How many applications to undergraduate engineering are from applicants in the most, and least, deprived areas in the UK?
Now updated for 2024 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2024) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude IMD/NIMDM/SIMD or WIMD using...
How many applications to undergraduate engineering are from applicants in areas most, and least, under-represented in HE (POLAR 4)?
Now updated for 2024 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2024) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). You can exclude Unknown using the POLAR4...
How many undergraduate engineering applications are from applicants known to have a disability?
Now updated for 2024 entry Toggle between years of entry (the default is 2024) and filter by engineering discipline (HECoS detailed subject group). No impairment is automatically filtered out using...
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EPC Annual Congress 2022: A Better World
Join us on the 7-9th June 2022 at UWE, Bristol for the EPC's Annual Congress, 'A Better World', focussing on engineering ethics, sustainability and recovery.
Office for Students Strategy for 2022-25
This consultation ran from November 2021 to January 2022. OfS sought to get views on their proposed strategy for 2022-25. The consultation proposes a plan of action that will guide...
Member login
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Membership subscription rates
Academic year 2024/25 It was agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May 2017 that the subscription rate going forward would be pegged to inflation (2.3% as of May...
Contact us
Whatever your enquiry, please fill out the following form or get in touch using the contact details below. [wpforms id="113185"] By email By phone Rhian Todd Memberships and Administrative...
How many university engineering students are there ?
PLEASE NOTE: Data currently featured in the Data Explorer is for purely illustrative purposes.
Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2021 webinar series
The EPC is delighted to announce the annual Recruitment & Admissions Forum, a web series again this year, with the theme ‘Doing it differently’.
New Approaches To Engineering In Higher Education
The EPC has been working with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), academics and industry for five years to encourage and support changes to how students are taught to...
Enrolments survey
Every year, the collective results of the EPC engineering enrolments survey give us all a first glance at engineering enrolments long before official data becomes available. We are grateful to...