Press and media
Welcome to the Engineering Professors' Council's Press and media page. The EPC is happy to comment on stories and encourages the media to contact Johnny Rich in the first instance....
Why join?
The Engineering Professors' Council is the only body which represents the interests of the engineering disciplines right across higher education in the UK. We are the representative voice of engineering...
Our history
[su_row][su_column size="1/4" center="no" class=""] [/su_column][su_column size="3/4" center="no" class=""]The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC) was formed in January 1994 by a merger of the Engineering Professors’ Conference and the Committee for...
Thank you for your interest in working with us. We have no vacancies at present.
Get involved
The EPC aims to provide a forum within which engineers working in UK higher education can exchange ideas about engineering education and research, and come together to provide an influential...
Who we are
About us
[caption id="attachment_785" align="alignright" width="329"] Prof John Mitchell, EPC President 2023-2025[/caption] The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC) is the representative body for engineering academics (at all levels – not just professors) in...
Past consultations
New consultations
The EPC is the voice of engineering academics at all levels across higher education and our influence reaches throughout the engineering industry and national policy-making. We engage with: National and...
We are excited to share with you the EPC’s Campaigns portal, where you can access a wide selection of material related to the campaigns we are involved in. We would...
Data explorer
UCAS 2024 Admissions now updated! Next update: HESA 2022/3. Scheduled for Spring 2024Â The Data Explorer features visualisations specially designed to help EPC members explore a wealth of engineering sector...
Want to learn more about the EPC's influence across the engineering sector? Our publications are a great way to keep updated about the wide variety of activities and projects we...
The EPC provides a fantastic range of resources, including our Data explorer, publications, and toolkits. Feel free to explore.