Past consultations

8 Jun 2024

Engineers 2030 consultation

The Engineering Professors' Council, in collaboration with our Engineers Without Borders UK partners, invites you to contribute to the National Engineering Policy Centre's visions and principles for Engineers 2030. Engineers...

12 Mar 2024

IfATE Lifelong Learning Entitlement Consultation

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Institute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education is consulting on how the employer stamp of approval should be granted to...

15 Feb 2024

DfE Advanced British Standard consultation

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Department for Education (DfE) is seeking to introduce Ā a new Baccalaureate-style qualification framework for 16 to 19 year-olds, the...

13 Feb 2024

Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) Apprenticeship Public Survey

The EPC did not respond to this consultation. IfATE has launched an Apprenticeship Public Survey for Engineering & Manufacturing. The survey relates to apprenticeship materials across seven routes (including Business...

25 Sep 2023

OfS call for evidence on positive outcomes for students studying on a modular basis

The EPC position on this consultation can be found here. The Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) will be introduced for the 2025-26 academic year enabling student loan support for individual modules....

6 Sep 2023

OfS invitation to feedback on the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register

The OfSā€™ invites feedback on the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register. This is an unstructured call with no official deadline The EPC has previously warned the OfS that the EORR...

17 Aug 2023

OfS consultation on inclusion of Higher Technical Qualifications in student outcome measures

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Office for Students (OfS) is consulting on the introduction of a separate ā€œsplit indicatorā€ for higher technical qualifications (HTQs)...

3 Jul 2023

Research Excellence Framework 2028

In June 2023, the four UK higher education funding bodies published key decisions on the high-level design of the next research assessment exercise. The EPC's Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer...

3 Jul 2023

DfE call for evidence on Generative AI in education

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Department for Education (DfE) published a position on generative AI in education in March and have now issued a...

17 Mar 2023

House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee Inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS)

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee is launching an inquiry into the Office for Students (OfS), the regulator...

9 Feb 2023

UCAS: Future of undergraduate admissions (personal statements)

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here.UCAS has recently shared plans to reform the personal statement to a series of questions. You can read UCASā€™ Future of...

24 Jan 2023

Engineering UK Inquiry call for evidence - Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. AĀ new inquiry - led by Lord Willetts (Conservative) and Lord Knight (Labour)Ā in partnership with EngineeringUK - has been launched to...

17 Oct 2022

OfS consultation on a new approach to regulating equality of opportunity in English higher education

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Office for Students is proposing to take a new approach to the regulation of equality of opportunity in English...

22 Sep 2022

QAA consultation on draft Engineering subject benchmark statement

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is inviting responses to the draft Engineering subject benchmark statement. The EPC will be submitting...

30 May 2022

DfE consultation on Higher Education Policy Statement and Reform

The Department for Education (DfE) ran this consultation from 24th February 2022 to 6 May 2022. The consultation sought to get the views on proposals for higher education reform in...

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