EPC Board Meeting 5th December 2024
There will be a meeting of the EPC Board taking place Thursday 5th December at 9.15am.
Spotlight on sustainability: Peace Engineering Dashboard on water, air quality, health, and finance
How can engineers help the public understand sustainability concerns?
Spotlight on ethics: Balancing risk and benefits when working with offshore contractors
Your contractor might be using forced labour in its workforce. What do you do?
All in for Engineering: co-designing a neuro-inclusive future
The EPC believes that an inclusive and positive university experience for neurodiverse engineering students is fair, healthy, and what the engineering profession – and society – needs. Universities and engineering...
Spotlight on sustainability: Integrating sustainability into robotics higher education courses
Creating a robot? How can the SDGs be considered throughout the process?
Spotlight on ethics: Tackling tough topics in discussion
How to make discussing ethical issues less daunting.
Three ways to influence REF 2029
While the assessment itself is still some way in the future, there are three things you can do now to influence the 2029 exercise. 1. Apply to be REF Panel...
RIKT sub group meeting 16th September 2024
Spotlight on sustainability: Using a factory fitness model to improve sustainability
How can sustainability be improved in manufacturing?
Spotlight on ethics: Debating the adoption of nuclear energy
This case study asks students to identify and define an open-ended problem in engineering
Spotlight on sustainability: Integrating sustainable development goals into computing projects
Can the SDGs be embedded in computing projects?
Spotlight on ethics: Why integrate ethics in engineering?
If you’d like to improve your own ethics learning, then our guidance article Why integrate ethics in engineering? is a great place to start.
Spotlight on sustainability: Collaboration resources
Eager to work with and learn from others working in sustainability in engineering education?
Sustainability Toolkit: Call for testimonials
Help us to understand its impact.
Spotlight on ethics: Feasibility of installing heat pumps at scale to reach net zero
You are an engineering consultant working for a commercial heat pump company. The company handles both the manufacture and installation of heat pumps. You have been called in by a...