters, Finalist multimedia pitches and Finalist posters
The level of talent this year was outstanding! Please do take a look at the longlisted posters, finalist multimedia pitches and finalist posters all created by the students. We were...
EPC Congress 2020: Industry & Academia – Supercharging the Crucible
Join us online for an amazing line-up of discussions and speakers on the 8th September-18th September 2020 for this year's Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress, 'Industry & Academia - Supercharging...
Emerging Stronger: Lasting Impact from Crisis Innovation – a new publication
At the start of 2020, no-one could have known what major changes lay just three months ahead for HE. Yet, here we are living through a pandemic, and in the...
Engineering admissions: share your insights and help us make engineering's voice heard in the national admissions debate.
EPC response to the Office for Students (OfS) consultation on the higher education admissions system in England. In response to both the pending consultation and the uncertainty around this year’s...
Does accreditation help or hinder innovation?
In advance of the EPC's forthcoming live webcast, one of the panellists, Prof Sean Wellington, considers whether the requirements of accreditation help foster new approaches to engineering higher education.
President's Prize announced: Professor John Perkins honoured by the engineering academic community.
The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC), the representative body of engineering academics in UK universities, has announced that its biennial President’s Prize has been awarded to Prof John Perkins CBE FREng...
Annual International Conference of Multiphysics
The fifteenth International Conference of Multiphysics will be held virtually for the first time on 10-11 December 2020. The objective of the conference is to share and explore findings on...
AAU Annual General Meeting
The AAU/Aerospace Sectoral Group AGM will take place starting at 1200 on Friday 23rd October and will be a virtual event instead of a physical one that was going to...
COMEH conference – International Conference Manufacturing Research (ICMR)
To be held at the University of Derby. More details to follow