Topic: HE funding

article - Reports

Fixing the foundations: creating a more prosperous nation

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article - News

REF funding implications starting to be announced...

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event - Community event: AAU

EPC Sectoral Group - Association of Aerospace Universities: student prize

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article - Reports

Reports available from Excellence in Postgraduate Education: Manufacturing, Materials and Design event

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event - HEA events

HEA Workshop: Flexible and seamless learning

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event - HEA events

New! Excellence in Postgraduate Engineering Education - Manufacturing, Materials and Design

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article - News

EPC welcomes capital funding for science and engineering

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article - News

BIS announces "investment in postgraduate study"

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article - Events

Universities UK International Conference: report from EPC Chair of EES working group

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article - Consultations

Letter on student number controls for 2014-15

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