Topic: Archive

event - HEA events

HEA Event: Building Confident Engineers

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event - Community event: PHEE

PHEE 2012 Conference

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article - Consultations

Department for Education: Reform of the National Curriculum in England

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article - News

Gove launches technology focused Tech-bacc as vocational equivalent to A levels

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event - EPC Event

Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress 2013

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article - Research papers

Report on Government spending on science...

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article - Events

David Willetts' speech to HEFCE Conference

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event - HEA events

HE Academy event: Changing the Learning Landscape - Social Media in Engineering & Mathematics

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article - Reports

New report published: The Dual Funding Structure for Research in the UK: Research Council and Funding Council Allocation Methods and the Pathways to Impact of UK Academics

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event - EPC Board

EPC Annual General Meeting

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