Topic: Consultation

article - Consultations

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

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article - Consultations

Regulating student outcomes (changes to B3 baseline)

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article - Consultations

House of Commons Education Select Committee: Inquiry into the future of post-16 qualifications

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article - Consultations

The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) consultation on revision of external quality assurance review requirements

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article - Consultations

APPG Youth Employment call for evidence

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article - Consultations

Office for Students Strategy for 2022-25

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article - Consultations

Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Degree Apprenticeships Consultation

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article - Consultations

OfS Consultation on quality and standards conditions

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article - Reports

President's Report 2021

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article - News

Prof Helen Atkinson, former EPC President, awarded a Damehood

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