24 Feb 2020

Launch of the Vertical Flight Society

This all-day launch of the Vertical Flight Society is a free-to-attend event to be held on Monday 24 February at the Royal Air Force Club in Mayfair - 128 Piccadilly,...

18 Feb 2020

GUEST BLOG: Engineers Without Borders UK

Engineers Without Borders UK kindly facilitated the recent EPC Board Retreat discussions on Ethics. Here they tell us about the twoĀ design challengesĀ they run at universities.

9 Jul 2020 - 10 Jul 2020

International Symposium Engineering Education 2020 (ISEE2020)

University of Strathclyde is hosting the 7th ISEE: Engineering Education for the 21st Century from 9-10th July 2020. Booking and further details are available here. Papers relevant to the conference...

16 Dec 2019

New approaches to Engineering Higher Education

Best Practice in Engineering Education The EPC has been working with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), academics and industry for over two years to encourage and support changes...

13 Dec 2019

EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey 2019

Firstly, a huge thank you for your contributions to this year's EPC engineering enrolments survey. The survey gives us all an early temperature check of the health of HE undergraduate...

27 Nov 2019

Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2019

The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at University of Wales Trinity St David's new SA1 Swansea Waterfront development on 27th November 2019 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions...

10 Nov 2019

Migration Advisory Committeeā€™s call for evidence on a salary threshold and points-based system

This consultation ran from September to November 2019. In June 2019, the government commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to carry out an in depth analysis ofĀ potential future salary thresholds...

31 Oct 2019

Compensation and Condonement: Response to proposed accreditation regulations

The Engineering Council proposed a policy on compensation and condonement, which will result in new rules being put in place for new cohorts on accredited programmes starting from September 2022....

10 Oct 2019

Guest blog: Time to Reflect on the Wellbeing of our Engineers

Studentsā€™ mental health is a deservedly hot topic in higher education. But is the conversation more difficult when it comes to engineering? Are the challenges greater?

9 Oct 2019

Brexit impact on UKā€™s engineering education sector: Exploring EU students and staff experiences

The Engineering Professorsā€™ Council and the UCL Centre for Engineering Education are running a research project, funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, that seeks to address and understand the...

15 Jan 2020

PHEE 2020 Conference

The 2020 Professors and Heads of Electrical Engineering Conference (PHEE), in conjunction with PHOMME (Professors and Heads of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) and the EPC (Engineering Professors' Council) will be...

8 Sep 2019

Improving Higher Technical Education: Department for Education

This consultation ran from July to September 2019. Higher technical education is post-18 education aligned to technical routes, such as accounting, engineering, management or laboratory science. The DfE sought to...

14 Dec 2019 - 15 Dec 2019

Annual International Multiphysics Conference

To be held at Al Ghurair University in Dubai from Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th December. The aerospace sessions will be sponsored by the AAU as in the past.

17 Aug 2019

Engineering Council Standards Review

The Engineering Council was in the process of undertaking its five-yearly review of its Standards, including those relevant to accreditation and approval. As part of this consultation, The Engineering Council...

13 Aug 2019

Guest blog: ā€˜If you were an engineer, what would you do?ā€™

If you are one of the 125,000+ passengers per day heading through Gatwick South this summer, you may just spot your universityā€™s Leaders Award prototype on the huge hoarding showcase.

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