25 Jun 2020

Does accreditation help or hinder innovation?

In advance of the EPC's forthcoming live webcast, one of the panellists, Prof Sean Wellington, considers whether the requirements of accreditation help foster new approaches to engineering higher education.

10 Jun 2020

President's Prize announced: Professor John Perkins honoured by the engineering academic community.

The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC), the representative body of engineering academics in UK universities, has announced that its biennial President’s Prize has been awarded to Prof John Perkins CBE FREng...

10 Dec 2020 - 11 Dec 2020

Annual International Conference of Multiphysics

The fifteenth International Conference of Multiphysics will be held virtually for the first time on 10-11 December 2020. The objective of the conference is to share and explore findings on...

23 Oct 2020

AAU Annual General Meeting

The AAU/Aerospace Sectoral Group AGM will take place starting at 1200 on Friday 23rd October and will be a virtual event instead of a physical one that was going to...

25 May 2020

Media release: University engineers across the UK commit expertise and equipment to join coronavirus struggle

Media Release Tales are emerging of the many ways that universities across the UK have stepped up to beat coronavirus and Engineering departments in particular have been at the forefront,...

20 May 2020

Engineering departments and the Covid-19 response

University engineers donate expertise and equipment in coronavirus struggle

6 May 2020

How will the probable collapse in international student numbers as a result of coronavirus affect UK Engineering departments? We’ve crunched the numbers.

We’ve all seen the higher education and national media coverage on the uncertainty around this year’s university admissions following the cancellation of exams and the extended UK-wide lockdown. The worldwide...

5 May 2020

REF 2021 timetable

This consultation ran from April to May 2020. The purpose of this consultation was to gather initial views on the REF timetable. Responses were invited from any organisation, group or...

14 May 2020

Engineering Education Research Big Meet Up

On the 14th May EERN are pleased to join up with partners from across the world to hold the first Engineering Education Research Big Meet Up. Across the whole day...

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