Topic: Internationalisation

event - Community event: AAU

EPC Sectoral Group - Association of Aerospace Universities: student prize

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article - Campaigns

Susan Kay in Nature, Feb 2014

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event - Community event: COMEH

12th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2014)

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event - Other

International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013

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article - Campaigns

Funded young researchers refused entry to UK, professional body warns

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event - Other

6th ICEBE - International Conference on Engineering and Business Education

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event - Other

15th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education

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event - Other

2013 Research in Engineering Education Symposium

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event - Other

4th International Research Symposium on Problem Based Learning

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event - New Approaches to Engineering HE

2013 Annual Meeting of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS)

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