16 Jan 2015

Royal Society-CaSE Science Ministers' Debate 2015

Engineering Professors' Council incoming President Professor Stephanie Haywood and Executive Director Susan Kay attended CaSE's Science Ministers' debate atĀ the Royal Society, on 14th January. Ā Some lively questioning - including one...

15 Jan 2015

OfQual: The assessment of practical work in GCSE science

This consultation sets out proposals for how practical work in new GCSE science qualifications due to be taught from 2016 should be assessed. This is a consultation about the assessment...

18 Dec 2014

Research Excellence Framework 2014

To see how your institution has fared in each of the engineering Units of Assessment, click on the pictureĀ and download the Excel workbook (100kB). Ā You will need Excel version 10....

18 Dec 2014

Winter 2014 Newsletter now available with a round-up of the REF results for engineering...

Our winter 2014 newsletter is now available with a round-up of the year so far, an overview of the REF results for engineering, news of work on a postgraduate information...

17 Dec 2014

Science and innovation policy published...

HM Treasury and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills have today, 17th December, 2014 published theirĀ ā€œPlan for Growth ā€“ science and innovationā€.Ā  While its tone is reassuring, with a...

2 Dec 2014

Engineers can become talented physics teachers...and support the profession of Engineering...and can earn Ā£20k while they train

In July 2011, the Institute of Physics was invited to the DfE for what we thought was going to be a routine consultation on physics teacher training numbers. In the...

28 Nov 2014

Parliamentary and Scientific Committee lunch - a report and a personal view from incoming EPC President Professor Stephanie Haywood

I was delighted to attend the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee's annual lunch at the House of Lords on behalf of the EPC on 26th November. Ā We were wondering why security...

18 Nov 2014

MSc Aerospace bursaries

The AeroMSc bursary scheme pays tuition fees for MScs in aerospace for study starting next academic year 2015-16. Applications are open now at www.raeng.org.uk. Please make your eligible STEM graduates...

10 Nov 2014

Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2014

The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 10th November 2014 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions Sub Committee chair, Professor Mike Bramhall.

3 Nov 2014

Engineering Skills: Perkins Review Progress Report published

Last year, The Perkins Review of Engineering Skills was launched. This report aimed to unite educators and employers within the engineering field to improve the supply and quality of engineering...

3 Nov 2014

Perkins Review One Year On Report launched at Tomorrow's Engineers Week 2014

An impressive groupĀ gathered at Shell UK's London headquarters this morning (3rd November, 2014) to launch Tomorrow's Engineers week 2014. Erik Bonino, Chairman of Shell UK (pictured) and Vince Cable the...

20 Apr 2015

8th IMA Mathematical Education of Engineers

SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS AND CONFERENCE FEES This Eighth MEE Conference will provide a full interactive one-day format covering current topics and initiatives of broad interest to the mathematical education...

26 Jan 2015 - 30 Jan 2015

UK and Kazakhstan Early Researchers Workshop on Waste Utilisation and Treatment

Call for participation The University of Wolverhampton is pleased to be the coordinator of a British Council sponsored workshop, under the Newton-Al-Farabi Partnership Programme, to be held in Almaty-Kazakhstan between...

28 Oct 2014

The Universe of Engineering - call to action

October, 2014. Ā The Royal Academy of Engineering has published its report: The Universe of Engineering - a call to action. The engineering profession has undergone profound changes over the past...

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