Topic: Research

event - New Approaches to Engineering HE

EERN Symposium: Time for change! Challenging the status quo in engineering education

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article - News

Nomination for REF 2021 Engineering Panel

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event - SEFI events

SEFI/CESAER European Convention for Engineering Deans, Directors and Departments Heads - A University Dialogue

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event - Other

World Engineering Education Forum 2017 - WEEF 2017

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event - Community event: PHEE

PHEE-PHOMME Annual Conference 2017

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event - Other

RAeS President's Conference

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article - Campaigns

Brexit impact in Engineering Higher Education

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article - Reports

Lord Stern’s Review of the Research Excellence Framework

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article - News

University College London partners with Primary Engineer to bring Special Leaders Award to London Schools

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article - Campaigns

IET's Engineering and Technology magazine: "Brexit: science, engineering and technology says no"

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