The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Call for evidence: Delivering a UK Science & Technology Strategy
The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee conducted an inquiry into the Government’s plans to deliver a UK science and technology strategy. The inquiry considered what such a strategy...
EPC responses to OfS Consultations
The EPC has published its responses to two consultations from the Office for Students on proposed changes to Student Outcomes and TEF.
House of Commons Education Select Committee Call for evidence: Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
The Education Committee held an inquiry on the effectiveness of the careers advice given to students. This consultation ran until March 2022. The inquiry is a review of how well...
Office for Students consultation on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
This consultation set out proposals for the future Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). This is a national scheme which incentivises universities and colleges for excellence in learning, teaching and the outcomes they provide for their students.
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Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2022) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude other / prefer not to say using the Ethnicity...
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Office for Students consultation on a new approach to regulating student outcomes (changes to B3 baseline)
The Office for Students OfS issued three related consultations in February 2022 with detailed proposals on their approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education.
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Constructing student outcome and experience indicators for use in OfS regulation
The OfS proposals for regulating student outcomes and the TEF involve using detailed data and analytical evidence to inform their regulatory judgements. The focus of this consultation is on the...
Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
The Office for Students OfS issued three related consultations in February 2022 with detailed proposals on their approach to regulating quality and standards in higher education. Read on to find...