Call for papers: UK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network Annual Symposium

The UK & Ireland EERN is pleased to announce that their Annual Symposium is back ‘live and in person’ following their virtual events of recent times.

This year’s Symposium will be hosted by WMG, University of Warwick. Building on the success of their previous events, colleagues are invited to submit abstracts for presentation at: The Student Experience: From Evolution to Revolution? The contribution of pedagogical research in enhancing engineering education.

If you wish to attend the event, please click here to find out more.


Call for papers - Review and Submission Process Call for papers - Types of Submission & Where to submit your papersCall for papers - Important dates

Review & Submission Process

To support colleagues in submitting a high-quality paper for inclusion in the Publication of the Symposium Proceedings, EERN are asking only for abstracts prior to the conference itself.

Following the event, we ask that colleagues take account of feedback received during their presentation, before submitting a final, short paper of between 2500-4000 words by 11/8/23.

The open access publications and various discussions before writing the final version of their paper. the Symposium Proceedings will be given an ISBN and Creative Commons licence and disseminated via our new website hosted by the Engineering Professors Council.

Newer Researchers & PhD Students are particularly welcome to submit a paper.

Types of Submission

Please submit an abstract in one of the below categories:

Research Paper: This includes work-in-progress and relates to engineering education research. May include primary and / or secondary data analysis.

  • You should submit a 500-word abstract (excluding references)
  • During the conference EERN will enjoy hearing about your scholarly research particularly the results or emerging findings.
  • The final paper should include details of the methodology as well as any recommendations.

Concept Paper (conceptually and theoretically grounded papers which focus on one or more of the themes). Each paper should include a reflection of how engineering education research could be conducted in the area discussed.

  • You should submit a 500-word abstract (excluding references)
  • During the conference we look forward to hearing about how your work contributes to engineering / applied STEM education theory
  • Conceptual and theoretical frameworks may be presented and would be welcomed in the final paper.

Practice Paper: Doing something innovative in the classroom? Found a new way of assessing? Tell us about it.

  • You should submit a 500-word abstract (excluding references which should be included as appropriate)
  • We are excited to hear about innovative and ground-breaking practice in all aspects of learning and teaching in the classroom
  • Photographs and other artefacts are welcomed both in the presentation and in the final paper.

Workshop: Workshops of between 60-90 minutes are invited in any area you feel aligns with the EERN, including innovation in learning, teaching, management and design.

  • Please submit a short description of the proposed workshop (between 500-750 words)
  • Include timings
  • Indicate how many people are invited
  • Let us know what your support needs are

Panel: Got an idea for a ‘Discussion Panel?’: Panel presentations of three or four papers are invited.

  • Please submit a summary of each of the papers to be included as well as an overview of the panel theme (around 250 words per paper, and 250 words describing the panel)
  • Panels may be in any area of interest to colleagues in the EERN
  • Cross-disciplinary, multi-institutional panels are particularly welcome
  • Each paper presented should be submitted individually for the conference proceedings.

EERN are aiming to publish an abstract booklet in the Conference itself whilst the Conference findings will be published after event. All papers will be double-blind-peer reviewed at each of the three stages of the process. The Proceedings will be allocated an ISBN and a Creative Commons licence. They will be published on our website which is hosted by the Engineering Professors Council, as well as being disseminated on institutional databases.

Please identify which of the following themes your work falls under:

Please submit your short paper / workshop outline to: Dr Jane Andrews, EERN 2023 Conference Organising Committee:

Important Dates:

Submission of abstracts for Review: Following numerous requests, EERN have decided to extend the deadline for submitting a 500 word abstract to 1700 hours on 17th April. Please find the call attached.

Notification of acceptance week commencing: 2nd May 2023

Submission of revised abstracts: 25th May 2023

Submission of full papers for inclusion in Symposium Proceedings: August 11th

All submissions should be sent to

If you would like to act as a reviewer, or if you have any questions regarding the publication of findings etc please contact Jane Andrews


Note: Roger Pennington, Vice Chair of EERN is supporting a colleague with their work on academic career profiles, if you have time for a short questionnaire, please click here

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