Siemens – Skills for Sustainability Student Survey

Crystal Nwagboso 2 years ago / 19938 views

Siemens have partnered with Petrus to launch an important student survey on sustainability skills and education. Please do share the below with your students, the results will of course be made available to members of this network later this year.

Siemens would like to hear about your education experience to improve sustainability education for students globally. There are just 9 questions, alongside profile questions for data analysis only, and it takes less than 15 minutes to complete.


Please complete the survey as soon as possible and by Tuesday 22nd November 2022

The survey builds on other relevant studies and the results will be shared with an audience of leading universities and companies from around the world at the Global Engineering Deans Council Industry Forum in South Africa later this year.

Survey participants can enter a prize draw to receive one of three €50 Amazon gift cards however more important is that senior industry and education leaders hear your voice!

After you have shared this survey with your students, please feel free to discuss your thoughts and feedback below.

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