New consultations
The EPC is the voice of engineering academics at all levels across higher education and our influence reaches throughout the engineering industry and national policy-making. We engage with: National and...
We are excited to share with you the EPC’s Campaigns portal, where you can access a wide selection of material related to the campaigns we are involved in. We would...
Data explorer
Next update: HESA 2022/3. Scheduled for early 2024 The Data Explorer features visualisations specially designed to help EPC members explore a wealth of engineering sector datasets and to show...
Want to learn more about the EPC's influence across the engineering sector? Our publications are a great way to keep updated about the wide variety of activities and projects we...
The EPC provides a fantastic range of resources, including our Data explorer, publications, and toolkits. Feel free to explore.
New events
Commemorating the centenary of the Electrical Association for Women (EAW)
Past events
News & events
Partners & supporters
The EPC works closely with many organisations that share our goals and interests. Many of these relationships are informal collaborations or focused on specific projects. In some cases, in order...
There are currently 96 UK universities which returned at least one member of staff in the engineering subject codes. For an up to date list of undergraduate engineering programmes, go...