Welcome to the EPC’s Sustainability toolkit. Here you will find our resource designed to help engineering educators integrate sustainability in teaching.

Sustainability Toolkit in the spotlight
Where are you talking about the Sustainability Toolkit?[Read More]
24 Nov 2024Report: Critical materials: reducing demand and ensuring sustainability - National Engineering Policy Centre / Royal Academy of Engineering (October 2024)
Report from the National Engineering Policy Centre about resource efficiency.[Read More]
13 Oct 2024Sustainability Toolkit: Call for testimonials
Help us to understand its impact.[Read More]
27 Aug 2024Report: World Engineering Day - Engineering for One Planet (2024)
“Engineers are uniquely equipped to help achieve the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals....[Read More]
25 Jul 2024Blog: There are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign.
Mike Murray, [Senior Teaching Fellow in Construction Management], discusses how he developed and ...[Read More]
23 Mar 2024Why did you decide to be an engineer?
The inspiring keynote from 3rd year Chemical Engineering student Kayley Thacker that took the Roy...[Read More]
22 Mar 2024Sustainability-focused learning outcomes mapped to AHEP4
This guide maps the Engineering for One Planet (EOP) Framework to AHEP4. The EOP Framework is a p...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Workflow for embedding the SDGs across engineering programmes and modules
This article should be read by educators at all levels of higher education looking to embed and i...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Example coursework: Developing intercultural competence in engineering students
This resource describes a coursework aligned to three key pedagogical approaches of ESD.[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Evidencing sustainability competencies in assessment
This article should be read by educators at all levels of higher education looking to embed and i...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Activity: Providing affordable housing that supports net zero
This activity allows students to consider the dilemmas around providing housing that is cheap to ...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Example project: Peace Engineering Dashboard on water, air quality, health, and finance
This is an example project that could be adapted for use in a variety of contexts. It asks studen...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Using projects for integrating sustainability into engineering education
Projects, and thus project-based learning, offer valuable opportunities for integrating sustainab...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Activity: Do passive houses need passive people? Adapting to low carbon housing
The purpose of this exercise is to encourage students to think in a socio-technical perspective o...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Activity: Rolling out e-scooters
The objective of this activity is to provide students with an understanding of the complexity of ...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Activity: Sustainability autobiography
This learning activity is designed to build students’ awareness of different dimensions of sustai...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Flood warning system project brief
This resource outlines a project brief that requires an engineer to assess the local area to unde...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Using a factory fitness model to improve sustainability
The following are a set of use cases for a maturity model designed to improve energy and resource...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Case study: The upward spiral - contrasting Stockholm and Lagos in an analysis of waste management challenges and solutions
This case study juxtaposes the waste management strategies of two cities: Stockholm, Sweden, reno...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Case study: Beyond the grid - sustainable powering of remote villages
This case study offers learners an explorative journey through the multifaceted aspects of deploy...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Case study: From plastic waste to infrastructure: understanding circular business models in context
This case study is focused on the role of engineers to address the problem of plastic waste in th...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Case study: Assessing the feasibility of hydrogen fuel for net zero aviation
This case study provides students an opportunity to explore the role of hydrogen fuel in the avia...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Case study: Navigating tradeoffs for embodied carbon in construction
An ambitious urban revitalisation project is under development, and a project manager needs to fi...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Inclusive and sustainable engineering solutions for economic growth in a diverse society
This article should be read by educators at all levels in Higher Education who wish to understand...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Using problem- and project-based learning to integrate sustainability in engineering education
This article should be read by educators at all levels in higher education who are seeking an ov...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024How to integrate and assess sustainability in the design (capstone) project in Chemical Engineering
This article should be read by Chemical Engineering educators in higher education who are seekin...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Equipping students with ethical decision-making skills by teaching sustainability from case studies
This article should be read by educators at all levels in higher education who are seeking to app...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024How to have a constructive or uncomfortable conversation about sustainability when you aren't a subject-matter expert
This article should be read by educators at all levels of higher education looking to embed and i...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Integrating sustainability into robotics higher education courses
This article is for educators working at all levels of higher education who wish to integrate Su...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Integrating sustainable development goals into computing projects
This article should be read by educators at all levels in Higher Education who wish to embed sust...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024How can sustainability be integrated in engineering modules through mathematics content?
This article should be read by academics and educators at all levels in higher education who wish...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Education for sustainable development (ESD) through engineering makerspaces
This article should be read by educators at all levels in higher education who are curious about ...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Nurturing sustainable engineers: balancing economic growth and environmental responsibility
This article should be read by educators at all levels in higher education who wish to consider h...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024A transdisciplinary approach to engineering for ecological sustainability
This article should be read by educators at all levels in higher education who wish to embed envi...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Integrating Engineering for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Engineering Education
This article should be read by educators at all levels in higher education who are seeking an ove...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Sustainability Resources Library: Assessment tools
In developing the resources for the EPC’s Sustainability Toolkit, we took into account recent sch...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Sustainability Resources Library: Knowledge tools
In developing the resources for the EPC's Sustainability Toolkit, we took into account recent sch...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Sustainability Resources Library: Collaboration resources
We’ve collated a library of links to groups, networks, organisations, and initiatives that connec...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Sustainability Resources Library
In developing the resources for the EPC's Sustainability Toolkit, we took into account recent sch...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Sustainability Resources Library: Integration tools
In developing the resources for the EPC's Sustainability Toolkit, we took into account recent sch...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024About the Sustainability Toolkit
The EPC’s Sustainability Toolkit is supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering and Siemens. Th...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024Blog: Welcome to the EPC's new Sustainability Toolkit
The EPC has introduced a major new initiative to ensure the engineers of tomorrow can rise to the...[Read More]
15 Mar 2024