A forum for academic leaders in civil engineering
The Association of Civil Engineering Departments (ACED) exists to promote excellence in the teaching of Civil Engineering students and in the activity of Civil Engineering research, to provide a forum for debate about important issues, to initiate enquiries or investigations on matters of concern to the Membership, and to represent the interests of the Membership at the Engineering Professors’ Council, of which it is a Discipline-based community, and other bodies agreed by the committee.
Membership of ACED is open to any department that offers a civil engineering or related degree programme accredited by the Joint Board of Moderators.
We welcome new members so please do contact us. A nominal Annual Membership fee of £100 is payable to fund ACED-specific activities and resources.
LATEST NEWS: We are delighted to announce the winners of the Dominic Fox Prize competition for a video promoting civil engineering in 2021. First Prize is awarded to Kanaeshvarr Devanand of the University of Warwick and Second Prize to Thena Brooker of Loughborough University. The winning video is available to watch here: and other entries to the competition including those from previous years may be found on Youtube with the tag #acedDominicFoxPrize

For general enquiries regarding ACED please contact the Secretary: Dr Denise Lee at:
For contact details of current Committee members, please see the ACED Governance page.
In a typical year, one of the ACED member departments hosts a 2-day conference open to all, whether academic or industrial, involved in developing and delivering JBM accredited degree programmes. The conference is usually held in September, October or November.
The other key event of the ACED calendar is the Joint Meeting held each Spring by ACED, JBM Institutions. Heads of Civil & Structural Engineering Departments are invited to the meeting which is hosted. Presidents of Institutions are present or represented – they prepare addresses and convene sessions. It was not possible to hold this event since 2021 due to the pandemic, but we held a online one in 2024 and are preparing for a face to face one in 2025.
Some of the programmes and presentations from previous years’ events are available below:
Ulster University, 5th to 6th September 2024 | |
Anglia Ruskin University, 18th to 19th November 2021 | Click here |
Online webinar, 5th November 2020 | Click here |
Coventry University, 7th to 8th November 2019 | Click here |
University of Bolton, 8th-9th November 2018 | Click here |
Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Campus, 2nd-3rd November 2017 | Conference organiser: Rachel Horn Click here |
University of Sheffield, 3 and 4 November 2016 | Conference organiser: John Owen Click here |
University of Nottingham, 12th and 13th November 2015 | Click here |
University of the West of Scotland, 30th and 31st October 2014 | Conference Organiser: Callum Tooth 2014 Conference Website |
University of Birmingham on 24 and 25 October 2013 | Conference Organiser: Prof Kamel Hawwash. 2013 Conference Website |
University of Portsmouth, 18 and 19 October 2012 | Conference Organiser: Dr Dominic Fox. 2012 Conference webpage |
Kingston University, 3 and 4 November, 2011 | Conference Organiser: Dr Kamran Etebar |
Queen’s University, Belfast, 28 and 29 October, 2010 | Conference Organiser: Dr Harry Johnston. Download programme |
Cardiff University, 12 and 13 November 2009 | Conference Organiser: Prof Bob Lark. November 2009 conference webpage |
University of Bradford, 16 and 17 October, 2008 | Conference Organiser: Dr Crina Oltean-Dumbrava |
Loughborough University, 18 and 19 October, 2007 | Conference Organiser: Dr David Twigg |
City University, London, 19 and 20 October, 2006 | Conference Organiser: Dr Cedric D’Mello |
Coventry University, October 2005 | October 2005 conference webpage |
University of Plymouth, October, 2004 | October 2004 conference webpage |
Joint meetings
Click on the links for full details of the programme and presentations (where available).
May 2019: 22nd May 2019 at the IStructE International HQ
May 2018: 9th May 2018 at The Institution of Civil Engineers
May 2017: 9th May 2017 at the Institution of Structural Engineers International HQ, London
May 2016: 16 May 2016 at the ICE offices, Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA.
May 2015: 22 May 2015 IStructE, 47-58 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3P
April 2014: 23 April 2014 ICE, Great George Street, London
April 2012: 23 April 2012, ICE, Great George Street, London
April 2011: IStructE
- Programme and presentations not available – 18 April 2011, IStructE 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London
May 2009: IStructE
- Programme – 12 May 2009, IStructE 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London
- Presentations not available
April 2008: ICE
- Programme – 10 April 2008, ICE, Great George Street, London
- Presentations not available
David Richardson
University of Leeds
Immediate past Chair
Dr Robert Eadie
Ulster University
Chair elect
Dr Aled Davies
Cardiff University
Dr Robert Eadie
Room BC-05-164 Ulster University Belfast Campus,
York Street Belfast BT15 1ED
Northern Ireland
Committee members
Esther Norton | Anglia Ruskin University, Peterborough |
Aled Davies | Cardiff University |
Sarah Catmur | University of East London |
Andrew Sleigh | University of Leeds |
Binh Le | Anglia Ruskin University |
Denise Lee | Liverpool John Moores University |
Fiona Bradley | Glasgow University |
Mohamed Elmaghrbi | University of Nottingham |
Details of members and terms and office 2024/25
This document incorporates modifications agreed at the Annual Meetings in Edinburgh, 19th/20th October 1995, in London, 17th/18th October 1996 and those proposed for the meeting in Belfast in October 1999.
1. Definitions
The following terms have special meanings which are defined in the relevant sections of the Constitution.
Member of the Association, Membership or Member.
The Electorate.
Committee Member
Officer of the Association.
2. Title
The Association of Civil Engineering Departments (ACED)
3. Objectives
These are:
3.1 To promote excellence in the teaching of Civil Engineering students and in the activity of Civil Engineering research.
3.2 To provide a forum for debate about important issues.
3.3 To initiate enquiries or investigations on matters of concern to the Membership.
3.4 To represent the interests of the Membership at the Engineering Professors’ Council, CIC and other bodies agreed by the committee.
4. Membership
The Members of the Association, otherwise known as the Members or the Membershipare:
4.1 Heads of Subscribing Departments of Civil Engineering* or their nominee.
4.2 Ex-Heads of Subscribing Departments.
4.3 Other individuals who are or have been closely involved with Civil Engineering education
*The term ‘Department of Civil Engineering’ includes any Department, School or other Course Unit in the United Kingdom whose function is to administer degree courses in Civil Engineering or in subjects in which Civil Engineering forms the major component.
5. The Electorate
The Electorate shall consist of the Membership class 4.1 only. There shall be only one vote per department.
6. The Committee of the Association
The Committee of the Association shall consist of the Officers of the Association and not more than four members.
The Committee of the Association may invite not more than three additional persons to join them. These Additional Members must normally be Members of the Association and their attachment to the committee will lapse after twelve months unless the invitation is specifically renewed by the committee.
7. Officers of the Association
The Officers of the Association shall be the Chair, the Immediate Past Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
8. Elections Officers and Committee of the Association.
The Chair-Elect and not fewer than two full committee members shall normally be elected annually. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected at intervals not exceeding three years.
Candidates for election must be Members of the Association and they must be nominated and seconded by members of the Electorate.
If an election contest is necessary, the selection of the Officers and Committee shall be made either:
(a) by election at the AGM (subject to a quorum), or
(b) by a postal ballot of the Electorate (the results of which shall be determined by a simple majority),
9. Term of Office
The Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Full Committee Members may serve for three years without re-election.
The Chair and Chair-Elect shall normally serve for one year, after which he/she will become the Chair, subject to the approval of the AGM. After completion of his/her term of office, the Chair may serve on the committee for a further year (or two years) asImmediate Past Chair. Exceptionally (and specifically when the post of Chair-Elect has not been filled) the Chair may serve for two years.
10. The Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once in each calendar year. A quorum shall be not less than 30% of the Electorate.
At the AGM the results of the election will be announced and confirmed (if this has not been done in advance of the meeting). The incoming Officers and Committee will take office at an appropriate moment during the AGM.
The Secretary will provide a report of the activities of the Association.
The Treasurer will provide a statement of the financial position of the Association, for the approval of the AGM.
11. Extra-ordinary General Meetings
These may be called at the request of the Officers and Committee, or at on the written request of not fewer than six Members of the Association (who may or may not include some of the Officers and Committee).
12. Additional Meetings
The Officers and Committee may arrange additional meetings on topics of interest to the membership, from time to time.
13. The Subscriptions
The Subscriptions shall be payable annually by members of the Electorate on or before1st January.
The amount of the subscription will be determined by the Officers and Committee each year. The Secretary will notify subscribers of the amount of the subscription in writing at the time of the annual elections.
The new subscription will take effect in the following January.
14. The Cost of Meetings
The cost of meetings shall normally be borne by the persons attending them.
15. Amendment of the Constitution
The wording of the Constitution may be changed at the request of Members of the Association provided: (1) the revised wording is supported by no fewer than eight Members of the Association and (2) the revised wording is presented to the membership in a postal ballot, and (3) the revised wording is accepted by not less than 30% of the Electorate.
It will be the duty of the Secretary to verify that the wording is correctly supported, and to arrange the ballot of the membership.
Useful links
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation
Institute of Highway Engineers
External Examiners Database
ACED maintains a database of External Examiners for a number of UK and Irish Institutions. If you wish to access it, please email