Topic: Archive

article - Campaigns

Laura Pickard in The Engineer, 28 April 2014

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event - EPC Event

Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress 2014

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article - Opinions

House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee's inquiry into Business-University collaboration

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event - EPC Event

Annual General Meeting 2014

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event - Community event: AAU

EPC-AAU Flight Simulation and the Universities Seminar

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event - Other

UK Engineering Education Research Special Interest Group Symposium 2014

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article - Consultations

House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology : Inquiry into impact of immigration policy on STEM students

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article - Campaigns

Susan Kay in Nature, Feb 2014

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article - News

Engineering Professors' Council position statement on Maths and Further Maths A level reform

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event - HEA events

HEA STEM Strategies for Better Lectures - a workshop for European academic practitioners, 4 June 2014, Brussels, Belgium

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