Topic: Consultation

article - Consultations

OfS consultation on inclusion of Higher Technical Qualifications in student outcome measures

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article - Consultations

Research Excellence Framework 2028

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article - Consultations

DfE call for evidence on Generative AI in education

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article - Consultations

EPC consultations policy

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House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee Inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS)

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House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee Inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS)

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Engineering UK Inquiry call for evidence – Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people

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article - Consultations

UCAS: Future of undergraduate admissions (personal statements)

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article - Consultations

Engineering UK Inquiry call for evidence - Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people

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OfS consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education

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