RIKT Committee Meeting October 2023
There will be a meeting of the RIKT committee taking place Tuesday 17th October at 1pm.
EPC Annual Congress 2023 Feedback
Thank you for attending EPC Congress 2023: New models in Hereford from 12th to 1th June. To help us improve our events, please complete this brief survey. [wpforms id="122504" title="false"]
Engineering Ethics Toolkit: Reports and studies
Reports and studies on ethics within the Engineering sector.
Hammermen Award Poll
Please vote for one winner. Each Congress delegate may vote only once. Please do not forward this on to non-delegates. The posters and their summaries are provided below as a...
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Sustainability Toolkit
Welcome to the EPC’s Sustainability toolkit, produced in partnership with Siemens and the Royal Academy of Engineering. Here you will find our resource designed to help engineering educators integrate sustainability-related...
EPC consultations policy
The EPC will follow one of four pathways to prepare consultation responses: Full consultation Representative consultation Executive consultation No collective response The EPC Executive will decide which pathway to use...
EPC Congress 2023: Private Hire Transport
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