What type of school do successful undergraduate engineering applicants come from?
Now updated for 2022 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2022) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude Unknown school type using...
To providers in which UK countries are people accepted to study undergraduate engineering?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude provider regions using the...
Which UK regions do those accepted to undergraduate engineering courses come from?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude Unknown using the UK...
How many people from the most and least deprived areas are accepted to undergraduate engineering ?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude IMD/NIMDM/SIMD or WIMD using...
How many people from areas most and least under-represented in HE (POLAR 4) are accepted to undergraduate engineering?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude Unknown using the POLAR4...
How many of those accepted to undergraduate engineering are known to have a disability?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). No impairment is automatically filtered out using...
What is the ethnicity of those successfully applying to study undergraduate engineering?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude application types using the...
To providers in which UK countries are undergraduate engineering applications made?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude Unknown using the Provider...
From what type of school are engineering undergraduate applications received?
Now updated for 2022 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2022) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude Unknown using the School...
Which UK applicant regions do home undergraduate engineering applications come from?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can include / exclude applicant regions...
How many applications to undergraduate engineering are from applicants in the most, and least, deprived areas in the UK?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude IMD/NIMDM/SIMD or WIMD using...
How many applications to undergraduate engineering are from applicants in areas most, and least, under-represented in HE (POLAR 4)?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude Unknown using the POLAR4...
How many undergraduate engineering applications are from applicants known to have a disability?
Now updated for 2023 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2023) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). No impairment is automatically filtered out using...
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