Topic: Teaching & learning


Recruitment and Admissions Toolkit (Archive)

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event - HEA events

HEA STEM: New to Teaching (NTT) residential workshop

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event - HEA events

HEA STEM: Transitions, employability and professional identity: case study in architecture

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article - Consultations

House of Lords Report: Higher Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects: published 24 July 2012

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EPC in the media

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publication - EPC reports and papers

Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Engineering (ALOE) Final Report

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publication - EPC reports and papers

The Advanced Diploma in Engineering

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publication - EPC reports and papers

The Costs of Teaching Engineering Degrees: ETB-EPC Study

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publication - EPC reports and papers

Open learning in Engineering education

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publication - EPC reports and papers

A practical approach to Quality Management in HE

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