30 May 2022

DfE consultation on Higher Education Policy Statement and Reform

The Department for Education (DfE) ran this consultation from 24th February 2022 to 6 May 2022. The consultation sought to get the views on proposals for higher education reform in...

29 May 2022

Jisc: Design of the UK’s future research assessment system

This consultation ran from February to May 2022 by the Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Research England, Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland who asked for...

28 May 2022

Reflections on REF

REF 2021 is finally over, and the results are out. Whether we were involved as individual researchers, collating submissions for our institutions or involved directly in the assessment panels and...

24 May 2022


5 May 2022

Introducing the Engineering Ethics Toolkit Webinar

A panel discussion on our Engineering Ethics Toolkit, a growing resource to help engineering educators embed ethics content into teaching.

25 Apr 2022

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21 Apr 2022

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20 Apr 2022

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8 Apr 2022

Why communication is a critical tool for any engineer

People rarely choose engineering because of their communication skills, but that doesn't mean they're not a vital part of the tool box. Prof Lucy Rogers explains.

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