Topic: Consultation

article - Campaigns

EPC response to QAA Consultation on the revised Engineering Subject Benchmark Statement

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article - Reports

President's Report 2022

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article - Opinions

The engineering benchmark statement is invaluable, let's defend it well

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article - Consultations

Jisc: Design of the UK’s future research assessment system

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article - Consultations

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Call for evidence: Delivering a UK Science & Technology Strategy

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article - Consultations

EPC responses to OfS Consultations

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article - Consultations

House of Commons Education Select Committee Call for evidence: Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

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article - Consultations

Office for Students consultation on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

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article - Consultations

Office for Students consultation on a new approach to regulating student outcomes (changes to B3 baseline)

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article - Consultations

Constructing student outcome and experience indicators for use in OfS regulation

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