Topic: Employability and skills

event - Recruitment and admissions

Westminster Higher Education Forum event: the way forward for graduate employability

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Mathematics for Engineering

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article - Campaigns

Mathematics for Engineering: Entry to Engineering Advisory Panel

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event - EPC Event

Engineering Professors’ Council Annual Congress 2011

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event - EPC Event

Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress 2012

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event - Other

Green skills for Green Jobs Summit

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event - HEA events

HEA STEM: Transitions, employability and professional identity: case study in architecture

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article - Consultations

House of Lords Report: Higher Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects: published 24 July 2012

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article - Reports

HE STEM Programme: Designing the Future - Engineering Education Colloquia series (End of project case study)

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EPC in the media

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